


2017/08/10 19:48:11 编辑: 浏览次数:224 移动端


  .complete the sentence的:先说了新能源怎么好怎么好,但是很多人因为它太贵了还是不太用得起,而传统能源的市场份额还是很大,最后问为了保持和扩展传统能源的市场份额,传统能源的老板应该———我选的是:在提升能源价格的时候要特别小心 gracighting


  我选 exercise caution when the price is rising because of the increasing demand helloiamSherry 740


  当时都没太看懂那逻辑。说某国政府为了鼓励个人和企业安装太阳能,给他们提供了巨额补贴。但是某组织认为这个方法不利于提高全球的the capability of solar resouce。问为什么。我选的是因为需求的增加会推高全球的太阳能价格。dyhy750(M50V41

  V2. 在一个日照不足的城市,政府补助安装太阳能设备的个人与企业,但专家预测世界范围内太阳能设备的capacity将下降。问解释。

  我选因为increasing demand 将increase the price,以致一些国家不能承担(不知对否诶~~)helloiamSherry 740

  V3. 是讲一个能源工业。国家补贴这个产业,这个产业也挺争气的,产量变成了原来的7倍。但是专家却预测在世界上这种能源的产量将下降;

  我的答案是,国家补贴导致世界范围内能源价格提升,有些国家用不起,被高价挤出市场 LyraHSZ 770(V45 Q51)

  V4. 里面有个expert revise downward his prediction on the the capability(还是capacity) of solar resouce.我也选随着demand上升,价格就会涨,然后就会把一些国家price out了。horacetengolin 740 Q51 V39

  83. valley的粮食生产

  很多valley的粮食生产地都靠山上流下来的冰雪融水提供水源。但由于global warming, 融雪在夏天~~~(有个不识词)。于是专家预测全球范围内靠冰雪融水的valley产粮总量将下降。问evaluate?

  我选 to what degree global warming 使原来太冷的valley 变得可以耕种了 helloiamSherry 740

  V2.世界的粮食生产很多都是靠“valley地区靠山上流下来的冰雪融水提供水源的生产”。但由于global warming, 提前融雪使得融雪的灌溉跟作物生长需要用水的季节错开了(具体词我记不起来哪个了)。于是专家预测全球范围内靠冰雪融水的valley产粮总量将下降。问evaluate?

  选(大概意思,不是这么表达的)提前融雪,会不会浇灌另一些valley,这些valley原本融雪的灌溉和作物生长是错开的。(大概就是,融雪的时间变化,使得本来常量高的下降了,但是可能造就一批新的产量高的地区) cuixl


  我也选 to what degree global warming 使原来太冷的valley 变得可以耕种了 croustillant 740 Q 51 V39

  84. 热带雨林

  .在过去,即使偶尔出现drought,热带雨林也不至死亡。但由于global warming,drought变得更频繁了,再加上由于气温上升而带来的更频繁的fire,大片热带雨林将要灭绝。问assumption?

  我选连年的drought将使雨林死亡(感觉不对诶~~) helloiamSherry 740


  问 support 我选的是气候越干燥,森林大火就会发生的越频繁。

  题目差不多。结论是:如果森林没有时间(have no time to)恢复就会使森无法Recover,从而消失。


  答:选的是森林有时间是可以恢复的 by queenie924

  85. GWD变体

  RDS 收音机program的题 station增加了,可以听RDS的收音机却没增加。应该也是上面那几套GWD里的 请同学考古吧~ 疯子拉拉


  Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  A. few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.

  B. In 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.

  C. Equipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station’s listening area.

  D. In 1996 Verlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.

  E. The RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming.


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