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(34)本月机经1 上月机经1

No.96 The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine. ”A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that the managers could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.”

96. 电脑杂志的文章: 一年前Apex制造公司给它的经理们在家买了电脑,并支付电话费,这样他们就可以在工作时间以外从家里连接到Apex的电脑和数据文件。从去年开始,Apex的生产能力增长了15%。其他公司可以借鉴Apex的成功,提供家用电脑和到公司资源的链接,雇员会在家里加班并提高公司利润。


Notice that only managers were bought computers by Apex, whose productivity indeed rose 15 percent as the result. It is different from the assumption made in the article, which stated that if all employees were brought computers, they would work extra hours at home. Managers ≠ all employees

A. This argument suffers from a fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

B. Next, the author fails to provide any evidence that installing home computers for managers really led to the increase of Apex’s productivity.


1 home access 和increase productivity因果关系错误

2 就算有关系,productity增加也不代表profits会增加

3 就算以上都对,用去年来推今后也是错的

4 hasty generalization。有两个,一是把apex推广到所有公司,二是把managers推广到了所有employees


In this article the author attributes Apex Manufacturing’s 15 percent increase in productivity over the past year to its decision to equip its manager with computers and paid telephone connections for their homes so that they would access company computers and files from home after normal business hours. On the basis of Apex’s experience the author recommends that other companies follow Apex’s example and provide computers and access to company resources to their employees. The author believes that such a policy would increase productivity and profits for other companies, just as it did for Apex. The author’s line of reasoning is questionable for several reasons.

First, the author assumes that Apex’s increase in productivity is due to its equipping its managers with home computers and access to company resources. However, the only evidence offered in support of this claim is the fact that Apex’s increase in productivity occurred after the home computers and after-hours (adv. 工作完毕后) access was provided. Unfortunately, this evidence is insufficient to establish the causal claim in question. While temporal precedence is one of the conditions required to establish a causal relationship between two events, by itself it is not a sufficient condition. Consequently, it is possible that Apex’s increase in productivity is not related to its decision to equip its managers with computers and after-hours access in the fashion required by the author’s argument.

Second, the author assumes that Apex and other companies are sufficiently similar to warrant a conclusion based on an analogy between them. Even if we accept the view that Apex’s increase in productivity was brought about by its policy of enabling its managers to work from home, differences between Apex and other companies could nullify this result. Lacking detailed information about Apex and the other companies in question it is difficult to assess the author’s conclusion.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide additional evidence for the claim that Apex’s decision to provide its managers with home computers and access to company resources was responsible for its increase in productivity. Furthermore, it would be necessary to show that Apex and other companies are sufficiently similar to justify the analogy between them.

(35)本月机经1 上月机经7

No.61 The following appeared in the letters-to-the-editor section of a local newspaper.

“Muscle Monthly, a fitness magazine that regularly features pictures of bodybuilders using state-of-the-art exercise machines, frequently sells out, according to the owner of Skyview Newsstand. To help maximize fitness levels in our town’s residents, we should, therore, equip our new community fitness center with such machines.”

61. 本地报纸上给编者的信板块: 一份叫Muscle Monthly的健康杂志规律性地刊登使用最好的训练器械的健美运动员的照片。据skyview报摊的摊主说它经常卖完。为了提高我镇居民的健康水平,我们应该给我们的新健身中心装备这样的器械。


1、 如果杂志卖光得快不一定是因为这个器材好,很可能是价钱便宜,和其他的内容。

2、 那些人很可能并不真正用这些机器,而只是摆出造型。

3、 如果是为了body-building的机器很可能不能fitness。比如,cardiovascular fitness。

1、 The bodybuilders may just pretend to be using the state-of-the-art exercise machines while, in fact, their excellent body conditions are due to the use of other types of equipment. And, they just do so for the advertisement purpose.

2、 The circulation is just one of the indicators of the popularity of the magazine. What is more, I can find no direct relationship between the popularity of the magazine and the author&aposs suggestion that we should equip the community with the state-of-the-art excercise machine.

3、 The machines for body building will not necessarily have the same fect on fitness.


In this argument the author concludes that the new community fitness center should be equipped with the state-of-the-art exercise machines featured in Muscle Monthly magazine. In support of this recommendation two reasons are offered: (1) Muscle Monthly contains pictures of bodybuilders using such machines, and (2) Muscle Monthly is a popular magazine, as evidenced by the fact that it frequently sells out at the local newsstand. This argument is questionable on two counts.

First, a major implication of the argument is that the bodybuilders pictured using the machines in Muscle Monthly magazine reached their state of fitness as a result of using these machines. The only evidence offered to support this contention, however, is the pictures in the magazine. It is possible that the bodybuilders pictured use different equipment for their workouts and are merely posing with the machines for advertising purposes.

Second, the author assumes that machines that are suitable for bodybuilding will also be suitable to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents. This assumption is highly questionable. Machines designed to increase muscle development are significantly different from those designed to increase cardiovascular fitness. Consequently, it is unlikely that the machines pictured in the magazine will be of much use to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents.

In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that the bodybuilders pictured using the exercise machines actually used the machines to reach their level of muscle development. Additionally, the author would have to show that the machines were suitable for increasing the fitness levels of the persons using them.




(34)本月机经1 上月机经1

No.96 The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine. ”A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that the managers could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.”

96. 电脑杂志的文章: 一年前Apex制造公司给它的经理们在家买了电脑,并支付电话费,这样他们就可以在工作时间以外从家里连接到Apex的电脑和数据文件。从去年开始,Apex的生产能力增长了15%。其他公司可以借鉴Apex的成功,提供家用电脑和到公司资源的链接,雇员会在家里加班并提高公司利润。 上12345下


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