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16 population circle

16.1还考了个gwd的原题,population circle,大家自行搜索 记得关键词是birds and parasite,under way rather than .... initiate(就是说捕食者和疾病的作用是在population减少后才开始,而不是由他们引起population 减少)

#16.2 考古GWD-13-23-27

A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which exist as caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles. Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force. Identification of that driving force, however, has proved surprisingly elusive despite considerable research. The common approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has been unproductive in the case of lepidoptera. Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changing the caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar (25) populations have not succeeded. In short, the evidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites. (30)

Recent work suggests that this agent may be a virus. For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it. The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment. Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses are hypothesized to be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part because the viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from direct sun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embedded in durable crystals of polyhedrin protein. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late in the course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed and enclosed in polyhedron crystals. These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.

One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despite significant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of lepidoptera have population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years. Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share.


Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s conclusion in lines 25-30? b

A. New research reveals that the number of species of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has dropped significantly in recent years.

B. New experiments in which the habitats of lepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening of lepidoptera population cycles.

C. Recent experiments have revealed that the nuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites of lepidoptera.

D. Differences among the habitats of lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the fects of weather on lepidoptera population cycles.

E. Viral disease is typically observed in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.



It can be inferred from the passage that the mortality caused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in an attempt to a

A. develop an explanation for the existence of lepidoptera population cycles

B. identify behavioral factors in lepidoptera that affect survival rates

C. identify possible methods for controlling lepidoptera population growth

D. provide evidence that lepidoptera populations are self-regulating

E. determine the life stages of lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest



The primary purpose of the passage is to c

A. describe the development of new techniques that may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

B. present evidence that rutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

present a hypothesis about the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

C. describe the fluctuating patterns of population cycles in Lepidoptera

D. question the idea that a single driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera



According to the passage, bore the discovery of new techniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viral diseases d

A. were not widely prevalent among insect populations generally

B. affected only the caterpillar life stage of lepidoptera

C. were the driving force behind lepidoptera population cycles

D. attacked already declining caterpillar populations

E. infected birds and parasites that prey on various species of Lepidoptera


17.1講改善total quality的兩種方法: 先說 central activity 和什麼結果論(什麼resulting) 說前者是注重長期 後者是短期 第一段舉例某銀行 早期也是注重短期全面訓練為主也成功增加了customer loyalty however到了後期也開始加入moral 和某訓練 第二段就在講結果論與xx論的區別 考主旨: 其中有選項是: describe兩種方法的優缺(strength and weaken) -->我覺得不是...文中沒有此態度 但其他也...嗯..我分不出來


18.1我也覺得在哪讀過...GWD??一屏半 第一段說: 作者主張有形產品的保固(guarantee) 和無形產品(intangible service)的guarantee 相較之下 有時無形的guarantee 會得到更大的利益第二段: 立場如下 1. 讓服務業的員工更有standards去遵循 2. 可以clarify什麼我忘了(細節題)moreover, 有形的產品有時更容易讓客戶去抱怨--> 完全是因為它有形好抱怨啊!! (有題) 相較之下服務形的guarantee就難以抱怨-->因為它雲裡霧裡啊!!! 第三段: 舉服務業不適用的情況: unconditional 以航空公司為例 說沒辦法保證準點就別做這個保證..等等! 這類的uncondition都不適用前述 (細節題) 第四段: 忘了 不重要 很短 考細節題: 說作者為什麼認為無形服務保證更有效? 考細節題: 為什麼有形更好抱怨? 我選有concrete的選項 考細節題: 舉航空公司為什麼??

#18.2 考古 by bale

V1: tangible 商品有保证书,intangible service没有。原因是人们一般认为后者的质量与提供service  以下澳际留学为大家更新2011年gmat机经,以下2011年8月gmat阅读机经,时间从2011年7月28日至8月9日,目前共59篇。澳际留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利!

16 population circle

16.1还考了个gwd的原题,population circle,大家自行搜索 记得关键词是birds and parasite,under way rather than .... initiate(就是说捕食者和疾病的作用是在population减少后才开始,而不是由他们引起population 减少)

#16.2 考古GWD-13-23-27

A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which exist as caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles. Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force. Identification of that driving force, however, has proved surprisingly elusive despite considerable research. The common approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has been unproductive in the case of lepidoptera. Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changing the caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar (25) populations have not succeeded. In short, the evidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites. (30)

Recent work suggests that this agent may be a virus. For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it. The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment. Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses are hypothesized to be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part because the viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from direct sun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embedded in durable crystals of polyhedrin protein. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late in the course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed and enclosed in polyhedron crystals. These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.

One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despite significant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of lepidoptera have population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years. Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share. 上12345下


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