您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(七).
澳际留学为大家更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat机经,gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!
1.【stellawater (730)】
59)有一道印象很深的 xxx非常怀疑欧盟保持单一货币稳定的能力 as, in contrast to other ...countries, the EU, with the 7 countries in particular, continuing .....growth.... 当时很郁闷的是,首先那个as特别小,差点就没看见,然后我就想,这个as应该是表示啥呢,应该是引导一个从句吧,那后面的就要有主谓宾吧,但是貌似有三个选项是continuing,有一个that continues,还有一个continues(但我记得这个选项的插入语好像有点问题)。然后我想continue应该是没有进行时的,和finish一样,但是剩下的两个就没办法排除了,一个是in particular seven countries,一个是seven countries particularly。
①不能用于进行时: 例句PREP07-1-125
The computer company registered a $16 million net loss for the year, largely because it was profitable only overseas, where much of their profits were used for paying higher taxes, while continuing to lose money in North America. 错
改为:where much of its profit went to pay higher taxes, while it continued
解释: 有些动词(表示状态或感觉的词,或者表示极短暂的动作)一般不用现在进行时,比如:declare, recognize 等,continue 是表示状态的动词,不用现在进行时态。
Dying forts by policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic at restraining it, the United States dollar, continuing its rise, reaching its highest level in six years against the German mark. 错
改为to restrain it, the United States dollar continued its rise, reaching
②用于进行时: 例句PREP07-1-30
According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment to the lowest level in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.
1 [only bore noun] a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not any other [certain, specific]:
Ø In this particular case, no one else was involved.
Ø Most students choose one particular area for research.
2 special or great:
Ø You should pay particular attention to spelling.
(3)as作连词引导从句,可以表示: 因为;在…时;按照;尽管;正如………从句主谓宾需齐全。
此题中EU与 “other…countries”对比,7 countries particularly可以对EU进行补充说明
2.【kanon8920 (Q51)】
60)我第一题but also是转折的意思,not only和but also是迷惑项。后面有道题是纯考not only, but also并列。
其他but also的用法见寂静34
61)我只记得句意,是讲17xx还是18xx年(这里有一个when),一队人马到了一个地方,(这里好像有个where还是in which,忘了...)是三条河的交叉点,阻碍了队伍的前进。 选项C是把句子重心改变了,还有选项是时态用的过去完成,还有的好像是...(不肯定)when、where用错了。
有道as much as的题目,原以为是考平行,但是单靠平行不行,排除后还剩几项。
62)考了plan to的固定搭配,both by ..and by...
plan to do something
Ø He said he planned to write his essay tonight.
plan on doing something
Ø When do you plan on going to Geneva?
Ø The former president is planning a return to politics.
4.【sky2 (700)】
还是平行啊什么的考的比较多~risk用法有考~感觉有道还是GWD原题,类似于the other, those of others 之类的选项 GWD题目可能是Charles Darwin那道,见寂静20
以上澳际留学为大家更新gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!
2011gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(七)2011gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(七)2011gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(七)澳际留学为大家更新2011gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat机经,gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月26日,共101题。前1-46题见 2011年gmat机经,7月gmat语法机经(至7.18)(一) 澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!
1.【stellawater (730)】
59)有一道印象很深的 xxx非常怀疑欧盟保持单一货币稳定的能力 as, in contrast to other ...countries, the EU, with the 7 countries in particular, continuing .....growth.... 当时很郁闷的是,首先那个as特别小,差点就没看见,然后我就想,这个as应该是表示啥呢,应该是引导一个从句吧,那后面的就要有主谓宾吧,但是貌似有三个选项是continuing,有一个that continues,还有一个continues(但我记得这个选项的插入语好像有点问题)。然后我想continue应该是没有进行时的,和finish一样,但是剩下的两个就没办法排除了,一个是in particular seven countries,一个是seven countries particularly。
①不能用于进行时: 例句PREP07-1-125
The computer company registered a $16 million net loss for the year, largely because it was profitable only overseas, where much of their profits were used for paying higher taxes, while continuing to lose money in North America. 错
改为:where much of its profit went to pay higher taxes, while it continued
解释: 有些动词(表示状态或感觉的词,或者表示极短暂的动作)一般不用现在进行时,比如:declare, recognize 等,continue 是表示状态的动词,不用现在进行时态。
Dying forts by policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic at restraining it, the United States dollar, continuing its rise, reaching its highest level in six years against the German mark. 错
改为to restrain it, the United States dollar continued its rise, reaching
②用于进行时: 例句PREP07-1-30
According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment to the lowest level in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲