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  以下澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,下面是2011年7月gmat作文机经,AI共24题,2011年7月5日至7月12日。祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 更新至7.20,共39题 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AI(至7.20)(一)


V1: issue是constant innovation and change 能为企业带来improvement的同时也会带来一样damage 用的 as as 结构 具体不记得了 improvement在后面一个as后的 就一句话 自己也就分improve和damage两个方面写应该也还好完成吧


V2:.AI: the constant innovation and change within an organization is as likely to damage the organization as to improve it.


题库原题:Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve to it.



V1Innovation and changes are as likely do damage to an organization as do good to it. 大意就是创新和变化能够给一个组织带来的不良影响并不比好的影响少。

V2Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.


1.We are living in a world which is developing at a termendous speed which requires constant innovation and change. 2.However, constant change and innovation can do harm to the organization if we can not adapt the organization to the innovation and changes. 3.Innovation and change is a double-edged sword. We should quickly adjust ourselves to the innovation and change and make them better serve us.





2.issue是问是否groups and organization的authorities and responsibilities 分给每一个人可以更好的完成工作


V2. 企业的责任应该由团队来承担,给一个人过于集中的权利和责任是不好的

V3. 有人认为现在商业中过于强调团队,问这种想法对不对。

V4。AI: decision made by group vs. authority decision

题库原题:5. “All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an fective way to get work done.”


1. For groups and organizations that are stable, it is reasonable to have a flat organizational structure.

2. For groups and organizations that are always confronted with emergencies, it is always better to give one certain person central authority and responsibility.

3. It is hard to say that one structure is necessarily better than the other. They all have advantages and disadvantages. And it is a case-by-case discussion.

1, Admittedly, 在团队中,每个人都应该起到积极的作用take positive action。责任和义务的share可以激发每个人更加主动motivate the members’ creativity and initiative. 比方说,many companies let the employees to buy shares and stocks.

2, 但是,这样不是说,everyone should be given the power to make the final decision. 首先,天性是自私的。In many circumstances, the personal goal may be different from or even contrary to the goal of the group. 如果任由每个人作出决定,很可能作出相反的,产生很多矛盾。incompatible conflict. 比如企业中,每个员工都想争取最多的工资,但也许与企业cost-cutting policy想矛盾。

3, 这时候,就需要one person with the authority and responsibility for a project来协调assort with the different interests。synthesize the various voices of all the group members and make the final decision.这样才能有效地领导一个团队,不会偏离最初的目标stray from the initial goal of the task.


Which is a more productive method of performing a group task: allowing all group members to share in the decision making, duties and responsibilities, or appointing one member to make decisions, delegate duties and take responsibility? The speaker’s opinion is that the first method is always the best one. In my view, however, each of these alternatives is viable in certain circumstances, as illustrated by two very different examples.

A jury in a criminal trial is good example of a group in which shared decision-making, duties, and responsibility is the most appropriate and fective way to get the job done. Each member of the jury is on equal footing with the others. While one person is appointed to head the jury, his or her function is to act as facilitator, not as leader. To place ultimate authority and responsibility on the facilitator would essentially be to appoint a judge, and to thereby deat the very purpose of the jury system.

By way of contrast, a trauma unit in a hospital is a case in which one individual should assume responsibility, delegate duties and make decisions. In trauma units, split-second 【split-second: adj.瞬间发生的】 decisions are inherently part of the daily routine, and it is generally easier for one person to make a quick decision than for a team to agree on how to proceed. One could argue that since decisions in trauma units are typically life-and-death (adj. 生死攸关的, 重大的) ones, leaving these decisions to one person is too risky. However, this argument ignores the crucial point that only the most experienced individuals should be trusted with such a burden and with such power; leaving decisions to inexperienced group members can jeopardize a patient’s very life.

In conclusion, I agree that in some situations the best way to accomplish a task is through teamwork-sharing responsibility, duties and decision making. However, in other situations, especially those where quick decisions are necessary or where individual experience is critical, the most fective means is for one individual to serve as leader and assume ultimate responsibility for completing the job.

  以上澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,2011年7月gmat作文机经,AI共24题,2011年7月5日至2011年7月12日。澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!更新至7.20,共39题 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AI(至7.20)(一)


  以下澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,下面是2011年7月gmat作文机经,AI共24题,2011年7月5日至7月12日。祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 更新至7.20,共39题 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AI(至7.20)(一)


V1: issue是constant innovation and change 能为企业带来improvement的同时也会带来一样damage 用的 as as 结构 具体不记得了 improvement在后面一个as后的 就一句话 自己也就分improve和damage两个方面写应该也还好完成吧


V2:.AI: the constant innovation and change within an organization is as likely to damage the organization as to improve it.


题库原题:Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve to it.



V1Innovation and changes are as likely do damage to an organization as do good to it. 大意就是创新和变化能够给一个组织带来的不良影响并不比好的影响少。

V2Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it. 上12345下


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