


2017/08/10 19:38:40 编辑: 浏览次数:205 移动端

1.3Human (Woman) Revolution & Historical stuff


V1 by: jessiecg


V2 by: zy1244 700


In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia

, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.

Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.Rining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia

s Quaker schools for three years or longer.While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital belis and practices.These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia

B. discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books

C. counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage

D. present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia

E. challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?

A. Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.

B. The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.

C. Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.

D. Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.

E. The influence of the wide range of marital belis and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.

B. The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.

C. Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.

D. The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.

E. The poetry celebrated marital belis and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.


Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?

A. The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.

B. Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling bore enrolling.

C. Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.

D. The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.

E. In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.

整理者手中的答案版本为:A C D B

1.3.2 黑人奴隶自由△

V1 by: ruoruoiris

一屏半。。。有点小长,但很好读。。。讲美国南北战争前黑人奴隶获取自由的。第一段简单介绍了一下,一些企业主和奴隶主对黑人的管制不是很紧之后,一些黑人奴隶就把自己平时赚到或者节省下来的food,产品之类拿到local market上去卖,然后赚到足够的钱来赎取自己的自由。

第二段说一些获得自由的黑人开始帮助那些还生活在水深火热里的黑人奴隶,举了个例子,成立了个啥组织,专门帮助黑人获取自由。(有题)有自由的黑人就通过几种方式帮助其他黑人:直接的经济资助、hiring their time、给travel in and out of cities的黑人提供shelter,还有一个方式。。。(sorry,我忘了。。。)(有题)。





3 主题:就是为了说明南北战争前获得自由的黑人通过一些方式帮助其他奴隶。

V2 by: cicijinlan 700


V3 by: icemy11.6

第一段简单介绍了一下,一些企业主和奴隶主对黑人的管制不是很紧之后,一些黑人奴隶就把自己平时赚到或者节省下来的food,产品之类拿到local market上去卖,然后赚到足够的钱来赎取自己的自由。

第二段说一些获得自由的黑人开始帮助那些还生活在水深火热里的黑人奴隶,举了个例子,成立了个啥组织,专门帮助黑人获取自由。(有题)有自由的黑人就通过几种方式帮助其他黑人:直接的经济资助、hiring their time、给travel in and out of cities的黑人提供shelter,还有一个方式。



3、主题:我答:评估黑人。。。 反正我没选黑人怎么样帮助其他人。 我感觉看整体嘛。

考古 蒙小灰 待确认



Eden(名字不确定)认为殖民时期的美国南方黑人通过在做奴隶之外打工来赚钱,攒钱为自己赎身。但是研究发现,由于不打工的话,黑人也能通过自己种东西卖来赚钱,所以打工的并没有存更多的钱。但是Eden的观点persists among历史学家们inadequately consider both the research results and the role Africa American communities played。在哥伦比亚时期,会有黑人组织-比如说某某组织,提供钱给黑人赎身,或者通过和他们交换物品,提供住宿等方式帮助他们。



还有一篇是slave labor那个,人们过去认为黑人赎回自己自由的方法忽视了community的作用,问到了解放了的黑奴用了很多方法帮助未解放黑奴except哪一个,还问了主旨题(750




奴隶寻求自由方式奴隶如果获得自由.BK认为,奴隶主要是通过为paying employer和奴隶主工作存钱或自由的,一般没有什么其他方式存钱赎身.可是事实上,奴隶也通过自己种庄稼,在市场上交易赚钱,这样赚钱不比工作的少.支持BK的人明显忽略了一个事实,那就是在大城市,奴隶获自由的多于其他地方.在大城市,自由的奴隶帮助其他奴隶自由,individually or through some 机构.举例某机构,为奴隶治病的机构,帮助奴隶获得自由(这里没有太明白).问题: 1. 支持BK的人认为什么? 2. 文章举例某机构是为了说明什么?




说的是传统理论认为美国黑奴都是利用给雇主或者农奴主打工,来赚取一点钱,自己赎身。但是一学家说不是这样的,因为黑奴都自己种地养活 2010年10-11月GMAT阅读机经(至11.7)(十二)2010年10-11月GMAT阅读机经(至11.7)(十二)

1.3Human (Woman) Revolution & Historical stuff


V1 by: jessiecg


V2 by: zy1244 700


In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia

, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.

Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.Rining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia

s Quaker schools for three years or longer.While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital belis and practices.These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia

B. discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books

C. counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage

D. present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia

E. challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?

A. Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.

B. The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.

C. Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.

D. Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.

E. The influence of the wide range of marital belis and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.

B. The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.

C. Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.

D. The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.

E. The poetry celebrated marital belis and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.


Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?

A. The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.

B. Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling bore enrolling.

C. Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.

D. The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.

E. In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.

整理者手中的答案版本为:A C D B



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