澳际留学整理更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat作文机经,AA,2011年7月5日至7月20日,AA篇,共38题。前1-24题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AA(至7.10)(一) 祝大家GMAT考试顺利!
29. AA:讲的是电子书啊越来越普及~~根据调查显示啊~70%多回复调查的人80%的人都认为电子书的文学很重要啊!!!然后呢,丫的我们公司就投资那个E神马公司吧···那个公司是搞电子书与文学方面有关的··
题库原题:The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.
“Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore: 72 percent of those responding to a recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”
*A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.
1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.
2. the survey is doubtful
3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net.
In this article the author concludes that literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore. The author’s line of reasoning is that the availability of books in electronic form and access of books via the Internet has removed the two major impediments that prevented people from reading literary classics, namely price and convenient access. Since books can be accessed from home or work via computers at little or no cost, the author believes that significant changes in the society will occur. Specifically, the author maintains that access to literary classics will affect the public’s taste in reading and will result in a more learned and cultured reading audience. The author’s argument is unconvincing for several reasons.
First, the author assumes that price and convenient access are the primary reasons people fail to read literary classics. While this is a tempting assumption, it is not obviously true. For example, other reasons, such as lack of interest in these books or awareness of them on the part of the reading public could equally account for the failure to read them. Consequently, it may turn out that, contrary to the author’s expectation, the number of people who read literary classics is unaffected by their increased availability and lower cost.
Second, while it may be the case that access to books at affordable prices has increased as a result of new technology, the author provides no evidence for the assumption that access to literary classics at affordable prices has increased as well. On the face of it, this assumption seems innocuous; however there may be reasons that prevent literary classics from being marketed in the fashion described by the author. For example, the inability to secure the requisite permissions to reproduce these books in electronic form, or the lack of commercial interest in marketing them via the Internet could undermine the author’s assumption.
In conclusion, this argument is not convincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide evidence for the assumption that price and accessibility are the main reasons people fail to read literary classics. Additionally, evidence would be required for the assumption that access to literary classics will be increased.
澳际留学更新2011gmat机经,2011年7月gmat作文机经,AA,2011年7月5日至2011年7月20日,共38题。前1-24题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AA(至7.10)(一) 。澳际留学祝大家考试顺利!
2011gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AA(至7.20)(五)2011gmat机经澳际留学整理更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat作文机经,AA,2011年7月5日至7月20日,AA篇,共38题。前1-24题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat作文机经AA(至7.10)(一) 祝大家GMAT考试顺利!
29. AA:讲的是电子书啊越来越普及~~根据调查显示啊~70%多回复调查的人80%的人都认为电子书的文学很重要啊!!!然后呢,丫的我们公司就投资那个E神马公司吧···那个公司是搞电子书与文学方面有关的··
题库原题:The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.
“Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore: 72 percent of those responding to a recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”
*A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.
1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.
2. the survey is doubtful
3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net. 上12下
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲