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16. 狗主人730

语法题大多挺怪,真的有点怪,有一道题连my opinion都出来了,但其实不太难,比如which的题基本不对;还有一道whose和who的题,选who 然后后面的挺好判断; 平行题很少基本没有有点难过。。。让我觉得manhattan的常用语法基本为出现,所以同志们有空看看advanced的部分吧~我个人偏爱manhattan!

[by Quadrifolia]



总结语法点: 固定搭配/杂七杂八小词区别

1. so

* not so + adj/adv (+ as ....) 不像~那么~

例句:It was not so bad as last time.

* not so much .... as... 不是~而是~(要求平行结构)

例句:~~may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge ~

* ~+ adj/adv + a + 名词 ( + as sb/sth ) 此词组用于做比较

例句:He is not so good a player as his brother.

1-1. ..so....as to =..so as to do sth..... “ 为了做某事”

..so .....that =....so that.... “为的是~,以便~”, 不要求从句的主语和主句主语一致。



还有NN说当前后时态一致,主语一致时,so as to时so that的简洁形式

关于so...as to..的例句:

The sauce was so hot as to burn my mouth.


The book was so short that I could read it in one night.

The book was short enough for me to read in one night.

2. help

help do sth / help sb do sth

help to do sth / help sb to do sth

sb’s help (名词) in doing sth is ~~~~~~

3. such as

* such .... as.....

* .......such as .........

such as都可以举什么样的例子呢? 名词 / doing / what从句 / 介词短语

不可以举什么样的例子呢?代词(these/that/there等)/ to do / 句子 / when

4. distinction between A and B

5. difference比较灵活

* difference between A and B / A has difference from B

* There is a difference in ability between us.

* There is a difference between what you say and what I say.

* There are differences in what you and I can do.

6. lie / lay

lie /lied /lied 撒谎

lie /lay / lain 躺着;平放

lay/laid/laid 产卵;下蛋;放;搁

7. rise / raise

rise (v) / rose / risen

例句: Oil prices rose sharply last year.

A rise (名词)in oil price has led to inflation.

Rising prices at the gas pump are hurting consumers.

The rising of the sun always lifts my spirits.

raise (v) /raised / raised 提升/举起/抬起 (有外力相助的升起) / 使某物产生或出现

例句: The government raised the interest rate.

He raised his offer to $500000.

raise standards of service

rase doubts / fears

rising inventories

rising interest rates


8. enough

enough to do sth

enough for sb

错误搭配:enough + that.../ so as to / so to / so that

9. expect

sth be expected to do

sth be expected sth

it is expected that ~~ (这个结构不是最简洁的)

expect to do sth

expect that

expect sth

expect sb to do sth

expect sth from sb

必错形势:sth be expected for sth (to do)

sth be expected that

it is expected for sth/sb to do

expect sb that

10. make

make it + 形容词+to do

make sth +形容词

make (doing)sth +形容词

make N1 N2

11. little这个词有形容词和副词两种词性。容易产生修饰歧义。所以选择时要小心

详见prep 46页

12. announce的正确固定搭配

announce something to somebody

announce to sb sth

announce a decision/intention/plan +(to do)

announce (that)

注意常见的错误:announce to do sth (X)

announce to be sth (X)

13. one + another

some + others

each + the other

each other + others

14. ensure + n.

ensure that ~~

15. intend to do sth

intend doing sth

intend that~~

16. provide的用法

New genetic evidence—together with recent studies of elephants’ skeletons, tusks, and other anatomical features—provide compelling support for classifying Africa’s forest elephants and its savanna elephants as separate species.

A. provide compelling support for classifying

B. provide compelling support for the classification of

C. provides compelling support to the classification of

D. provides compelling support for classifying

E. provides compelling support to classify


(1) provide sb (with sth)

(2) provide sth (for sb)

(3) provide for sth 为什么事的发生做准备

17. allow的用法


The holiday ALLOWS Maria TO WATCH the movie today.

Maria WAS ALLOWED TO WATCH the movie.

The demolition of the old building ALLOWS FOR new construction.

18. prohibit的固定用法

prohibit sth.

prohibit (sb) from doing sth

两个必错搭配:prohibit to do (X)

prohibit that (X)






16. 狗主人730

语法题大多挺怪,真的有点怪,有一道题连my opinion都出来了,但其实不太难,比如which的题基本不对;还有一道whose和who的题,选who 然后后面的挺好判断; 平行题很少基本没有有点难过。。。让我觉得manhattan的常用语法基本为出现,所以同志们有空看看advanced的部分吧~我个人偏爱manhattan!

[by Quadrifolia]



总结语法点: 固定搭配/杂七杂八小词区别

1. so

* not so + adj/adv (+ as ....) 不像~那么~

例句:It was not so bad as last time.

* not so much .... as... 不是~而是~(要求平行结构)

例句:~~may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge ~

* ~+ adj/adv + a + 名词 ( + as sb/sth ) 此词组用于做比较

例句:He is not so good a player as his brother.



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