有个地方,1995年为了降低犯罪率,在downtown安装了摄像头来监视,结果发现95年crime committed的数量比往年还多,而其他没安装摄像头的地方的crime没变,结论是安装摄像头没达到目的。
问:监视效果没达到,为什么 (Expl.) a,大家都知道这个摄像头装在哪 d,95年全市的crime committed的数量比94年还少 狗主答案D (这里也有同学建议选A,还有更好的建议,大家见到选项的时候酌情考虑呀)
另外,taylorhy AMY晓慧建议更优选项:因为装上摄像头了,然后report了很多以前就没发现的crimes ,之前的crimes不是少,而是被发现的少 2.[发论文]
Junior biomedical researchers have long assumed that their hirings and promotions depend significantly on the amount of their published work. People responsible for making hiring and promotion decisions in the biomedical research field, however, are influenced much more by the overall impact that a candidate&aposs scientific publications have on his or her field than by the number of those publications. The information above, if accurate, argues most strongly against which of the following claims? A. Even biomedical researchers who are just beginning their careers are expected already to have published articles of major significance to the field. B. Contributions to the field of biomedical research are generally considered to be significant only if the work is published. C. The potential scientific importance of not-yet-published work is sometimes taken into account in decisions regarding the hiring or promotion of biomedical researchers. D. People responsible for hiring or promoting biomedical researchers can reasonably be expected to make a fair assessment of the overall impact of a candidate&aposs publications on his or her field. E. Biomedical researchers can substantially increase their chances of promotion by fragmenting their research findings so that they are published in several journals instead of one
说航空公司为了减少飞机延误的抱怨,应该提高座位的质量,减少对座位的抱怨,因为有研究发现一个人对一项东西抱怨是因为受对另外一样东西抱怨情绪的影响。。所以航空公司想通过提升准点 来平息乘客的抱怨
狗主答案1:5年以来还受到过抱怨饭菜的投诉。(不确定,分低....)狗主答案2:航空公司在准点上不可控。狗主答案3 recently,每一趟飞机的上座率增加了(答案3主Hardy冉冉对V部分的成绩总体满意,只是逻辑部分是最不满意的)LZ答案:飞机的上座率增加了
有个地方,1995年为了降低犯罪率,在downtown安装了摄像头来监视,结果发现95年crime committed的数量比往年还多,而其他没安装摄像头的地方的crime没变,结论是安装摄像头没达到目的。
问:监视效果没达到,为什么 (Expl.) a,大家都知道这个摄像头装在哪 d,95年全市的crime committed的数量比94年还少 狗主答案D (这里也有同学建议选A,还有更好的建议,大家见到选项的时候酌情考虑呀)
另外,taylorhy AMY晓慧建议更优选项:因为装上摄像头了,然后report了很多以前就没发现的crimes ,之前的crimes不是少,而是被发现的少 2.[发论文]
Junior biomedical researchers have long assumed that their hirings and promotions depend significantly on the amount of their published work. People responsible for making hiring and promotion decisions in the biomedical research field, however, are influenced much more by the overall impact that a candidate&aposs scientific publications have on his or her field than by the number of those publications. The information above, if accurate, argues most strongly against which of the following claims? A. Even biomedical researchers who are just beginning their careers are expected already to have published articles of major significance to the field. 上12下
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲