您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年7月GMAT逻辑机经(7.27)(三).
(from yizhutou)说一个公司大部分head 退休了。而公司里qualified的能当head的employee只有1半。这个公司不打算招人,不打算减少department.于是大部分的department都会without head, since the company will NOT________________________________
注意变体V2 from flankfan (ID: 528948))大意是空出来的职位既不从外面招,也不让一个人兼两个部门,也不减少部门数(真黑啊,把这三种可能性全排除掉了,你让哥玩毛啊)。最后,我选了个让那些想退休的人再延期一阵子。其他的都不对,只有这个了.
V3 from holder1111就是那个部门领导职位空缺的题,说人手肯定不够,问加强。但是题目里就已经把部门合并、身兼多职这两个传统选项给排除了,最后我选的:senior领导不会下来降职当部门领导。
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.
A.promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions
B. raises the salary for department heads
C. reduces the number of new employees it hires next year
D.reduces the average number of employees per department
E.reduces the number of its departments
(from holacra)现在科学家发现honeybee的死亡率增加,并且认为这是因为现在养蜂人减少,导致a larger number of honeybees be kept and trucked together,从而导致某种疾病传播更容易(还是更泛滥),问to know which of the following can best evaluate the argument。我选了:在honeybee没有被kept和trucked together的时候,这种疾病在honeybee中传播的频率(frequency)。
V1 一题讲一种蜜蜂数量减少,有人说是因为人们把他们聚集起来,养吧,大概是这个意思,然后疾病容易传染这样。问evaluate。我选的是集中养的蜜蜂和不这样集中的蜜蜂死亡率的差别,好像是这个意思。。大家别凑活看吧。
V2 有个地方的蜜蜂死光光了,就有个人跳出来讲是养蜂人越来越少疏于管理。问哪一项最能评价结论的正确性
12 pebble for extraction
(v1 from fishaha)来extraction的有人用来吃的,问哪个是证明不是用来吃的
我选的周围有pebble for extraction
(V2 from Hugsy 二战710 V34 Q50那道pebble那道,太邪恶了,有6行,感觉像在做阅读,我选了E(完全没有把握,这题是第38题,估计属于高分区)
V3 fromray _shenchenpebble730 那个题目选项有两个都有pebble,我选few pebble在bowl上面那一项,不知道对不。
V4 from seraphy_0427 (51+40,750)是pebble那个,超级长,我选的是第一个,就说如果吃饭用,图案就会被磨掉,我不知道是不是变体。
13. 員工的效率的提高
员工在工作,用了一种特殊的instruction就提高了每分钟从document allocation的效率,问哪个削弱
我选了 false causation
14.榨汁機 oil mill
(from 514925)说发现某个古代城市那里有很多榨油机,而那些数量的榨油机所弄出的油已经远远超过了那个城市的用油量,因此那个城市一定出口了很多油。问削弱。我选了发现那个时代的榨油机很容易用坏。(因此需要许多备用的)
15 動物園員工染病
(v1 from 444727)说一个动物园员工感染某种疾病经测出是30%,其实远远不止30%,问原因:选员工得了重病的都会马上换其它工作.
(V2 from jiangliu 680)CR遇到了一个GWD题,就是动物园员工30%得病,问为什么公众发病率更高?选A,答案的排版和GWD是一样的,就是员工可以跳槽。(我唯一的一道见过的题阿!!!)还有就是建议大家看一下够里的第8个,这个很长,但是我是来不及看了蒙的。
(V3 quietisland 740) 有一个动物园的人得过敏的那个例子。这道逻辑应该很常见大家经常见到,答案是动物园的人经常换工作。
(V4 From意blue12 740 M50 V40 ) 动物园的工人感染的那个题,答案是A,感染之后就换工作了
People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts’ conclusion?
A. A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.
B. A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets at home
C. The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small.
D. Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animals kept in zoos.
E. Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care.
(from yizhutou)说一个公司大部分head 退休了。而公司里qualified的能当head的employee只有1半。这个公司不打算招人,不打算减少department.于是大部分的department都会without head, since the company will NOT________________________________
注意变体V2 from flankfan (ID: 528948))大意是空出来的职位既不从外面招,也不让一个人兼两个部门,也不减少部门数(真黑啊,把这三种可能性全排除掉了,你让哥玩毛啊)。最后,我选了个让那些想退休的人再延期一阵子。其他的都不对,只有这个了.
V3 from holder1111就是那个部门领导职位空缺的题,说人手肯定不够,问加强。但是题目里就已经把部门合并、身兼多职这两个传统选项给排除了,最后我选的:senior领导不会下来降职当部门领导。
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.
A.promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions
B. raises the salary for department heads
C. reduces the number of new employees it hires next year
D.reduces the average number of employees per department
E.reduces the number of its departments
(from holacra)现在科学家发现honeybee的死亡率增加,并且认为这是因为现在养蜂人减少,导致a larger number of honeybees be kept and trucked together,从而导致某种疾病传播更容易(还是更泛滥),问to know which of the following can best evaluate the argument。我选了:在honeybee没有被kept和trucked together的时候,这种疾病在honeybee中传播的频率(frequency)。
V1 一题讲一种蜜蜂数量减少,有人说是因为人们把他们聚集起来,养吧,大概是这个意思,然后疾病容易传染这样。问evaluate。我选的是集中养的蜜蜂和不这样集中的蜜蜂死亡率的差别,好像是这个意思。。大家别凑活看吧。
V2 有个地方的蜜蜂死光光了,就有个人跳出来讲是养蜂人越来越少疏于管理。问哪一项最能评价结论的正确性
12 pebble for extraction
(v1 from fishaha)来extraction的有人用来吃的,问哪个是证明不是用来吃的
我选的周围有pebble for extraction
(V2 from Hugsy 二战710 V34 Q50那道pebble那道,太邪恶了,有6行,感觉像在做阅读,我选了E(完全没有把握,这题是第38题,估计属于高分区)
V3 fromray _shenchenpebble730 那个题目选项有两个都有pebble,我选few pebble在bowl上面那一项,不知道对不。
V4 from seraphy_0427 (51+40,750)是pebble那个,超级长,我选的是第一个,就说如果吃饭用,图案就会被磨掉,我不知道是不是变体。
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲