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18 蚂蚁和behavior

(720 51/?)记得有一道蚂蚁colony的逻辑讲蚂蚁等种群通过的Queen 繁殖,然后他们的cooperate behavior 是因为血缘关系(gene related)而产生的,

问哪项能加强这个 用排除法选了一个大致意思一致的...不太记得选项了...

19 雪橇类型

以前在GWD还是PREP里面做过的 说以前都是木制雪橇,现在流行塑料雪橇,现在的受伤的比以前多,说明塑料雪橇不安全,削弱 一个是现在仍然有些人用木制雪橇 还有一个是以前木制雪橇上能做好多人,出事受伤的人多。只记得这两个选项了,请哪位考个古哈


In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars.Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow.The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago. Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited? A.A few children still use traditional wooden sleds. B.Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding. C.Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can. D.Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled. E.Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wo oden sled can result in several children being injured.



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