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  澳际留学为大家更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat机经,gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!

5.RayGT 760 M 51 V 40)】

56说钻石怎么怎么的, 两个修饰分句放在前面, 然后diamond + 谓语。 我选的这个。 另一个选项是 diamond is 。。 然后再加两个分句。

57有一个句尾修饰, 一个是as being exceptional,一个 being exceptional, 我选的不带as的



a) being + n. b) being + adj. c) as being + n./adj./v-ing

so that有考,not only but also有考,注意主位一致。


我觉得语法跟prep08类似,但是有几道比较诡异的题,花了好长时间。 考到了as as的平行,including的用法 58)还有一道GWD原题 GWD-18-Q41,选D At the turn of the twentieth century, forest covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them domesticated and performing various essential tasks.

A. covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them

B. covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, and a third of them were C. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, with a third D. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them E. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, with a third of them

  以上澳际留学为大家更新gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!

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