


2017/08/10 19:24:31 编辑: 浏览次数:269 移动端

为方便大家备考GMAT考试,澳际留学为特为大家收集2011年GMAT机经,下面是2011年GMAT逻辑机经整理,截至2011年1月25日,共134题,以下从31题开始,前1-30题,见 GMAT机经,2010年12月GMAT逻辑机经(至12.30)(一)。希望能够帮助大家,澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!

71跟JJ不一样。说某个国家在main road开分支的话,就会有很多原来不开车的人选择开车。将什么由开这些新分支带来的益处比短期的投入神马神马的。真的记不起来了,但是真的不是JJ里面那题。(640)


GWD原题 GWD-18-Q22 In each of the past five years, Barraland’s prison population has increased. Yet, according to official government statistics, for none of those years has there been either an increase in the number of criminal cases brought to trial, or an increase in the rate at which convictions have been obtained. Clearly, therore, the percentage of people convicted of crimes who are being given prison sentences is on the increase. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? A. In Barraland the range of punishments that can be imposed instead of a prison sentence is wide. B. Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction. C. Ten years ago, Barraland rormed its criminal justice system, imposing longer minimum sentences for those crimes for which a prison sentence had long been mandatory. (Answer) D. Barraland has been supervising convicts on parole more closely in recent years, with the result that parole violations have become significantly less frequent. E. The number of people in Barraland who feel that crime is on the increase is significantly greater now than it was five years ago.



V2一个公司的employees choose tickets 可以去vacation of drawing, 这个号码是随机产生的,如果没人选中,这个号码又会随机产生,winner 通常是自己选,而不是让计算机选。问:为什么 我选了:有些号码经常中奖. 考古 V1 一个公司每个月会奖励给业绩好的员工抽奖的ticket,每个ticket有个号码,员工可以自己选或者就被随机安排,事实发现自己选号的员工中奖的比较多,让解释为什么。 V2 一家公司,好像用抽彩票的形式来选出一位员工奖励他旅行。有两种方式决定你的“彩票”号码,1,自己写。2.random assign你一个。如果抽出来的号没有人match的话,就继续抽,直到有人中为止。结果就发现得奖的大部分都是那些自己写号的员工,然后就说由此证明自己写号的话中奖概率高,问weaken 我选的答案是:the majority of tickets received are those written by employee.




为方便大家备考GMAT考试,澳际留学为特为大家收集2011年GMAT机经,下面是2011年GMAT逻辑机经整理,截至2011年1月25日,共134题,以下从31题开始,前1-30题,见 GMAT机经,2010年12月GMAT逻辑机经(至12.30)(一)。希望能够帮助大家,澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!

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