


2017/08/10 19:49:32 编辑: 浏览次数:197 移动端

  2010.9.1——9.13 GMAT作文机经 AA篇



  V2说什么Fishborn brewery的,什么要大力发展它的national market尽管产量更不上什么的~说产量跟不上会造成供应不足,反而会使产品需求增大什么

  考古:Fishbone Brewery is a regional small-scaled Brewery that produces a rare and exotic beer. They have hired a consultant who recommended Fishbone to start a national campaign immediately which will lead to high demand for Fishbone beer. Since Fishbone has not yet have the ability to meet excessive demand, those delays in excessive demand will increase the reputation of Fishbone, and thus, pump up the sales. The consultant predicts that within 3 years, Fishbone will become a national leader in beer industry (感谢likebeing 提供)




  3.此外除非商业班收十分昂贵的服务费用或者有十分多的事故事实这些都是不可能的, 改成商业是不见得就可以给该镇增加很多税收的.所以把这一点作为理由是不正确的.

  1.错误类比 两个城市不一样,很可能因为西和东的不一样,比如,路的情况traffic condition。可能东的车辆更好。服务的态度更好。而且没有说东的志愿情况如何,很可能东的志愿比商业的快。


  另外,除非商业可以charge considerable fees 或者 accident rate非常高,否则未必带来可观的revenue。

  A. In the first place, the arguer ignores other factors that might account for the longer average response time as revealed bu the recent review.

  B. In the second place, the arguer infairly reduces better patient care to shorter response time to accidents.

  C. Finally, the arguer fails to support the claim that hiring a commercial ambulance service would automatically raise revenue for West Cambria.

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