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1.4.1 GWD-26-Q14-Q16 董事会经常失败的原因和改进措施

Although recent censure of corporate 指责董事会消极懒散虽有点过

boards of directors as “passive” and 火,但还是有充分理由的。

“supine” may be excessive, those who

Line criticize board performance have plenty

(5) of substantive ammunition. Too many 董事会错在没有执行好两个基

corporate boards fail in their two crucial 本职责:忽视长期战略,没制

responsibilities of overseeing long-term 定好的高层薪酬计划。

company strategy and of selecting

evaluating, and determining appropriate

(10) compensation of top management. At 有时CEO业绩不好工资却高。

times, despite disappointing corporate

performance, compensation of chi

executive officers reaches indensibly

high levels, Nevertheless, suggestions 但建议政府立法其改革又言之

(15) that the government should legislate board 过早。董事会可以自己改善。

rorm are premature. There are ample

opportunities for boards themselves to

improve corporate performance.

Most corporate boards’ compensation 大多数董事会制定高层管理

(20) committees focus primarily on peer-group 人员薪酬时只和其他公司比

comparisons. They are content if the pay 较。如果工资和其它对手公

of top executives approximates that of 司或类似公司的相同,董事

the executives of competing firms with 会就会满足。

comparable short-term earnings or even

(25) that of executives of competing firms of

comparable size. However, mimicking the 这种模仿忽视了长期业绩表

compensation policy of competitors for the 现。

sake of parity means neglecting the value

of compensation as a means of stressing

(30) long-term performance. By tacitly detach- 这会危害公司危害经济。

ing executive compensation policy from

long-term performance, committees harm

their companies and the economy as a

whole. The committees must develop 薪酬必须与长期表现挂钩。

(35) incentive compensation policies to empha-

size long-term performance. For example 举例说明

a board’s compensation committee can, by

carully proportioning straight salary and

such short-term and long-term incentives

(40) as stock options, encourage top manage-

ment to pursue a responsible strategy.




According to the passage, the majority of compensation committees put the greatest emphasis on which of the following when determining compensation for their


A Long-term corporate performance

B The threat of government regulation

C Salaries paid to executives of comparable corporations

D The probable fect the determination will have on competitors

E The probable fect the economic climate will have on the company

They are content if the pay of top executives approximates that of the executives of competing firms



The passage suggests which of the following about government legislation requiring

that corporate boards undergo rorm?

A Such legislation is likely to discourage

candidates from joining corporate


B Such legislation is likely to lead to

reduced competition among com-


C. The performance of individual com-

panies would be affected by such

legislation to a greater extent than

would the economy as a whole.

D Such legislation would duplicate

initiatives already being made by

corporate boards to improve their

own performance.无

E Corporate boards themselves could

act to make such legislation unnec-





Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A A problem is acknowledged, the

causes are explored, and a solu-

tion is offered.

B A question is raised, opposing points

of view are evaluated, and several

alternative answers are discussed.

C A means of dealing with a problem is

proposed, and the manner in which

D a solution was reached is explained.

A plan of action is advanced, and the

probable outcomes of that plan are


E Two competing theories are described

and then reconciled.

1.4.2 T-7-Q23-Q25企业新产品开发对市场供求的影响

Companies that must determine well 好卖的产品产量太少,难卖的产品 in advance of the selling season how 产量又太大。 many unites of a new product to manu- Line facture often underproduce products (5) that sell well and have overstocks of others. The increased incidence in 这种供求矛盾似乎很讽刺,因为 recent years of mismatches between 消费者购买模式的数据趋于精确, production and demand seems ironic, 弹性生产又允许小量商品的生产。 since point-of-sale scanners have (10) improved data on consumers’ buying patterns and since flexible manufacturing has enabled companies to 24 produce, cost-fectively, small quantities of goods. This type of 弹性生产导致美国每年新产品 (15) manufacturing has greatly increased 大量增加。但是频繁引入新产品 the number of new products introduced 有两个消极的副作用。 annually in the United States. However, frequent introductions of new products have two problematic side fects. For 一方面产品平均寿命缩短;它 (20) one, they reduce the average lifetime of 们既不处于初期(难以预计), products; more of them are neither at the 也不处于末期(库存昂贵)。 beginning of their life (when prediction is difficult) or at the end of their life (when keeping inventory is expen- (25) sive because the products will soon become obsolete). For another, as 另一方面,随着新产品泛滥, new products proliferate, demand is 需求在增加的库存单位内分配 divided among a growing number of stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even 虽然厂商和零售商有些把握预 (30) though manufacturers and retailers can 计准确的累积总需求,但他们 forecast aggregate demand with some 难以准确预计这些需求在众多 certainty, forecasting accurately how 库存单位内如何分配。 that demand will be distributed among the many SKU’s they sell is difficult. (35) For example, a company may be able 例如,一家公司可能可以准确 to estimate accurately the aggregate 估计鞋子总售量,但它不确定 number of shoes it will sell, but it may 哪种鞋子会卖更多,哪种鞋子 be uncertain about which specific 会卖更少。 types of shoes will sell more than other types. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q23: Which of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence in the passage (lines 35-40)? A. To cite a situation in which the aggregate demand is more important than the distribution of demand among SKU’s B. To rute an assertion about the side fects of flexible manufacturing C. To illustrate an assertion about companies’ ability to forecast demand D. To provide an example of ways in which companies address the difficulties of forecasting demand E. To note an exception to the author’s assertion about distributing demand am-ong SKU’s

Q24: The passage suggests which of the following about divided demand among a growing number of SKU’s? A. It has increased the average lifetime of products. B. It has resulted from retailer’s attempts to predict demand more accurately and avoid both understocks and overstocks. C. It has decreased the use of flexible manufacturing by companies. D. It has not increased the expense of keeping inventory of certain products. E. It has not prevented companies from predicting aggregate demand with some certainty.


According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year?

  1. Reduced average lifetime of products
  2. Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand
  3. More cost-fective ways of keeping inventory for products
  4. Cost-fective production of small quantities of goods
  5. Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s




1.4.1 GWD-26-Q14-Q16 董事会经常失败的原因和改进措施

Although recent censure of corporate 指责董事会消极懒散虽有点过

boards of directors as “passive” and 火,但还是有充分理由的。

“supine” may be excessive, those who

Line criticize board performance have plenty

(5) of substantive ammunition. Too many 董事会错在没有执行好两个基

corporate boards fail in their two crucial 本职责:忽视长期战略,没制

responsibilities of overseeing long-term 定好的高层薪酬计划。

company strategy and of selecting

evaluating, and determining appropriate

(10) compensation of top management. At 有时CEO业绩不好工资却高。

times, despite disappointing corporate

performance, compensation of chi

executive officers reaches indensibly

high levels, Nevertheless, suggestions 但建议政府立法其改革又言之

(15) that the government should legislate board 过早。董事会可以自己改善。

rorm are premature. There are ample

opportunities for boards themselves to

improve corporate performance.

Most corporate boards’ compensation 大多数董事会制定高层管理

(20) committees focus primarily on peer-group 人员薪酬时只和其他公司比

comparisons. They are content if the pay 较。如果工资和其它对手公

of top executives approximates that of 司或类似公司的相同,董事

the executives of competing firms with 会就会满足。

comparable short-term earnings or even 上123456下


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