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  12. venus2elva; wy007


  The artist Renoir’s last word was “flowers,” spoken as they arranged a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden in a vase on his bedroom windowsill.

  A. as they arranged a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden

  B. as a bouquet of roses had beenjust picked from his garden and was being arranged

  C. as a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden was being arranged

  D. during the arrangement of a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden

  E. while theyarranged a bouquet of roses that had just been picked from his garden


  13. 有个选项有controls cost, controls cost之类的,cost是动词,和前面的主语对应,应选costs,controls和前面的对应,答案是controls costs,确定

  (不很明白狗主人的意思…… --SindyWawa)

  14. 选项有enough,extensively,经过简单排除还有两项,其中一个有sufficent 和enough我觉得重复了应该选没有sufficient那一项,而且还有一个extensively

  15. 有个including的,非划线部分由agencies,后面有including 和which include,带which的都不对,选including 三个部分,由学校之类的,后面是and,后面和前面的动名词平行

  16. 有个possibility,后面跟that

  17. 有个选at three times

  18. 一个not only but also严格对应

  19. 一个not by but by

  20. include 名词,开始划线,我选的是v+ing 什么, and risining of什么。


  21. 整句都划线的,我选的是:(大概的意思,注意动词时态。)the economic had suffered a 什么什么的decrease for the first quarter, the economist felt that a recovery is a good possible,

  22. 大家关注一下两个词的区别:misconception和misnomer(这个词不确定是不是就是我考场上遇到的那个,看着比较像)

  A. That+clause is a misnomer

  B.that+clause is a misconception


  D. it is a misnomer that...

  E. it is a misconception that


  23. 比较,unlike regional mysteries of 人名, 划线,考对比对象

  选项有:A(人名 )+谓语...

  A`s novel...

  the novel of A...

  the location of A`s novel...

  24.有考到一题not only...,but also...的,这题很简单,找平行就行,破绽明显,but also后面是contribute(v.)

  25.有一题选项里有, make it possible to..; make possible that...;大家关注一下make加adj.的用法吧

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