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12:“Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”



1, 员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。

2, 同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。

3, 但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical cares, ensure productivity

View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to expose to employers.

13:Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time



1, 物质生活更丰富,生活更便利,不受天灾威胁

2, 节奏太快,远离自然

3, 进步是双刃剑要好好利用double-edged sword

1. progress in technology and business确实给人们的生活带来了considerable improvement. a, in the material life,提供了unprecedented diversity of service and products。supermarket:hundreds and thousands of products for people to choose;——三月份就可以吃到新鲜的草莓fresh strawberry b, 方便。高效率in the convenience of our own homes :得到信息在网上,订餐order a dinner via internet; c, 人们的健康状况更好了,很多曾经可以威胁人生命的病现在只要简单的医疗手段就可以解决。

2. 但是,也不是说全都是好处,同时也有消极的影响。比如a, 人们spend more time on television and internet, 忽略了overlook the necessary communication in the family。造成了alienation between the family members. b, 再比如,fast communication on-line 剥夺了人们深入思考的可能。deprive people of deep and comprehensive thinking.

3. 使人们更加忙碌,疲劳。a, 人们的效率提高了,却被要求做更多的事了,实际上,人们更加忙碌了。比如the invention of laptops provide the possibility for people to continue their work after they leave the company. even on holiday. b, 新技术发展很快,demand changes every day. 这样accelerate the job obsolescence。造成人们suffer more pressure and anxiety.


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