(30)本月机经2次 上月机经3次
No.99 or 101 The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”
105. Saluda镇的报纸的编者按: Saluda统一高中提过超过200中不同的课程供它的学生选择。路那头一所小的多的私立学校提供80种基本的课程,但是它的毕业生升入大学的比例始终比统一高中要高。去除至少一半的课程而着眼于基本课程,我们可以改善统一高中学生的表现并省下税收收入。 典型的错误类比, 还攻击了错误因果, 和 不见得drop in number of courses will save tax. 我想的理由是条件没有论证,没有排除他因,样本太少不具有代表性
1. 是否上大学更多就意味着更好呢?概念不对equate——可能去的学校不好。
2. 忽略他因。
3. 错误类比。情况不同,人数多可能必须提供多种课,同时也可能兴趣多。。。
1. causal oversimplification
2. false analogy
3. It is likely that the smaller private school is incapable of offering more courses, or else its students can have better performance.
In this editorial the author recommends that Saluda’s Consolidated High School eliminate half of its 200 courses and focus primarily on basic curriculum in order to improve student performance and save tax revenues. The author’s recommendation is problematic for several reasons.
To begin with, the author assumes that the only relevant difference between Consolidated and the private school is the number of courses offered by each. However, other relevant differences between the schools might account for the difference in the proportion of their graduates who go on to college. For example, the private school’s students might be selected from a pool of gifted or exceptional students, or might have to meet rigorous admission standards whereas Consolidated’s students might be drawn from the community at large with little or no qualification for admission.
Next, the author assumes that the proportion of students who go on to college is an overall measure of student performance. While this is a tempting assumption, its truth is by no means obvious. If student excellence is narrowly dined in terms of the student’s ability to gain access to college, this assumption is somewhat reasonable. However, given a broader conception of student excellence that takes into account student’s ability to learn and apply their knowledge to new situations, its is not obvious that college admission is reliable indicator of performance. For example, students in non-academic disciplines could conceivably perform at high levels within these disciplines but nevertheless be unable to meet college admission standards.
Finally, the author assumes that savings in tax revenues will result from the reduced costs of funding the paired-down curriculum. This is not necessarily true. For example, it could turn out that both programs serve the same number of students and require the same number of classrooms and teacher.
In conclusion, the author has not made a convincing case for the recommendation to eliminate courses at Consolidated and focus on a basic curriculum. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to provide evidence that Consolidated and the private school were sufficiently similar to warrant the analogy between them. Moreover, the relationship between student performance and college admission and the mechanism whereby savings in tax revenues would be accomplished would have to be clarified.
(31)本月机经1次 上月机经8次
一个在中等大小的城市开a chain of gyms的公司经理认为:A survey of the customers 显示了a high level of interest on eating healthier, 有一种eating healthier 的方式是吃organic food,这种食品没有农药和?(我忘了…)。而且这个地方还没有卖organic food的。然后好像是说这个城市有这个方面的市场,而且还没有其他公司进来(又或者是防止其他外地公司进来),这个公司就打算在include an organic section at each location, 这样他们一定能够提高盈利
说有个调查发现人们越来越喜欢吃健康的食物,于是某fitness gyms决定要在三个section售卖有机食品以期提高利润。
V2.是说一个manager写给Health Fitness还是啥的一个好像是健身连锁公司的建议的 根据 a recent survey,发现这个公司的customers大多是organic grocery的潜在顾客吧【这完全是我自己的表达,我记不得原材料了,我理解就是它是说这个survey显示organic grocery在这个company的顾客群中是很有市场的】,然后这个organic grocery要求所在城市有机、未使用农药杀虫剂的蔬菜供应,好像还有一个条件不记得了然后就直接说所以这个company所在的城市显然很适合开organic grocery。建议公司在national organic grocery chains进驻这个city前赶紧建,而且是expand all three fitness gyms to include a organic grocery.说通过此可以增加公司的利润。
V3对一个fitness gym顾客的调查发现他们对吃的健康很感兴趣,所以政府会支持建卖有机食品的店。所以这个gym为了扭转利润长久的不增长因该在所有门店增设利润很高的有机食品店。
V4 一个survey表明人们越来越注重饮食健康,喜欢吃organic food, 所以得出结论当地的fitness gyms应该有grocery store,而且要赶在别的商家进来之前
V5 People are interested in eating healthier, one way is to eat organic food which is grown without chemical and pesticide. Government is supportive for organic food. One grocery manager is recommending expanding their 3 out of 4 existing store to sell organic food.
V6 大概是讲一个调查说这个城市的人开始想健康饮食了,然后一种有机食品商店是健康饮食的一个因素,然后么一个GYM说要在里面也建那个商店,给出理由是什么大的连锁还没进来,要快点建,然后要在其三家GYM都扩展这个业务什么的,这样一来会增加利润之类的。 有心的人去考古一下吧,不过我没找到...
V7 就是最近的一个survey得出结论,现在的人更喜欢吃的营养,而吃的营养的一种方法就是吃有机食品。所以作者就建议说在那个市里开有机食品店,在这种有机食品还没有普遍的情况下打开市场。而且这个店要开在体育馆里,还是三个体育馆每个都设立这样一个grocery food store(类似)这样可以增加体育馆的收入。
主要有的问题是 survey本身的问题,recently太模糊,还有无因果,无端假设,我觉得还有错误类比,过去推将来这样的trend
V8from a customer survey, people like to buy organic food.and the government is ready to support organic stores. therore, business manager recommended to establish organic food section in the company&aposs three gyms.那个
(30)本月机经2次 上月机经3次
No.99 or 101 The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”
105. Saluda镇的报纸的编者按: Saluda统一高中提过超过200中不同的课程供它的学生选择。路那头一所小的多的私立学校提供80种基本的课程,但是它的毕业生升入大学的比例始终比统一高中要高。去除至少一半的课程而着眼于基本课程,我们可以改善统一高中学生的表现并省下税收收入。 典型的错误类比, 还攻击了错误因果, 和 不见得drop in number of courses will save tax. 我想的理由是条件没有论证,没有排除他因,样本太少不具有代表性 上12345下
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