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  2010.9.1——9.13 GMAT作文机经 AI篇

  AI1 Physical activity and sports is as important in a student&aposs academic s education

  AI2 Celebrities are uniquely qualified to address social problems, because of their high status and access to resources.

  Celebrities are uniquely qualified to ficiently address social problems, because of their high-profile status and access to resources.

  The issue at hand is whether celebrities are uniquely qualified to fciently address social problems.

  They have high-profile status and easy access to resources, which makes them frequently in front of cameras and media so it would be easy for them to express ideas and thoughts and make their voices heard publicly.

  But it is not always the appropriate way to let celebrities qualified for addressing social problems, because it is not their duty to do so.

  It is in the best interest of political figures and government officials to address social problems, it would be inappropriate to let such a duty fall upon the shoulder of celebrities. Very often we see the political figures and government officials stand in front of mass media during a press conference, and make public announcement or news bulletin concerning public issues and social phenomenon. Such as the white house weekly press conference addressing social issues and schedules of the week, and the presidential weekly speech focusing on certain topics during the week. Such a weekly address would inform the public of the currently on-going matters in the country and how the government, local districts cope with these matters which closely relate to people&aposs lives. The fort and method involved in those issues must be taken in a political range, and should be called upon by political figures as it is their duty to do so.

  Additionally, although celebrities have high-profile status, they don&apost necessarily have the potential and adequate backgroud information to address social issues properly. They need to be carul of their speech and action, as their high-profile status could largely influence many people. As in the case of Sharon Stone, who remarked on the terrible earthquake in China last year, she described it to be a carma because Chinese people didn&apost treat Tibetans well. Her comment infuriated many people who were devoted to resuing those buried in the debries and suffered from the loss of family members and property loss, and a nationwide criticism surged against her.

  Admittedly, celebrities could influence people to some extent, but this doesn&apost mean they could be qualified to take the job of well addressing public issues and appropriately expressing public concerns. They might simply overstate or understate social issues due to lack of necessary research methods and enough information, and their remarks and comments would cause public sensations and incur turbulent clashes among different groups of people so they need to be discreet when showing their opinions. It is often seen that many entertainment celebrities aviod the political topics, because they are afraid to get involved in unnecessary troubles.

  To conclude, the duty of addressing public issues is better let to political figures and government officials as they know in a professional way how to address appropriately. With necessary research method and survey results, those people could present a comparatively object fact and influence a large population. Celebrities should be carul to express their opinions otherwise their public images could be negatively affected.

  AI3 Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.”

  AI4 Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences.

  AI5 “Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”

  AI6 to strengthen national security, whether governments 该access to their citizen&aposs library check-out record and internet 什么activity

  AI7 Popular entertainment is overly influenced by commercial interests. Superficiality, obscenity, and violence characterize films and television today because those qualities are commercially successful.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this opinion. To support your position, use reasons and/or examples from your reading, your observations, or your experiences as a consumer of popular entertainment.

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