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123在一个叫Ne什么公司的memorandum,eight years ago,公司每新招一名员工,公司的利润都会上涨。但in the past two years, 公司的profits不但没有因为新招一名员工而增加,反而has been falling,于是the director of manufactory criticizes we are not hiring the right person who have the energy and motivation as bore. So the failure of the Human resource department account for the falling of the profits.

原题:The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company&aposs human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new employees:

“Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm than his or her salary cost us. However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human resources department account for our falling profits.”






原题:The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life: “Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”(6)


1. 作者认为应该到该地区建厂理由是这里的失业率很高。但是却没有给出因果关系。从常理来看这是没有道理的因为失业率高的地方可能更难雇佣到雇员从而使成本增加。

2. 作者认为该地区会鼓励研发,所以应该到该地区投资。但事实上就象作者说的那样该地区是制造业中心怎么可能有很多对技术和科研很熟练的人员。

1, 因为H地区industrial and manufacturing比较attractive,所以那里的工人很可能只适合做这类的,如果缺乏能够做innovative technologies and research的工人labor pool,那么很可能导致失败。

2, H的低失业率更可能成为坏处。因为比如有less available work force。企业必须提高wage才能吸引他们。提高了COST。

3, 错误的假设过去的成功能够代表未来。比方说已经饱和的资源、过分的竞争、以及可能出现的错误政策,都可能导致H地区的经济不再发达。






123在一个叫Ne什么公司的memorandum,eight years ago,公司每新招一名员工,公司的利润都会上涨。但in the past two years, 公司的profits不但没有因为新招一名员工而增加,反而has been falling,于是the director of manufactory criticizes we are not hiring the right person who have the energy and motivation as bore. So the failure of the Human resource department account for the falling of the profits.

原题:The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company&aposs human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new employees:

“Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm than his or her salary cost us. However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human resources department account for our falling profits.”




3、错误的认为事物恒定:八年前的历史数据不能用来评价目前的状况 上12下


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