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3. 愈发:估计我就是栽在愈发上,没见什么长句,就知道这次挂了。但问题是我平时愈发都是80%的正确率啊,哎。句子肯定是回忆不起了,回忆几个愈发点吧:

1) 至少有两个考题考了because,because of +句子

2) 有个考题几个选项每个选项都有as far as could.. 不同的是后面分别跟 she was receptive of/to, was she receptive to..,句子在划线部分前面有个nor

[by jeanblanc]

回顾此类语法点:because,because of +句子

because表示强因果,直接回答原因;而且,because puts more emphasis on the reason, and most often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/reader.

*通过because 修饰的从属结构 有两个重要考点:

1. 主谓语宾要全,因为毕竟是一个句子

2. 不能单独形成一个完整的句子,必须依附于一个主句。


*because of +名词(具有名词性功能的结构

OG12上关于because和because of 的考题

6. In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the

Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for

cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by

tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so

that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus

was growing on the walls.

(A) due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which

raised its humidity to such levels so that salt

from the stone was crystallizing

(B) due to moisture that tourists had exhaled,

thereby raising its humidity to such levels that

salt from the stone would crystallize

(C) because tourists were exhaling moisture, which

had raised the humidity within them to levels

such that salt from the stone would crystallize

(D) because of moisture that was exhaled by tourists

raising the humidity within them to levels so high

as to make the salt from the stone crystallize

(E) because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised

the humidity within them to such levels that salt

from the stone was crystallizing

33. Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent

prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that

it will cut production by closing its factories for two

days a month.

(A) Because an oversupply of computer chips has

sent prices plunging,

(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips,

which is due to an oversupply,

(C) Because computer chip prices have been sent

plunging, which resulted from an oversupply,

(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an


(E) Due to an oversupply, with the result that

computer chip prices have been sent plunging,

83. In 2000, a mere two dozen products accounted for

half the increase in spending on prescription drugs,

a phenomenon that is explained not just because of

more expensive drugs but by the fact that doctors are

writing many more prescriptions for higher-cost drugs.

(A) a phenomenon that is explained not just because

of more expensive drugs but by the fact that

doctors are writing

(B) a phenomenon that is explained not just by the

fact that drugs are becoming more expensive

but also by the fact that doctors are writing

(C) a phenomenon occurring not just because of

drugs that are becoming more expensive but

because of doctors having also written

(D) which occurred not just because drugs are

becoming more expensive but doctors are also


(E) which occurred not just because of more

expensive drugs but because doctors have also


[以上OG12三题答案:E A B]大家也可以核实一下啦,怕自己太粗心~


正确用法:receptive to sth. (固定搭配)

例句:Tom is receptive to new developments. Tom对新事物接受的很快。


由于nor 这个地方狗主人给的不是很清楚 我只能妄加判断,把我认为跟nor沾边的考点都弄上来,希望大家选择性看:


either or, neither nor

1) 就近原则:离谓语动词近的是单数,谓语动词就用单数;复数就用复数

Eg: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach.

2.)若仅仅只有either or neither, 没有or 、nor,则谓语动词一定要用单数


作为平行结构的标志词之一的 neither~nor~




平行结构的标志词--and /or/but/yet

平行结构的短语--rather than / not only...but also... / from...to... / either...or... / neither...nor... / between...and... / both...and... / not...but rather... / not...but... / .......as well as.........


介词短语与介词短语 / 名词与名词 / 动词与动词(不同时态的也可以) / 分词与分词 / 现在分词与过去分词(做定语)/ 形容词与形容词 / 名词短语与what从句 / 副词短语与介词短语(做状语)/ than从句与介词短语 / 不定式与不定式(后面的to可以省略)

for doing A, not B

be likely to do....and be unable to do..... (be不能省)

宾语从句并列,连词that不能省:主语+v.+that..., that...., and that.....

定语从句并列:n.+in which...., in which...., and in which.............





2)不同功能的定语从句不能并列,因为关系词在定从中充当不同成分。比如:n.+where....and in which...这是可以的,n.+who......and whose........也是可以的,但是n.+where...and who...错误的。



1)添加相应的介词,如:call for A and for B; suspect sb. of doing A and of doing B

2)改变并列项的位置:如:the growing demand for housing, traffic congestion, and longer commuting trips 可以改为 traffic congestion, longer commuting trips, and the growing demand for housing







3. 愈发:估计我就是栽在愈发上,没见什么长句,就知道这次挂了。但问题是我平时愈发都是80%的正确率啊,哎。句子肯定是回忆不起了,回忆几个愈发点吧:

1) 至少有两个考题考了because,because of +句子

2) 有个考题几个选项每个选项都有as far as could.. 不同的是后面分别跟 she was receptive of/to, was she receptive to..,句子在划线部分前面有个nor

[by jeanblanc]

回顾此类语法点:because,because of +句子

because表示强因果,直接回答原因;而且,because puts more emphasis on the reason, and most often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/reader.

*通过because 修饰的从属结构 有两个重要考点:

1. 主谓语宾要全,因为毕竟是一个句子

2. 不能单独形成一个完整的句子,必须依附于一个主句。


*because of +名词(具有名词性功能的结构

OG12上关于because和because of 的考题 上123456下


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