17 .AI是employer要不要禁止employee的unhealthy behaviors的。
the employers should prohibit the employees from the unhealthy behaviors , both in workplace and in theie leisure time.
V2.employers have the rights to prohibit employees from unhealthy behaviors both in their professional life and personal life.
V3.公司应该prohibit员工的unhealthy behavior in workplace or personal lives
V4. Employers should have a right to prohibit the employees engaging from the bad behavior, both in workplace and persona life.
18.说因为high-profile status and access to resources, celebrities should be QUALIFIED for the most fectively 什么的in making decisions for social problems.(我的论点是social problems 要分类讨论。不能oversimplified之类的。不过因为我平时没有练习过作文,写得还是很仓促,思维有点混乱。所以就不多说我的逻辑了。但是我觉得大概思路从分类讨论这个方向来入手。)
考古:V1. celebrities are uniquely qualified to address social problem.
V2. celebrities qualify uniquely and fectively to address social problems because they 有好的身份地位和更容易获得某些资源~
V3. celebrities are uniquely qualified to address the social problems because their social status and have access to the information.
V4. Because celebrities have more access to resources, they enjoy more advantages to address the social problems 。以上澳际留学整理2011年gmat机经,2011年7月gmat作文机经,AI共24题,2011年7月5日至2011年7月12日。澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!
17 .AI是employer要不要禁止employee的unhealthy behaviors的。
the employers should prohibit the employees from the unhealthy behaviors , both in workplace and in theie leisure time.
V2.employers have the rights to prohibit employees from unhealthy behaviors both in their professional life and personal life.
V3.公司应该prohibit员工的unhealthy behavior in workplace or personal lives
V4. Employers should have a right to prohibit the employees engaging from the bad behavior, both in workplace and persona life. 上12下
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲