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  16. NUT 过敏

  ( V1 from 444727) 碰到NUTS会过敏,为了保护学生,所以学校下了一个命令,不准有任何关于NUTS的东西在学校里,但是这个命令达不到它想达到的结果是因为:从来没有接触过NUTS的人,对NUTS过敏的概率增加

  (V2 from holacra)有些young children对peanut过敏,学校为了reduce过敏导致的life-threatening risk,决定制定一个禁令,问下面哪项可能会起不到以上效果,我选了最后一个,limited exposure to peanuts可能会导致孩子在接触peanuts是产生更严重的risk。


  (v1 from 444727)一个什么什么蝙蝠,分布在A地方,经过研究人员capture后,发现大部分都是X类的蝙蝠.在另外一个B地方,经人们通过对call的记录,发现25种蝙蝠里面,23种都不是X, B地方属于A地方,所以可以得出: X不太call,发声音.好像是

  V2 from yoshimihoku V38 740在N地,经过研究人员capture后,发现大部分都是蝙蝠都是popllxxx的,很少的是non-popxxxx的;但是在N的一个state叫T的地方,研究人员通过exam他们的call(我理解为叫声),发现(一堆数字,25,23,xx)(我理解为,non-poplll的反而多。问原因


  Non-popxxx的蝙蝠evade traditional 研究方法


  (V1 from 240721)说什么有个地方的人生活质量提高了,吃肉的人多了,但是需要wheat去produce肉,所以很快这个地方就要进口wheat了

  (V2 FROMzhouchaozorro)某国消费肉和Grain,本来是刚够。花很多磅grain可以生产1磅的肉,预计国民对于肉的消费会大幅增长,所以不久该国需要进口肉类。

  BASE on assumption?


  V1 (From richardmzq 720)



  V 2 from bearwenie 680有一题关于meat 和grain的变体,(就是某国的meat 和grain一直很难自给自足,(还有一句什么话),然后一定数量的grain可以产生一定数量的meat,最后说该国的grain将要继续需要进口), 问evaluate..

  V3 vvvjy8868 700 机经里面的,不过是变体,就是说一个国家原来自足的小麦和肉,结果现在收入高了肉消费多了,而生产一单位肉要消耗3单位小麦,肉和小麦产量近期不会上升,问作者假设,机经里的答案选项里都没有,我最后选了个该国目前没有出台法律禁止进口小麦,以后也不会出台这种法律

  V4 from葵之夏影 740 GWD变体 粮食&肉 结论要开始进口粮食

  问 assumption


  V5 from laputahx (ID: 417117)meat和grain那道,前面都一样,后面说未来人均收入上升,小麦产量不上升,所以会进口小麦,问assumption, 我比较肯定的是选肉的消费量和人均收入一块上升。

  考古: 有變化 要注意題目

  GWD Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat.However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average,per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average,and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.Therore,since per capita income continues to rise,whereas domestic grain production will not increase,Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  (A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will not decrease substantially

  (B) The population of Gortland has remained relatively constant during the country&aposs years of growing prosperity.

  (C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is roughly the same across all income levels.

  (D) In Gortland,neither meat nor grain is subject to government price controls.

  (E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain.

  19 歐洲容器

  ( from 240721)还有一个说有一个神秘的中世纪欧洲容器,被认为是用来分水的,上面有些不知所谓的arabic和greek... 问削弱

  20 ( FROM lynalice1987 (ID: 133360)) Hunter:Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forest’ deer population over the past ten years.Yet clearly, black bears have also played an important role in this decline.In the past ten years, the forest’s protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of them had recently fed on deer.

  In the hunter&aposs argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles?

  A.It is the main conclusion of the argument.

  B.It is an objection that has been raised against the main conclusion of the argument.

  C.It is a judgment that the argument opposes.

  D.It is a finding that the argument seeks to explain.

  E.It provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument.

  21. 不能捕魚

  (v1from yezi870514) 一个地方的fish少了,经济学家就站出来说,咱们不能光看眼前利益要顾及下长远利益,所以现在不能捕鱼,好好养养,等鱼多了,再捕鱼,但是捕鱼的人不干了,说这个政策实施了,我们现在没钱了,以后也捞不到好处(用现在的购买力计算)。问哪个可以反驳捕鱼的人。我选的是最后一个,说的是,这种政策实施了以后,以后出去一趟捕鱼的成本降低了。

  V2 Q50V36 总分720sherrysd (ID: 528579))一个地方政府限制捕鱼,渔民抗议,说赚钱少了,然后政府expert就说,就算他们补到鱼的数量不变,他们也可以赚到更多的钱,因为————


  V3 我选的也是选成本降低,因为提干说好像说了same number,所以不能说鱼rare了因此买的更贵了

  youngerlee 690 Q50V36 720sherrysd一个地方政府限制捕鱼,渔民抗议,说赚钱少了,然后政府expert就说,就算他们补到鱼的数量不变,他们也可以赚到更多的钱,因为———— 备选项有俩:1.渔夫可以charge更高的价格在那些[人们认为比较少的鱼上] 2.鱼多了后成本降低了. 我选的是E.成本降低,因为rare这个词实在很confusing,到底是珍稀鱼类还是少的鱼?而且这些鱼不是本来就已经很少了么

  V4 FROM FROMyoshimihoku740Q51V38一个地方的fish少了,经济学家就站出来说,咱们不能光看眼前利益要顾及下长远利益,所以现在不能捕鱼,好好养养,等鱼多了,再捕鱼,但是捕鱼的人不干了,说这个政策实施了,我们现在没钱了,以后也捞不到好处。经济学家说不会的。问原因?



  考古:from nowwsy

  V1还有一道,环保人士说渔民可以少捕鱼维持生态,渔民说这样收入就少了。环保家说不会。问加强环保人的观点。选 渔民虽然捕鱼少了但他们可以提价。(挺靠谱)

  V1 JJ第14题变体!我考到的也是说问加强。但是我的选项中关于渔民提价的说法是:渔民可以对一些rare的鱼charge比可以大量捕捞到的那些鱼更贵的价钱。所以我选的是,在未来cost会显著减少。因为profit=revenue-cost,cost减少也是一种可以保持甚至增加profit的方法嘛。剩下来的那些选项都是无关的。


  16. NUT 过敏

  ( V1 from 444727) 碰到NUTS会过敏,为了保护学生,所以学校下了一个命令,不准有任何关于NUTS的东西在学校里,但是这个命令达不到它想达到的结果是因为:从来没有接触过NUTS的人,对NUTS过敏的概率增加

  (V2 from holacra)有些young children对peanut过敏,学校为了reduce过敏导致的life-threatening risk,决定制定一个禁令,问下面哪项可能会起不到以上效果,我选了最后一个,limited exposure to peanuts可能会导致孩子在接触peanuts是产生更严重的risk。


  (v1 from 444727)一个什么什么蝙蝠,分布在A地方,经过研究人员capture后,发现大部分都是X类的蝙蝠.在另外一个B地方,经人们通过对call的记录,发现25种蝙蝠里面,23种都不是X, B地方属于A地方,所以可以得出: X不太call,发声音.好像是

  V2 from yoshimihoku V38 740在N地,经过研究人员capture后,发现大部分都是蝙蝠都是popllxxx的,很少的是non-popxxxx的;但是在N的一个state叫T的地方,研究人员通过exam他们的call(我理解为叫声),发现(一堆数字,25,23,xx)(我理解为,non-poplll的反而多。问原因


  Non-popxxx的蝙蝠evade traditional 研究方法


  (V1 from 240721)说什么有个地方的人生活质量提高了,吃肉的人多了,但是需要wheat去produce肉,所以很快这个地方就要进口wheat了

  (V2 FROMzhouchaozorro)某国消费肉和Grain,本来是刚够。花很多磅grain可以生产1磅的肉,预计国民对于肉的消费会大幅增长,所以不久该国需要进口肉类。

  BASE on assumption?


  V1 (From richardmzq 720)



  V 2 from bearwenie 680有一题关于meat 和grain的变体,(就是某国的meat 和grain一直很难自给自足,(还有一句什么话),然后一定数量的grain可以产生一定数量的meat,最后说该国的grain将要继续需要进口), 问evaluate..

  V3 vvvjy8868 700 机经里面的,不过是变体,就是说一个国家原来自足的小麦和肉,结果现在收入高了肉消费多了,而生产一单位肉要消耗3单位小麦,肉和小麦产量近期不会上升,问作者假设,机经里的答案选项里都没有,我最后选了个该国目前没有出台法律禁止进口小麦,以后也不会出台这种法律

  V4 from葵之夏影 740 GWD变体 粮食&肉 结论要开始进口粮食

  问 assumption


  V5 from laputahx (ID: 417117)meat和grain那道,前面都一样,后面说未来人均收入上升,小麦产量不上升,所以会进口小麦,问assumption, 我比较肯定的是选肉的消费量和人均收入一块上升。

  考古: 有變化 要注意題目

  GWD Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat.However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average,per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average,and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.Therore,since per capita income continues to rise,whereas domestic grain production will not increase,Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  (A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will not decrease substantially

  (B) The population of Gortland has remained relatively constant during the country&aposs years of growing prosperity.

  (C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is roughly the same across all income levels.

  (D) In Gortland,neither meat nor grain is subject to government price controls.

  (E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain.



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