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25. 某C什么school有200多种选修课供学生选择,而另外一个private high school只有90种(貌似)可选,结果人家private school大学升学率老么高了,所以这个人就建议,咱也减少点选修课的吧~~


原题:The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”(99 or 101) 提供观点:

1. 是否上大学更多就意味着更好呢?概念不对equate——可能去的学校不好。

2. 忽略他因。

3. 错误类比。情况不同,人数多可能必须提供多种课,同时也可能兴趣多。。。

1. causal oversimplification

2. false analogy

3. It is likely that the smaller private school is incapable of offering more courses, or else its students can have better performance.


In this editorial the author recommends that Saluda’s Consolidated High School eliminate half of its 200 courses and focus primarily on basic curriculum in order to improve student performance and save tax revenues. The author’s recommendation is problematic for several reasons.

To begin with, the author assumes that the only relevant difference between Consolidated and the private school is the number of courses offered by each. However, other relevant differences between the schools might account for the difference in the proportion of their graduates who go on to college. For example, the private school’s students might be selected from a pool of gifted or exceptional students, or might have to meet rigorous admission standards whereas Consolidated’s students might be drawn from the community at large with little or no qualification for admission.

Next, the author assumes that the proportion of students who go on to college is an overall measure of student performance. While this is a tempting assumption, its truth is by no means obvious. If student excellence is narrowly dined in terms of the student’s ability to gain access to college, this assumption is somewhat reasonable. However, given a broader conception of student excellence that takes into account student’s ability to learn and apply their knowledge to new situations, its is not obvious that college admission is reliable indicator of performance. For example, students in non-academic disciplines could conceivably perform at high levels within these disciplines but nevertheless be unable to meet college admission standards.

Finally, the author assumes that savings in tax revenues will result from the reduced costs of funding the paired-down curriculum. This is not necessarily true. For example, it could turn out that both programs serve the same number of students and require the same number of classrooms and teacher.

In conclusion, the author has not made a convincing case for the recommendation to eliminate courses at Consolidated and focus on a basic curriculum. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to provide evidence that Consolidated and the private school were sufficiently similar to warrant the analogy between them. Moreover, the relationship between student performance and college admission and the mechanism whereby savings in tax revenues would be accomplished would have to be clarified.

26. 本月5

V1.Afun toys company successfully use the module which that senior employees take on an aprrence,让新员工观察老员工然后从中学习. 这样的话可以减少很多cost for training program。有人建议他们的公司应该学习这个fun toys company.

V2.摘自a human resouce director in a tire manufacturing company. ”The cost of training the new employee plays an important role in the overall expense of a company. 象the Fun Toys Company 发起一个Apprentice Training Progam. 他们给senior empoloyee发 salary bounus 如果他们自愿参加这个项目。在这个项目中new employee can learn business patterns from the senior employee这样来降低新员工的培训成本。 so no more expensive and cost programs are needed. 所以我们公司也应该象FUN Toys Company 一样用这中项目降低新员工培训的成本。” 粉红栀TX提供的思路:

1 False Analogy. 错误类比了我们公司(tire manufacturing company 和 Fun Toys Company) 2 One-sidedness. 没有考虑cost-fect analysis. 在这个项目实施过程中,给老员工发的salary bonus 可能大于省下的training cost. 并且在学习过程中,新员工可能会学到老员工的一些坏习惯,比如错误操作等 3 “no more expensive ...... are needed.” 过于绝对。在Apprentice Training Program中新员工只能学到专业技能,操作,但是对团队协作力,团队建设等没有很好的培训到。


A fun toys company sussully use the module which that senior employees take on an aprrence,让新员工观察老员工然后从中学习. 这样的话可以减少很多expense time for training program。有人建议他们的公司应该学习这个fun toys company.


[v1]一个公司要省新员工培训费,决定让老员工参加一个program,记录他们的habits and activities,让新员工follow,以省去高昂的cost

[v2] AA是培训员工很费钱,一个玩具商店取消了员工培训,让员工自己向老员工学习,但是有技能的员工有奖励,所以作者的公司也想这么干。









25. 某C什么school有200多种选修课供学生选择,而另外一个private high school只有90种(貌似)可选,结果人家private school大学升学率老么高了,所以这个人就建议,咱也减少点选修课的吧~~


原题:The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”(99 or 101) 上1234567下


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