以下是澳际留学为您整理的2010年12月gmat机经,以下是2010年12月GMAT作文机经,AI篇,至12月15日,共44篇。本阶段整理第28-44题,详细1-33题请见 GMAT机经:2010年11月GMAT作文机经AA(至11.30)(一),谢谢大家关注!澳际留学祝您考试顺利!
34. 出现日期:11.30majiaobfsu
34. 出现频率6
I: Celebrities are uniquely qualified to address to the social problems because of their high-profile status and access to the resources.
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Many people complain that we depend too much on computers, however, computers are continually improving our lives. 感谢xiaoyun678提供
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issue:With the consideration of national security,government has the access to their citizens&apos library checkout records and Internet Activity history 大家共勉123
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the best teachers are those who let their students challenge ideas instead accept ideas. beMe
展开思路: 第一段: 教师的作用,讨论+双方观点(部分同意)。 第二段: 科技和社会的进步呼吁创新,创新提供motive powers。创新不能自己产生,而是depends on creativity of people。教育塑造人的价值、性格,如果老师限制学生的价值观念,迫使他们用the same standard to tell right from wrong,他们会最终失去创新能力。这是很可怕的。 第三段: What’s more,有些观点本身就是错的。挑战可以带来改变。Futhermore,勇于挑战(brave to)的学生是有independent minds的,这对现实世界也很重要。 第四段: As a matter of fact,对于学生本人来说,keeing active in minds and being independent thing people也很重要。 第五段: 然而,绝不是盲目(without comprehensive considerations)支持,而要经过判断。 第六段: |
总结:Consider the significant role education and teachers play in transmitting creationary values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society and the importance of innovation as well as creativity to our country and individuals, teachers should expect and encourage their students to challenge ideas and notions that are widely accepted by most peole and to keep their minds active.
以下是澳际留学为您整理的2010年12月gmat机经,以下是2010年12月GMAT作文机经,AI篇,至12月15日,共44篇。本阶段整理第28-44题,详细1-33题请见 GMAT机经:2010年11月GMAT作文机经AA(至11.30)(一),谢谢大家关注!澳际留学祝您考试顺利!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲