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  116. 一道 sb think of sth not as expense,but as......(我选的) 还有一个答案是as not expense, but as.....

  117.Scientists discover caves that range from xxx to xxx 【wide, deep from xxx, and 】 name them after friends and family


  我选的是wide and are deep from xxx, and they


  118. 语法有一道是including melting那个,选E

  119. 对 working, for doing 划线的,好像是并列结构,应该把for doing改成and do

  120. 第一题 provide to 这个选项 选E吧好像

  121. as rather than 的用法仔细看

  122. 有一个考Wait 和 await 但是LZ 觉得不靠这点一样可以解题!


  wait:vi. (for)等;(on)服侍

  Await:vt. 等候,期待;将降临到…身上


  123.还有一个 考 in days or in weeks 和 daily 和weekly 的,

  124.misnomer和misconception那题,有整个句子作主语和It is adj+that....is a misnomer/misconception的考点,我选的是it is adj that .....misconception.

  125.both....and和both...with;both...as well as等混淆项的考点,找到both..and就可以了

  126.the rate of xx..three times more than the rate.. 第二个rate前面有of的俱是混淆选项,因为是rate和rate之间的比较

  127.记得一道题好像是这样的: Having contained 60 spieces of plants, the tropical rain forest still contains (什么 40-45 spieces of plants unknown to) the scientists. 这里的unknown to是一个考点,需后接unknown to谁,不能放到前面或者置换成plants的定语。


  129.wait ,await 我选了E,虽然最长是其他的两倍,很想要直接排除的,但是考虑了3分钟,其他选项都有致命缺点(我认为的),还是忍痛选他了,

  130.有个unlike(the。。。),the 。。。的,括号里面是我选的,有个迷惑选项是没有the。

  还有个,ABC选项是make a decision, CD是 decide to 。。我选的是动词的

  131.while its counterpart US take 7 to 8years,japan 每三年都有重新设计产品。 貌似是全划线,很简单,反正不是A选项,要表达的意思就是和美国要花7到8年的时间,日本是每三年就redesign。

  132.艾兰图灵 said that when computers, the questions of them would arise.

  A.got B.having gotten C.would have gotten D.忘了 E.忘了

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