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以下为澳际留学独家整理的2011年GMAT机经,以下是2011年3月GMAT阅读机经汇总,2011年2月25日起至2011年3月21日,共61篇。前33篇机经请见 GMAT机经,2011年GMAT阅读机经(至2.28)(一)及后篇;34-52篇见 GMAT机经,2011年3月GMAT阅读机经(至3.9)(一) 及后篇。以下53-61篇,祝同学们考试顺利!

1.2.19 Household savings V.s. Business savings

V1 by yiw006 3/12/2011

4. Household savings V.s. Business savings(GWD-12-Q35 to Q37)

Many economists believe that a high rate of business savings in theUnited States is a necessary precursor to investment, because business savings,as opposed to personal savings, comprise almost three-quarters of the nationalsavings rate, and the national savings rate heavily influences the overall rateof business investment. These economists further postulate that real interestrates—the difference between the rates charged by lenders and the inflationrates—will be low when national savings exceed business investment (creating asavings surplus), and high when national savings fall below the level ofbusiness investment (creating a savings dicit).

However, during the 1960’s real interest rates were often higher whenthe national savings surplus was large. Counter-intuitive behavior alsooccurred when real interest rates skyrocketed from 2 percent in 1980 to 7percent in 1982, even though national savings and investments were roughlyequal throughout the period. Clearly, real interest rates respond toinfluences other than the savings/investment nexus. Indeed, real interestrates may themselves influence swings in the savings and investment rates. As real interest rates shot up after 1979, foreign investors pouredcapital into the United States, the price of domestic goods increasedprohibitively abroad, and the price of foreign-made goods became lower in theUnited States. As a result, domestic economic activity and the ability ofbusinesses to save and invest were restrained.

Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with

A. contrasting trends in two historical periods

B. presenting evidence that calls into question certain belis

C. explaining the reasons for a common phenomenon

D. criticizing evidence offered in support of a well-respected beli

E. comparing conflicting interpretations of a theory



According to the passage, which of the following resulted from foreign investment in the United States after 1979?

A. An increase in real interest rates

B. A decrease in the savings rate of certain other nations

C. An increase in American investment abroad

D. An increase in the price of American goods abroad

E. A decrease in the price of domestic goods sold at home


Q37: The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the economists mentioned in line 1?

A. Their belis are contradicted by certain economic phenomena that occurred in the United States during the 1960’s and the 1980’s.

B. Their theory fails to predict under what circumstances the prices of foreign and domestic goods are likely to increase.

C. They incorrectly identify the factors other than savings and investment rates that affect real interest rates.

D. Their beli is valid only for the United States economy and not necessarily for other national economies.

E. They overestimate the impact of the real interest rate on the national savings and investment rates.

V2 by q303739744 3/17/2011 710

第三篇是将public saving(也可能不是public 就是指公司那种saving,相对的是personal saving)和 government saving(就是指总存款)之间的关系。第一段说public saving 占了总存款的大部分,而总存款的rate又会影响企业,按照这种理论,当神马A很高的时候,神马B应该很高,而当神马A很低的时候,神马B很高。然而事实恰恰相反。然后一个叫兽说是因为这个理论忽略了某种因素。


V3 by shirleyfeng01 3/18/2011



3、focus group这个市场调研方法的局限,整篇文章讲了四个局限。

4、house hold saving rate 和business saving rate 的关系。 说美国想要发展经济就不能靠提高house hold saving rate ,因为这个会影响消费,而是要提高后者,后者提高了前者也能提高虾米虾米。

以上澳际留学为大家整理2011年GMAT机经,以上2011年3月GMAT阅读机经汇总,自2011年2月25日起至2011年3月21日,共61篇。前33篇机经请见 GMAT机经,2011年GMAT阅读机经(至2.28)(一)及后篇;34-52篇见 GMAT机经,2011年3月GMAT阅读机经(至3.9)(一) 及后篇。以下53-61篇,祝同学们考试顺利!




以下为澳际留学独家整理的2011年GMAT机经,以下是2011年3月GMAT阅读机经汇总,2011年2月25日起至2011年3月21日,共61篇。前33篇机经请见 GMAT机经,2011年GMAT阅读机经(至2.28)(一)及后篇;34-52篇见 GMAT机经,2011年3月GMAT阅读机经(至3.9)(一) 及后篇。以下53-61篇,祝同学们考试顺利!

1.2.19 Household savings V.s. Business savings

V1 by yiw006 3/12/2011

4. Household savings V.s. Business savings(GWD-12-Q35 to Q37)

Many economists believe that a high rate of business savings in theUnited States is a necessary precursor to investment, because business savings,as opposed to personal savings, comprise almost three-quarters of the nationalsavings rate, and the national savings rate heavily influences the overall rateof business investment. These economists further postulate that real interestrates—the difference between the rates charged by lenders and the inflationrates—will be low when national savings exceed business investment (creating asavings surplus), and high when national savings fall below the level ofbusiness investment (creating a savings dicit).

However, during the 1960’s real interest rates were often higher whenthe national savings surplus was large. Counter-intuitive behavior alsooccurred when real interest rates skyrocketed from 2 percent in 1980 to 7percent in 1982, even though national savings and investments were roughlyequal throughout the period. Clearly, real interest rates respond toinfluences other than the savings/investment nexus. Indeed, real interestrates may themselves influence swings in the savings and investment rates. As real interest rates shot up after 1979, foreign investors pouredcapital into the United States, the price of domestic goods increasedprohibitively abroad, and the price of foreign-made goods became lower in theUnited States. As a result, domestic economic activity and the ability ofbusinesses to save and invest were restrained.

Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with

A. contrasting trends in two historical periods

B. presenting evidence that calls into question certain belis 上123下


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