1.垃圾回收问题 (by 海蓝色 V 35)
OG 中的原题出现了!(by piscesu)
Networks of blood vessels in bats’ wings serve only to disperse heat generated in flight. This heat is generated only because bats flap their wings. Thus paleontologists’ recent discovery that the winged dinosaur Sandactylus had similar networks of blood vessels in the skin of its wings provides evidence for the hypothesis that Sandactylus flew by flapping its wings, not just by gliding. In the passage, the author develops the argument by (A) forming the hypothesis that best explains several apparently conflicting pieces of evidence (B) reinterpreting evidence that had been used to support an earlier theory (C) using an analogy with a known phenomenon to draw a conclusion about an unknown phenomenon (D) speculating about how structures observed in present-day creatures might have developed from similar structures in creatures now extinct (E) pointing out differences in the physiological demands that flight makes on large, as opposed to small, creatures
类似有关鸟类和恐龙的题(by lestatwn)
Recently discovered fossil evidence casts doubt on the evolutionary theory that dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than to other classes of animals. Fossils show that some dinosaurs had hollow bones-a feature found today only in warm blooded creatures, such as birds, that have a high metabolic rates. Dinosaurs had well-developed senses of sight and hearing, which is not true of present-day cold blooded creatures like reptiles. The highly arched mouth roof of some dinosaurs would have permitted them to breathe while eating, as fast –breathing animals, such as birds, need to do.Today all fast-breathing animals are warm blooded. Finally, fossils reveal that many dinosaurs had a pattern of growth typical of warm-blooded animals. The argument in the passage proceeds by (A)Attempting to justify one position by demonstrating that an opposition is based on erroneous information. (B)Establishing a general principle that it then uses to draw a conclusion about a particular case (C)Dismissing a claim made about the present on the basis of historical evidence (D)Assuming that if all members of a category have a certain property then all things with that property belong to the category (E)Presenting evidence that a past phenomenon is more similar to one than the other of two present day
Paleontologists hypothesize that modern birds evolved from the family of dinosaurs that included Tyrannosaurus rex. This hypothesis would be strongly supported if evidence that dinosaurs from this family had a body covering resembling feathers could be found, but so far no such evidence has been found. Which of the following, if true, would most help the paleontologists explain why no evidence of feathered dinosaurs has yet been found? 1.Fossilized dinosaurs have shown many birdlike characteristics, such as bone structure and wing like arms. 2.If birds are in fact the descendants of dinosaurs, then it can be argued that the dinosaurs never really died out. 3.Flying dinosaurs such as the Pteranodon, which is not thought to have been related to modern birds, do not appear to have had feathers. 4.Soft tissues such as skin and feathers do not fossilize like bones, and therore are far less likely to have lt permanent evidence in the fossil record. 5.The thousands of dinosaur fossils excavated by paleontologists represent only a tiny fraction of the billions of dinosaurs that once lived.
1.垃圾回收问题 (by 海蓝色 V 35)
OG 中的原题出现了!(by piscesu)
Networks of blood vessels in bats’ wings serve only to disperse heat generated in flight. This heat is generated only because bats flap their wings. Thus paleontologists’ recent discovery that the winged dinosaur Sandactylus had similar networks of blood vessels in the skin of its wings provides evidence for the hypothesis that Sandactylus flew by flapping its wings, not just by gliding. In the passage, the author develops the argument by (A) forming the hypothesis that best explains several apparently conflicting pieces of evidence (B) reinterpreting evidence that had been used to support an earlier theory (C) using an analogy with a known phenomenon to draw a conclusion about an unknown phenomenon (D) speculating about how structures observed in present-day creatures might have developed from similar structures in creatures now extinct (E) pointing out differences in the physiological demands that flight makes on large, as opposed to small, creatures
类似有关鸟类和恐龙的题(by lestatwn) 上12下
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