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  8.22 AA(三)

  6. nininana; gmatethan; mikeandy 3次

  The following appeared in an article in the health section of a newspaper.

  “There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.” (pool第43题)


  1. 从一个医院的情况就推广到整个太草率

  2. 治愈率低可能是因为接受的患者得的病都比较罕见等原因造成的

  3. 工资低,总体利润低,时间分配给教学都不能一定说明质量差。可能其他福利好,接受的病人少,教学研究有助于进步

  1. 首先,医生的人数与质量之间没有必然的因果原因。profit跟质量也无关系。很可能treating price is significantly lower。

  2. 成功率不能说明问题。缺乏其他的证据,忽略了他因:比如因为质量高,所以很多serious illness的,而送往其他医院的一般都是common cases.

  3. 时间不能代表问题。因为那些医生所做的研究很可能帮助他们进行治疗。

  --from 5月JJ

  7. volcanobird; kittymiao3 2次

  Greentree Grocers has been experiencing high sales volume but decreasing profit margin. Its customers are wealthy people looking for gourmet food and luxury shopping experience, so it must cut costs without hurting the customers&apos shopping experience. So it plans to layoff 10 employees per store and eliminate expensive displays and free samples. In addition, it will partner with XX Cafe to have a coffee shop in each store. This is supported by a recent survey that the Grocers and the Cafe attract similar types of customers. The conclusion is that Greentree Grocers will experience high sales volume as well as high profit margin.

  8. IvyDC; JIAXIN1208 2次


  V2 说在家工作或者自己创业没有在stable的office来的好,因为家里有很多其它影响因素,另外自制力差,而且opportunity少。


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