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11. 还有一道是说宋朝的时候,正如某某农具还是农作物的发明对农业产生了巨大推动,纸质货币的出现也对经济产生了巨大推动 我选的 just as……so,注意平行对等就行。 选项还有just the same as……和just like……

by sunincity

12、语法考到了just as...,so...还两题、、、一题不太明显、、、大平行不多,就做到了2、3题吧 11

V 2 by anny22781

想起来一个语法题,考的是just as...so这个结构(答案选这个)。因为这个结构我之前看了N次,所以很熟悉

v 3 by rainzyx23

Just as... ,so...的考点。考前半部分,很简单,唯一一个有动词的那个就是。

229. (28548-!-item-!-188;#058&003153) (T-9-Q34)

Just like the background in art history needed by an archaeologist in order to evaluate finds of ancient art, the nautical archaeologist needs specialized knowledge of the history and theory of ship design in order to understand shipwrecks.

A. Just like the background in art history needed by an archaeologist in order to evaluate finds of ancient art, the

B. Just as an archaeologist who needs a background in art history to evaluate finds of ancient art, a

C. Just as an archaeologist needs a background in art history to evaluate finds of ancient art, so a

D. Like the archaeologist who evaluates finds of ancient art and requires a background in art history, so the (C)

E. As evaluating finds of ancient art requires an archaeologist who has a background in art history, so the

题目释义:Just as an archaeologist needs a BG in …, so a nautical archaeologist needs knowledge of…



1. just as A do, so B do平行比较结构的习惯搭配:意思是:就如同A…B…

*: 这里的as是不能用like,whereas的。而且like…so…不符合搭配习惯,应该去掉so…

*: just as with和just like都是很wordy的

2. 下面三种形式无区别(后两种强烈语气,不可以随意删掉so)前后都要用句子,不能只用短语。

Just as … , so … Just as you sow, so you will reap 主从句要尽量形式对称

Just as … , as … Just as you sow, as you will reap 主从句要尽量形式对称

Just as … , so too … 主句要部分倒装(so too后是主句) Just as you sow, so too will you reap

l so with是错误结构。(prep 1-15)

l as with的结构是对的:As with other forward contracts, the cash settlement amount is the amount necessary to compensate the party who would be disadvantaged by the actual change in market rates as of the settlement date.

黄晓平:As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.


as with “正如……的情况一样” (看作是as it’s the same as的省略式,with 后面常跟名词、动名词或what从句

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and carul in doing this job.


As with what I said, he failed again.


l in the same way that…, as/so…也是错误结构

l like…, so/as…也是错误结构:like的比较必须是严格对称的


A. just like错,并且like后面也不能接主谓结构。

B. just as后面没有so,错误;as后面句子主谓不完整。

C. correct。

D. like…, so…比较结构错误。

E. just as…, so...结构不平行。


一个类似just as的结构--aeoluseros

what = just as,意为“恰像,犹如,好比”用作连词,引导比较状语从句

⑴ 惯用句式是:A is to B what C is to D. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:

Air is to us What water is to fish. 空气对于我们犹如水对于鱼。(介词to表示两者的关系)

⑵ 也有“A is for B what C is for D.”句式。例如:

Poultry is for the cook what canvas is for the paint. 厨师离不了家禽正如画家离不开画布一样。(介词for表示“供…使用”

⑶ what 引导的从句也可以放在句首,其句式是: What C is to D, that A is to B.(= A is to B what C is to D.)

在这一结构中,喻体在前,主体在后,相当于“just as...,so...”结构,意思也是“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:

What blood vessel is to a man&aposs body, that railway is to transportation.(=Just as blood vessel is to a man&aposs body, so Railway is to transportation.)铁路对于运输,好比血管对于人体一样。

by lynnfordream




11. 还有一道是说宋朝的时候,正如某某农具还是农作物的发明对农业产生了巨大推动,纸质货币的出现也对经济产生了巨大推动 我选的 just as……so,注意平行对等就行。 选项还有just the same as……和just like……

by sunincity

12、语法考到了just as...,so...还两题、、、一题不太明显、、、大平行不多,就做到了2、3题吧 11

V 2 by anny22781

想起来一个语法题,考的是just as...so这个结构(答案选这个)。因为这个结构我之前看了N次,所以很熟悉

v 3 by rainzyx23

Just as... ,so...的考点。考前半部分,很简单,唯一一个有动词的那个就是。

229. (28548-!-item-!-188;#058&003153) (T-9-Q34)

Just like the background in art history needed by an archaeologist in order to evaluate finds of ancient art, the nautical archaeologist needs specialized knowledge of the history and theory of ship design in order to understand shipwrecks.

A. Just like the background in art history needed by an archaeologist in order to evaluate finds of ancient art, the

B. Just as an archaeologist who needs a background in art history to evaluate finds of ancient art, a

C. Just as an archaeologist needs a background in art history to evaluate finds of ancient art, so a

D. Like the archaeologist who evaluates finds of ancient art and requires a background in art history, so the (C)

E. As evaluating finds of ancient art requires an archaeologist who has a background in art history, so the 上1234下


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