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以下澳际留学特为大家独家整理最新2011年GMAT机经。以下是2011年3月GMAT数学机经汇总,2011年2月25日起至2011年3月22日,共367题。前158题见 GMAT机经,2011年GMAT数学机经(至3.1)(一)及后篇;159- 254题见 GMAT机经,2011年3月GMAT数学机经(至3.10)(一) 及后篇;以下是254-367题,澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!

291. If n is aninteger between 10 and 99 and n is divisible by 7, the remainder is 3, is n< 80?

1) When n isdivided by 5, the remainder is 0

2) When n is divisible by 3, the reminder is 0

292. If y = [4(n+1)-5]/[(n+1)(n+2)], which of the following has the greatest value?

A. -1/y

B. (1/y)2

C. y2

D. (1/2y)

E. y

293. If a store sellsthree kinds of belts and each account for 20 percent, 50 percent, and 30percent of the revenues respectively, what is the average price for each belt sold?

Price of eachbelt is $5, $3, and $10 respectively

V2 这题很纠结很纠结!!!答案选项没有jj上给的30/7.1,我研究了很久都没搞明白哪里不对了,选了5,选项还有3、5.5、6等等

V3 商人卖Belts,(有大饼图)有Childs,有Youngs的,有Audits的分别占 20%,30%,50%,,Y的$0.2, C的$0.3 A的$0.5,,问所有卖的belts均价多少

294. A museum has 40exhibits, total of 2000 visits last month. What is the average revenue for eachexhibit?

1) Revenue fromeach child ticket and adult ticket sold are $8 and $12 respectively

2) More than half ofthe exhibit account for revenue of $2000

V2 博物馆40件展品平均revenue,不过我的那个第二个条件给的是70%的visitor是小孩

295. A triangle is on the xy plane, withcoordinates A, B, and C. B and C coordinates are given on the plane. What isthe coordinate of A? 1) AB=x 2) BC=y (xand y are given as numbers, but I forgot them all!!) (Just try to image or learnthe concept)

以上澳际留学为大家收集整理2011年GMAT机经,以上是2011年3月GMAT数学机经,2011年2月25日起至2011年3月22日,共367题。前158题见 GMAT机经,2011年GMAT数学机经(至3.1)(一)及后篇;159- 254题见 GMAT机经,2011年3月GMAT数学机经(至3.10)(一) 及后篇。澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!


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