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  以下澳际留学更新2011年gmat机经,以下8月gmat语法机经更新,2011年7月28日至8月16日,共113题。前1-32题见 2011年gmat机经,7-8月gmat语法机经(至8.3)(一)祝大家gmat考试顺利!



语法 确实不算难 无非就是代词指代,平行,主谓一致之类的 但是对我这种词汇量匮乏的人 进场纠结于某个词到底是形容词还是名词。。大家注意点就好 语法记得几道 36.JJ第一题 按JJ选,就有一个干扰项 主语是Chinese 后面是和India比较 所以要写出china 不能用it或they 指代

37.one of many feathers of human genes ..后面是it 和they的区别 form(s) XXX 我选的they 我觉得指代的是human genes 可能是one of many features of human genes

One of 的主谓一致练习【PREP-07-1-13】

One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching position for flight.

(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to

(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to

(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them

(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it

(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it

句子结构:One of … birds…, Confuciusornis sanctus, had … thumbs…, to help it …

主语是one,同位语Confuciusornis sanctus,谓语是had,宾语thumbs,后跟不定式to help…作目的状语。


1) 指代一致,one of+复数名词作主语时,强调的是one,所以谓语动词及后面的代词都是单数。

2) 句子结构,作谓语的成分在选项中同时以修饰成分出现时,要注意作修饰成分的这些选项是否有谓语,句子结构是否完整。

(A) 句子缺少谓语;复数them没有指代对象,且与前面的its不一致。

(B) 句子缺少谓语;复数their指代错误,且与后面的it不一致;which就近指代wings错误,应该指代thumbs。

(C) 复数them没有指代对象;which就近指代wings错误。

(D) 正确,its, it指代Confuciusornis sanctus,to help不定式作目的状语。

(E) 复数their指代错误,且与后面的it不一致。

还有几个either or 平行的 以及什么大段插入语。。。 有道题折腾了半天 没记住 印象最深的就是 XXX, FOR, XXX,XXX感觉很麻烦。。记不太清。。不误导了

2.sjj123 690

寂静里就遇到一道research跟单数动词,such as考点 有一道注意 38).。。。。。environmental law for criminal penalty... and(后面为化线部分)granting。。。。 注意选granted,不要选it的那一个 Grant用法

1 formal to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for:

Britain could grant Spain’s request .

I would love to be able to grant her wish.

grant somebody something

The council have granted him permission to build on the site.

grant something to somebody

A licence to sell alcohol was granted to the club.

grant that (= used in prayers )

Grant that we may know your presence and love.

2 take it for granted (that) to believe that something is true without making sure :

He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam.

3 take somebody/something for granted to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or usul they are :

Bridget was carul not to take him for granted.


honeybee。。。the colony of (后面划线)hundreds,many are Queens as well as ..... 记不清题支了。。。

40.Last spring, boardroom 后面划线was showdown over the retirement benits that they said the prosecutor fight in the future.

B the scene of.... 这句话也很麻烦,至少我没明白意思,考试小心

Showdown 名词a meeting, argument, fight etc that will settle a disagreement or competition that has continued for a long time

showdown with

Ø a showdown with the striking workers

Ø Britain has a World Cup showdown with Australia next month.

prosecutor:Noun [countable] a lawyer who is trying to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime


觉得与平时的语法点不同,lz做过og10,11,12 prep新旧,gwd语法错五个之内 41.出现了两题由like列举的句子,本以为是考点,谁知五个选项都是like。。。,颠覆了such as表列举的说法 42).有一题考be accustomed to还是with


1 be accustomed to (doing) something to be familiar with something and accept it as normal :

We were accustomed to working together.

become/grow/get accustomed to something

Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.

43).有一题Sculpture(考单复数)....................(整句划线),drawing and -ing images was ...................

  以上更新2011gmat机经,2011年8月gmat语法机经,时间2011年7月28日至8月16日,共113题。前1-32题见 2011年gmat机经,7-8月gmat语法机经(至8.3)(一)祝大家gmat考试顺利!


  以下澳际留学更新2011年gmat机经,以下8月gmat语法机经更新,2011年7月28日至8月16日,共113题。前1-32题见 2011年gmat机经,7-8月gmat语法机经(至8.3)(一)祝大家gmat考试顺利!



语法 确实不算难 无非就是代词指代,平行,主谓一致之类的 但是对我这种词汇量匮乏的人 进场纠结于某个词到底是形容词还是名词。。大家注意点就好 语法记得几道 36.JJ第一题 按JJ选,就有一个干扰项 主语是Chinese 后面是和India比较 所以要写出china 不能用it或they 指代

37.one of many feathers of human genes ..后面是it 和they的区别 form(s) XXX 我选的they 我觉得指代的是human genes 可能是one of many features of human genes

One of 的主谓一致练习【PREP-07-1-13】

One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching position for flight.

(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to

(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to

(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them

(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it

(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it 上1234下


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