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  8.1——8.14 GMAT逻辑机经 共57篇  

  3. 退休的领导(GWD变体)

  V1 from Scarlettma

  有一题是上个月狗狗的变体吧,就是说一个公司的管理层要退休了,然后员工里面可以胜任的不到空位的一半,然后公司又不准备外面招人,又不准备减少部门,又不准备干嘛,所以得出结论,明年该公司一定会缺少管理层,because they will not________

  选项有减少每个部门责任 和 降低管理人员的qualifications。我选择的就是降低qualifications

  V2 from floret0306


  GWD-13-Q7: 注意参考题干即可,问法是变体,选项貌似也不同。

  Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

  A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.

  A. promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions

  B. raises the salary for department heads

  C. reduces the number of new employees it hires next year

  D. reduces the average number of employees per department

  E. reduces the number of its departments (answer)

  考古 So 让我们来回顾下上个月的太太乐吧:

  V1 一个公司大部分head 退休了。而公司里qualified的能当head的employee只有1半。这个公司不打算招人,不打算减少department.于是大部分的department都会without head, since the company will NOT_______

  注意变体V2 大意是空出来的职位既不从外面招,也不让一个人兼两个部门,也不减少部门数(真黑啊,把这三种可能性全排除掉了,你让哥玩毛啊)。最后,我选了个让那些想退休的人再延期一阵子。其他的都不对,只有这个了.

  V3 就是那个部门领导职位空缺的题,说人手肯定不够,问加强。但是题目里就已经把部门合并、身兼多职这两个传统选项给排除了,最后我选的:senior领导不会下来降职当部门领导。

  4. 投诉医院质量

  V1 from Scarlettma

  很多人去投诉说医院medical intern的质量(意思大概就是护工那种照顾的质量)下降了,是因为他们的工作时间过长了,然后纽约州就出了一个规定,限制他们的工作时间,然后这个很多其他州也出台了这样的规定,说明这个问题被人家广泛认识到了。

  问weaken 我选择的答案是 因为其他州不这样的话没办法recuit talented intern

  V2 from duke3d001 (750+)


  V3 from mihayxiaolu (760)



  V4 from joe5436611


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