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61. 猴子与拥挤问题


问Strengthen。 我选了这种猴子在某些刺激下比其他的猴子彪焊很多


GWD28-Q7: In1960’s studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number ofattacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowdedconditions, although there was an increase in instances of “coping”behavior—such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominantindividuals—attacks did not become any more frequent. Therore it is not likely that, for anyspecies of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seenin rats. Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? A. Allthe observed forms of coping behavior can be found among rhesus monkeys livingin uncrowded conditions. B. Inthe studies of rats, nondominant individuals were found to increasingly avoiddominant individuals when the animals were in crowded conditions. C. Rhesusmonkeys respond with aggression to a wider range of stimuli than any othermonkeys do. D. Someindividual monkeys in the experiment were involved in significantly moreattacks than the other monkeys were. E. Someof the coping behavior displayed by rhesus monkeys is similar to behaviorrhesus monkeys use to bring to an end an attack that has begun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出处:GWD19-7 答案貌似是C~~



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