


2017/08/10 19:37:03 编辑: 浏览次数:61 移动端


21. 出现日期:11.27 nicol108

AI 是不是应该控制小孩子上网,是不是应该限制成人级内容,反正大概是这个意思

15. “Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.”*

*The Internet is a worldwide computer network.

The issue here is whether an international fort to regulate children&aposs access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory fort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of the problem.

Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting children&aposs access to pornographic material. Pornographic material tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual beings, and of how people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child pornography, the messages children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way to their emerging sexuality. Given this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should regulate children&aposs access to sexually explicit material on the internet.

国际合作在这中间十分必要.因为这种犯罪的遏止如同当年控制臭氧空洞(ozone depletion)的元凶PRIME CRIMINAL(CFC)时候一样单独靠一个国家的力量这种污染是无法遏止的.

诚然,会遇到很大的政治制约(POLITICAL HURDLE)

regulate access material worthwhile cooperative regulatory

universality普遍性广泛性I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of this problem.

pornographic色情的 sexual性的性别的 emerging浮现出来的 sexuality 性特征bound contained within national border be akin to emission release phenomenon regulation contamination污染物 contaminate admittedly formidable hurdle compliance 服从顺从consequence结果 cooperate

1, pornographic material has seriously negative fect on children-misleading their sense of sex, of the normal relationships between people, and of themselves as sexual beings. 儿童的好奇心以及缺乏正确的认识,are vulnerable to the bad influence of such adults materials,从而distract their concentration from study to those distorted notions. 人们有责任和义务帮助孩子,protect them from being hurt and influenced by such materials.

2, However, 国家范围内的regulations lose their previous fectiveness because of the development of internet. Just as the companies which contaminate the natural environment move to other countries after being punished, so the company offering pornographic materials on line can move to other parts of the world to avoid punishment. 所以,国家联合起来,非常有必要。 可以通过象环保那样的联合的和约。

3, Admittedly, 有困难,与甚至敌对的国家hostile 但是不能放弃努力。

Optional words:

Regulation/ law/ restriction

Limit/confine/.control/ hamper/ inhibit/

Thesis sentence:

View1: adult material on the internet may have terrible affect on children with immature point of view and judgment.

Evidence: pornographic material. tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, and of how people ought to treat one another.

View2:since Internet has no national boundaries, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory fort.


22. 出现日期:11.28 fengyeshidai

36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”

The author&aposs assert brings in the controversail and complex question that is being discussed a lot now : teamwork or individual energy and commitment, which one is more important to a company or other types of organizaitons? The author claims that teamwork has been overemphasized. To the contrary, I believe that is the author who makes an overemphasis by saying "It is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and engergy, who gets things done.

1. 每个个人都是组织的一个组成成员。每个人都各司其职。尤其是在科学技术如此进步的今天很少有人能象作者所说的那样独立完成一项任务。事实上每个人都是完成了工作的一个部分一个方面,而合在一起才有了团队的成功。

2. 一个公司一个组织并不是所有成员的简单加总.如果是这样的话,那么也就没有必要形成一个团队了每个人独立完成就好了.事实上一个团队可以把个体有机的组织在一起,使整体的运做更有效率更有成效,这才识组织存在的原因.

3. 诚然集体的每个任务都是许多个别员工的努力组成的.但是这其中的每个人都不是完全独立的.没有设计人员,生产人员无法生产,而没有生产人员,销售人员亦无法销售.

regimentation团队精神 each does his or her own duty technology organic organically

View1: ficiency comes from work divisions. In today’s business world, it is unpractical for one person to accomplish an entire program. Actually, only every competent person finishes one part of the mission, entirely whole program get done.

View2: An organization is not simply put competent people together but combine them to form a organic integrity, thus induce higher ficiency an productivity.

23. 出现日期:11.28jolinchen

23. “Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values.”

24. 出现日期:11.30 Marilyn_love

112. “Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.”

25. 出现日期:11.30joysnoopy

25. 出现频率2

33. “People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform.”

1. 人们不会尊重一个不能完成他要求别人完成的任务自己却不能完成的领导。这是人之常情,人们通常都只会欣赏和尊敬比自己优秀的人,而不喜欢被一个不能完成任务却命令自己去做的人心存敬意。例如克林顿总统当commander-in-chi 的时候,由于众所周知他曾经逃避兵役,很自然的下级军官和士兵都不是很尊重他。

2. 人们不信任一个自己完不成任务却要求别人去完成的人。仍然举克林顿总统的例子。由于他逃兵役被视为没有能力,下级都对他的决策心存怀疑,这也就潜在的导致了执行上的不尽心不尽力。

3. 诚然是否能完成自己交给别人的任务并不是衡量一个leader重要指标。可能领导能力、,组织能力、运筹能力更为重要,但是我们不能忽视人们心理上的看法,尽管它可能并不合理但它确实是存在的。

normal human feelings admire adore respect superior to evade escape military service subordinate soldier be doubtful of be suspicious of execution implement admittedly true potentially evaluate index leadership psychological psychology psychologic psychologist exist subsist ...in ... serves as a fitting and public example

1. 诚然,如果在其领导的领域内几乎一窍不通,一个领导很难得到下属的信任和支持,会被看作layperson. 比如,人们无法想象一个不具备任何电脑知识的人,该如何领导一个庞大的IT企业,比如MICROSOFT在激烈的市场中竞争。

2. 但是,这是否意味着作为领导,必须要有能力完成每一项他要求下属做的事呢?这个问题,与领导和员工的真正作用有很大关系!首先,领导的职责是制定长期的发展方针,并且保证这个方针的贯彻执行,adhere to their strategic plans不被偏离。组织员工共同合作完成任务。on the other hand, 员工的作用是各司其职,更加具体的specific task.

3. 从以上两种职责不难看出,领导与员工起到significantly different functions,让领导完成每一个subordinate要做的工作,unfair的。比如,不能blame a CEO for lacking the skills of typing。要对下属做的事有很好的了解,但不一定都要做。否则,领导就失去了意义,成为了一个全能的工人。omnipotent worker with all kinds of skills.

View1: It is human nature to admire then follow someone who is more competent than themselves.

View2: But a feature of a good leader is to organize people with different specialities together and let them perform as a whole. It is too ideal to expect the leaders to have all the specialities of his subordinates.




21. 出现日期:11.27 nicol108

AI 是不是应该控制小孩子上网,是不是应该限制成人级内容,反正大概是这个意思

15. “Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.”*

*The Internet is a worldwide computer network.

The issue here is whether an international fort to regulate children&aposs access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory fort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of the problem.

Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting children&aposs access to pornographic material. Pornographic material tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual beings, and of how people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child pornography, the messages children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way to their emerging sexuality. Given this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should regulate children&aposs access to sexually explicit material on the internet.

国际合作在这中间十分必要.因为这种犯罪的遏止如同当年控制臭氧空洞(ozone depletion)的元凶PRIME CRIMINAL(CFC)时候一样单独靠一个国家的力量这种污染是无法遏止的.

诚然,会遇到很大的政治制约(POLITICAL HURDLE)

regulate access material worthwhile cooperative regulatory

universality普遍性广泛性I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of this problem.

pornographic色情的 sexual性的性别的 emerging浮现出来的 sexuality 性特征bound contained within national border be akin to emission release phenomenon regulation contamination污染物 contaminate admittedly formidable hurdle compliance 服从顺从consequence结果 cooperate

1, pornographic material has seriously negative fect on children-misleading their sense of sex, of the normal relationships between people, and of themselves as sexual beings. 儿童的好奇心以及缺乏正确的认识,are vulnerable to the bad influence of such adults materials,从而distract their concentration from study to those distorted notions. 人们有责任和义务帮助孩子,protect them from being hurt and influenced by such materials.

2, However, 国家范围内的regulations lose their previous fectiveness because of the development of internet. Just as the companies which contaminate the natural environment move to other countries after being punished, so the company offering pornographic materials on line can move to other parts of the world to avoid punishment. 所以,国家联合起来,非常有必要。 可以通过象环保那样的联合的和约。

3, Admittedly, 有困难,与甚至敌对的国家hostile 但是不能放弃努力。

Optional words:

Regulation/ law/ restriction

Limit/confine/.control/ hamper/ inhibit/

Thesis sentence:

View1: adult material on the internet may have terrible affect on children with immature point of view and judgment.

Evidence: pornographic material. tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, and of how people ought to treat one another.

View2:since Internet has no national boundaries, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory fort.


22. 出现日期:11.28 fengyeshidai

36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”

The author&aposs assert brings in the controversail and complex question that is being discussed a lot now : teamwork or individual energy and commitment, which one is more important to a company or other types of organizaitons? The author claims that teamwork has been overemphasized. To the contrary, I believe that is the author who makes an overemphasis by saying "It is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and engergy, who gets things done.

1. 每个个人都是组织的一个组成成员。每个人都各司其职。尤其是在科学技术如此进步的今天很少有人能象作者所说的那样独立完成一项任务。事实上每个人都是完成了工作的一个部分一个方面,而合在一起才有了团队的成功。

2. 一个公司一个组织并不是所有成员的简单加总.如果是这样的话,那么也就没有必要形成一个团队了每个人独立完成就好了.事实上一个团队可以把个体有机的组织在一起,使整体的运做更有效率更有成效,这才识组织存在的原因.

3. 诚然集体的每个任务都是许多个别员工的努力组成的.但是这其中的每个人都不是完全独立的.没有设计人员,生产人员无法生产,而没有生产人员,销售人员亦无法销售.

regimentation团队精神 each does his or her own duty technology organic organically



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