


2017/08/10 18:52:14 编辑: 浏览次数:48 移动端



382in today&aposs high-paced world, the energy and new ideas of younger workers will benit the employer more than the experience and wisdom of older workers do.


[v1]现今社会,雇主认为年轻的worker (energetic, more new ideas) 比年老的worker(wisdom, experience) 更给力

[v2]AI more experienced candidate is better than young ,less experienced candidate for the position of leadership

[v3]第二个是 experienced candidate 是不是 所有candidate里 最合适的leadership position 的人! (当然不是了! 都让老家伙干了,我们年轻人怎么上台搞革命啊!)

[v4] In this high-paced world,employers benit more from energy from younger workers than experience and wisdom from old workers.

[v5]AI:with the fast-paced development, employer benits more from younger employee with xx than older employee with experience and wisdom

[v6] Nowadays the world is very fast-paced, so companies will be benited more by energy and new ideas of younger workers than experienced old workers.

[v7] The most experienced candidates is best for the leader position.


1、 行业不同,需求不同。比如医生这个职业,老医生的经验比较重要,广告传媒业,年轻人的new idea比较重要

2、 即使是相同的行业,不同的职位也有不同的需求。比如领导决策时需要依靠丰富的经验

3、 总之不能一概而论

39原题:“Scientists are continually redining the standards for what is benicial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.”(42)


1. 科学家的建议也并不一定都是正确的。很有可能他的结论适用面很窄。或者他所得到的数据有错误等等。

2. 对企业来说频繁的变更产品和生产流程会造成很大的经济损失

3. 诚然等待国家制定标准很可能存在滞后等问题但是比较起来以上的问题还是应该等待国家制定标准。此外一个折中的方案是国家成立专门的机构快速地对新的方案和建议做出评价并迅速制定标准

split the difference lag evaluate

View1: The recommendations given by scientists are usually controversial or have inconsistent perspectives on same questions, thus can not provide clear directions on actions that companies should adopt,

View 2: changing products and processes too often will inevitably increase cost and lower productivity. Therore do harm to the companies .

View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of solving the problems, it is relatively a better strategy for companies to follow. We can count on the authorities to speed up the process of conversion between scientific discoveries and official regulations.






382in today&aposs high-paced world, the energy and new ideas of younger workers will benit the employer more than the experience and wisdom of older workers do.


[v1]现今社会,雇主认为年轻的worker (energetic, more new ideas) 比年老的worker(wisdom, experience) 更给力

[v2]AI more experienced candidate is better than young ,less experienced candidate for the position of leadership

[v3]第二个是 experienced candidate 是不是 所有candidate里 最合适的leadership position 的人! (当然不是了! 都让老家伙干了,我们年轻人怎么上台搞革命啊!)

[v4] In this high-paced world,employers benit more from energy from younger workers than experience and wisdom from old workers.

[v5]AI:with the fast-paced development, employer benits more from younger employee with xx than older employee with experience and wisdom

[v6] Nowadays the world is very fast-paced, so companies will be benited more by energy and new ideas of younger workers than experienced old workers.

[v7] The most experienced candidates is best for the leader position. 上123下


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