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  澳际留学为大家更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat机经,gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!

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1.chendan815 (Q50,V31,680)

47)第一题就把我给吓住了,一个长句,有两个谓语,划线部分是as that,选项中还有are they, as,还有什么问了,我就选了A,但花的时间太长了,所以实在不行了,就赶紧move on了

As that不是搭配吧。。搜索了一下这两个词连在一起时的情况

【PREP08-1-169 练习】

Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts.

A. of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that

B. of their sales a year earlier having been as bad as because

C. of their sales a year earlier being as bad as because

D. their sales a year earlier had been so bad as because (D)

E. their sales of a year earlier were as bad as that

题目释义:Retailers reported …, as much because … as because ….. .


主语Retailer,谓语report, as much because … as because并列引导原因状语。过去完成时在这里使用是可以的,是在reported的过去,完成的事实。



1. as much because …as because …,as …as 要求平行并列。

2. so bad可以单独使用做形容词,而as bad则后面必须再加比较成分,并不完整as bad as结构。

3. Shopper = customer 顾客,购物者

4. Head start = 抢先,提前


(A) as much…as…结构不平行;because of后面结构复杂,核心词只有their sales,应该改为because引导从句来清晰阐明原因。

(B) as much… as…结构不平行;as much… as bad as…搭配错误-- so bad是可以自己单独使用的,但是as bad的话后面必须再跟一个as;because of错误同A。

(C) as much… as…结构不平行;as much… as bad as…错误同B;because of错误同A。

(D) Correct;过去完成时以后面的were getting对照,说明a year earilier的sales发生在过去的过去;so bad不与后面的as搭配,而是前面的as much与as搭配

(E) 结构不平行, as much as和so bad,此处搭配混乱;第一个原因状语从句用过去完成时更贴切,因为第一个because是发生在去年,在第二个because之前,时态亦需要提前。

2.dingjingheart 730

还是觉得平行结构考的挺多的,考场以平行,简洁,通顺为原则吧~ 具体的题目确实不记得了,有一道题目不记得是在哪里见过了,偶选的是。。。upon graduation。。。,觉得是一毕业就。。。的意思



3.qqttaoload 730


  以上澳际留学为大家更新gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一)澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!


  澳际留学为大家更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat机经,gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!


1.chendan815 (Q50,V31,680)

47)第一题就把我给吓住了,一个长句,有两个谓语,划线部分是as that,选项中还有are they, as,还有什么问了,我就选了A,但花的时间太长了,所以实在不行了,就赶紧move on了

As that不是搭配吧。。搜索了一下这两个词连在一起时的情况

【PREP08-1-169 练习】

Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts.

A. of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that

B. of their sales a year earlier having been as bad as because

C. of their sales a year earlier being as bad as because

D. their sales a year earlier had been so bad as because (D)

E. their sales of a year earlier were as bad as that

题目释义:Retailers reported …, as much because … as because ….. .


主语Retailer,谓语report, as much because … as because并列引导原因状语。过去完成时在这里使用是可以的,是在reported的过去,完成的事实。



1. as much because …as because …,as …as 要求平行并列。

2. so bad可以单独使用做形容词,而as bad则后面必须再加比较成分,并不完整as bad as结构。

3. Shopper = customer 顾客,购物者

4. Head start = 抢先,提前 上12下


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