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1.3.3 二战美国女性与政治★

V1 by: moonsook 730


The fields of antebellum (preCivilWar) political history and women’s history use separate sources and focuson separate issues.Political historians, examining sources such as votingrecords, newspapers, and politicians’writings, focus on the emergence in the1840’s of a new “American politicalnation,” and since women were neithervoters nor politicians, they receive littlediscussion.Women’s historians, mean-while, have shown little interest in thesubject of party politics, instead drawing on personal papers, legalrecordssuch as wills, and records offemaleassociations to illuminate women’sdomestic lives, their moral rormactivities, and the emergence of thewoman’s rights movement.

However, most historians haveunderestimated the extent and significance of women’s political allegiancein the antebellum period.For example,in the presidential election campaignsof the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig partystrove to win the allegiance of Virginiaswomen by inviting them to rallies andspeeches.According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at theparty’s rallies gathered informationthat enabled them to mold party-loyalfamilies, reminded men of moral valuesthat transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party.Virginia Democrats, in response,began to make similar appeals towomen as well.By the mid-1850’sthe inclusion of women in the rituals ofparty politics had become common-place, and the ideology that justifiedsuch inclusion had been assimilatedby the Democrats.

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