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以下澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,2011年6月gmat逻辑机经,共131篇,时间2011年6月3日至2011年7月1日。以下45-131篇,前1-44篇见 2011年gmat机经,6月gmat逻辑机经(至6.15)(一) 澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!

60. GWD25-Q3 19891015ly

Mel: The official salary for judges has always been too low to attract the best candidates to the job. The legislature’s move to raise the salary has done nothing to improve the situation, because it was coupled with a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements. Pat: No, the raise in salary really does improve the situation. Since very few judges teach or give lectures, the ban will have little or no negative fect.

Pat’s response to Mel is inadequate in that it

A. attempts to assess how a certain change will affect potential members of a group by providing evidence about its fect on the current members.

B. mistakenly takes the cause of a certain change to be an fect of that change

C. attempts to argue that a certain change will have a positive fect merely by pointing to the absence of negative fects

D. simply denies Mel’s claim without putting forward any evidence in support of that denial

E. assumes that changes that benit the most able members of a group necessarily benit all members of that group.



61.1 apolloz


一个公司搞了个三角形瓶子 gold label,然后被black label仿冒,但原主不介意。 问:explanation

61.2 谢谢suya

Mourdet Winery: Danville Winery&aposs new wine was introduced to compete with our most popular wine, which is sold in a distinctive tall, black bottle. Danville uses a similar bottle. Thus, it is likely that many customers intending to buy our wine will mistakenly buy theirs instead. Danville Winery: Not so. The two bottles can be readily distinguished: the label on ours, but not on theirs, is gold colored. Which of the following, if true, most undermines Danville Winery&aposs response? (A) Gold is the background color on the label of many of the wines produced by Danville Winery. (B) When the bottles are viewed side by side, Danville Winery&aposs bottle is perceptibly taller than Mourdet Winery&aposs. (C) Danville Winery, unlike Mourdet Winery, displays its wine&aposs label prominently in advertisements. (D) It is common for occasional purchasers to buy a bottle of wine on the basis of a general impression of the most obvious feature of the bottle. (E) Many popular wines are sold in bottles of a standard design. 答案 D

澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,以上2011年6月gmat逻辑机经,2011年6月3日至2011年7月1日,共131篇。前1-44篇见 2011年gmat机经,6月gmat逻辑机经(至6.15)(一) 澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!


以下澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,2011年6月gmat逻辑机经,共131篇,时间2011年6月3日至2011年7月1日。以下45-131篇,前1-44篇见 2011年gmat机经,6月gmat逻辑机经(至6.15)(一) 澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!

60. GWD25-Q3 19891015ly

Mel: The official salary for judges has always been too low to attract the best candidates to the job. The legislature’s move to raise the salary has done nothing to improve the situation, because it was coupled with a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements. Pat: No, the raise in salary really does improve the situation. Since very few judges teach or give lectures, the ban will have little or no negative fect.

Pat’s response to Mel is inadequate in that it

A. attempts to assess how a certain change will affect potential members of a group by providing evidence about its fect on the current members.

B. mistakenly takes the cause of a certain change to be an fect of that change

C. attempts to argue that a certain change will have a positive fect merely by pointing to the absence of negative fects

D. simply denies Mel’s claim without putting forward any evidence in support of that denial

E. assumes that changes that benit the most able members of a group necessarily benit all members of that group.




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