


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:31 移动端



13 The following appeared in a memorandum sent by a vice-president of the Nadir Company to the company’s human resources department: “Nadir does not need to adopt the costly ‘family-friendly’ programs that have been proposed, such as part-time work,work at home, and jobsharing. When these programs were made available at the Summit Company, the leader in its iindustry, only a small percentage of employees participated in them. Rather than adversely affecting our profitability by offering these programs, we should concentrate on offering extensive training that will enable employees to increase their productivity.”

14 V1 一家软件公司要把25%workforce由长期工换位temporary workers,因为他们工资少,不要福利,这样能节约成本,auto industry这样做的,效果很好。(貌似没见过,大家考古吧) V2 汽车行业想要make profit,就必须cut budget, 他们采取了把full time employees 换掉,以temporary emplyees代替,为此还真cut 了budget. 理由是,Full time的人并没有make any profit, 更何况他们还有更多的公司benit, 而临时工却不这样。结论是,这种方法也适用于computer industry.

15 一個CEO說公司的利潤下降是因為石油價格的上漲引起燃油成本上升,郀I成本擴大,投入的新的飛機.........

16 The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo’s Clothing to the staff: “Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.”



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