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17 The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper:“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”

18 v1六月份把luxury models of automobiles 放在显著的位置在auto lot中,和inexpensive一起销售,销量达到了一年中的最高;在二月把inexpensive models 放在显著位置,结果销量下降了.得出结论应该把luxury的放在显著位置,因为luxury model更吸引潜在消费者当他们踏进auto lot的时候.

v2 说的是一家汽车销售公司,去年6月通过对luxury auto的广告和在展示厅集中展示,结果当月的销售 of luxury car and more inexpensive car增加了。而2月份通过对inexpensive car的广告和展示,当月销售 of luxury car and more inexpensive car反而减少了。所以认为对luxury车的广告和推广能够吸引更多的客户,从而增加销售 V3 说有个卖automobile的dealership,在June这个月里,它把luxury和less expensive models都登上local newspapers, 然后还放在特别显眼的位置卖,最后这个月的销售额在全年达到highest point. 然后到了Feb,只是对less expensive models做了宣传,总体sales are lower. 所以得出结论,为了maximize profits, 公司要只宣传luxury line.

19 V1 A toy company proposes that new employees should learn work skills and activities from senior employees to save cost, reduce time-consuming trainings. They pay bonus to senior employees to conduct the training for new employees.

V2 说一个神马economic杂志上的一篇memo关于某tire manufacturing company的内容。说是一般来说培训新员工都需要一定的费用和精力,为了节省费用,这个公司实施了一种Apprentice Training Program。这个培训项目的strategy是,公司会给自愿带新员工的senior employee奖金。在培训过程中,新员工跟着老员工学习,follow the pattern of work that the senior employees conduct之类的,因此相关的时间和费用也会减少。然后作者就说,the program should be applied to our company。

V3 说一个叫EXCELLERATE的TIRE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 要不要用FUN TOYS的"APPRENTICE"的PROGRAM, 感觉会省钱省力 V4 说成本现在对于公司来说是大问题,为了节省培训新人的成本,公司打算推出一个计划,让新人观察老人的工作习惯,对于那些自愿被围观的老人,公司会发一些奖金给他们。

20 V1"Breakfast Crunch cereal ,这牌子比其它品牌的cereal多20%的vitamin E,且调查显示75%这牌子的regular buyers prer the taste of Breakfast Crunch other than other cereal. 尽管有这两项advantages, Breakfast Crunch 的销量依然decrease. 为了增加销量,应该redesign the front of Breakfast Crunch&aposs box"

v2 考试之前看到有人放这个狗, 当时没在意, 结果就遇到了. 一个公司说他们的那个麦片吧(还是什么,反正是个吃的)的维他命含量比别的大公司高了20%,然后有75%的老顾客(好像是)都说他们很喜欢这个公司的麦片,但是这个公司的麦片销量却没高. 然后这个公司决定, 为了让别人知道他们产品的优势, 好像是要在他们产品那个盒子front上面写出来, 还有什么检验的详细过程吧.大概就是这样.



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