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GWD25-Q36 The chemical adenosine is released by brain cells when those cells are active. Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakulness. During sleep, the number of sites to which adenosine is bound decreases. Some researchers have hypothesized that it is the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the researchers’ hypothesis? A. Even after long periods of sleep when adenosine is at its lowest concentration in the brain, the number of brain cells bound with adenosine remains very large. B. Caffeine, which has the fect of making people remain wakul, is known to interfere with the binding of adenosine to sites on brain cells. C. Besides binding to sites in the brain, adenosine is known to be involved in biochemical reactions throughout the body. D. Some areas of the brain that are relatively inactive nonetheless release some adenosine. E. Stress resulting from a dangerous situation can preserve wakulness even when brain levels of bound adenosine are high. 答案选b
42. 【污染】
43. 【买飞机】
44. 【航空公司】
关于航空公司减少air traffic controler的
45. 【午餐杯】
一个地方提供午餐,把原来的carton杯子换成了p杯子,之后发现杯子empty的比原来多了,结论是,学生用p杯子喝的牛奶比用carton杯子更多。 问:假设 狗主答案:p杯子不会比carton杯子更容易洒出牛奶还是洒出更多牛奶(大概是怎么个意思)
GWD25-Q36 The chemical adenosine is released by brain cells when those cells are active. Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakulness. During sleep, the number of sites to which adenosine is bound decreases. Some researchers have hypothesized that it is the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the researchers’ hypothesis? A. Even after long periods of sleep when adenosine is at its lowest concentration in the brain, the number of brain cells bound with adenosine remains very large. B. Caffeine, which has the fect of making people remain wakul, is known to interfere with the binding of adenosine to sites on brain cells. C. Besides binding to sites in the brain, adenosine is known to be involved in biochemical reactions throughout the body. D. Some areas of the brain that are relatively inactive nonetheless release some adenosine. E. Stress resulting from a dangerous situation can preserve wakulness even when brain levels of bound adenosine are high. 答案选b
42. 【污染】
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲