


2017/08/10 17:53:41 编辑: 浏览次数:223 移动端



  现在大部分都喜欢去网上阅读电子书或者读电子版的书。有些人喜欢读古典文学。一个survey 72%的人喜欢读电子书,81%的人喜欢读古典文学。所以这个投资公司应该投资一些新的公司,比如那些经营网络电子书的公司,特别是文学的。

  原题:The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.

  “Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore: 72 percent of those responding to a recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”

  *A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.

  报纸的图书版的文章: 现在越来越多的书有了电子版,或者放在网上免费获得,或者在光盘上以很低的价格出售。因此文学经典可以得到比以前更广泛的阅读。不能以书店价格购买这些书的人现在可以用很少的钱或者不花钱来阅读他们。类似的,觉得去图书馆或者等待其他人还书不方便的人现在可以通过家里或者工作用的电脑得到他想要的任何名著。这和文学名著接触的增长将从根本上影响公众的阅读品味,塑造比以前更成熟更博学的读者。


  1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.

  2. the survey is doubtful

  3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net.




  In this article the author concludes that literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore. The author’s line of reasoning is that the availability of books in electronic form and access of books via the Internet has removed the two major impediments that prevented people from reading literary classics, namely price and convenient access. Since books can be accessed from home or work via computers at little or no cost, the author believes that significant changes in the society will occur. Specifically, the author maintains that access to literary classics will affect the public’s taste in reading and will result in a more learned and cultured reading audience. The author’s argument is unconvincing for several reasons.

  First, the author assumes that price and convenient access are the primary reasons people fail to read literary classics. While this is a tempting assumption, it is not obviously true. For example, other reasons, such as lack of interest in these books or awareness of them on the part of the reading public could equally account for the failure to read them. Consequently, it may turn out that, contrary to the author’s expectation, the number of people who read literary classics is unaffected by their increased availability and lower cost.

  Second, while it may be the case that access to books at affordable prices has increased as a result of new technology, the author provides no evidence for the assumption that access to literary classics at affordable prices has increased as well. On the face of it, this assumption seems innocuous; however there may be reasons that prevent literary classics from being marketed in the fashion described by the author. For example, the inability to secure the requisite permissions to reproduce these books in electronic form, or the lack of commercial interest in marketing them via the Internet could undermine the author’s assumption.

  In conclusion, this argument is not convincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide evidence for the assumption that price and accessibility are the main reasons people fail to read literary classics. Additionally, evidence would be required for the assumption that access to literary classics will be increased.


  33. 本月机经3次

  原题:The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company:

  “When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintains better supervision of all employees.”(2)


  1. causal oversimplification: It is imprudent to conclude that the establishment of the field offices is the only reason explaining the decline of the profit.

  2. all things are equal: The success of the centralization of the past does not guarantee the applicability in the future.

  3. either-or-or choice: The author assumes that the centralization and the establishment of field offices are mutually exclusive alternatives, there is no middle ground between they two. In fact, we can have the field offices under centralized control.


  In this argument the author concludes that the Apogee Company should close down field offices and conduct all its operations from a single, centralized location because the company had been more profitable in the past when all its operations were in one location. For a couple of reasons, this argument is not very convincing.

  First, the author assumes that centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and streamlining supervision of employees. This assumption is never supported with any data or projections. Moreover, the assumption fails to take into account cost increases and inficiency that could result from centralization. For instance, company representatives would have to travel to do business in areas formerly served by a field office, creating travel costs and loss of critical time. In short, this assumption must be supported with a thorough cost-benit analysis of centralization versus other possible cost-cutting and/or profit-enhancing strategies.

  Second, the only reason offered by the author is the claim that Apogee was more profitable when it had operated from a single, centralized location. But is centralization the only difference relevant to greater past profitability? It is entirely possible that management has become lax regarding any number of factors that can affect the bottom line (帐本底线) such as inferior products, careless product pricing, inficient production, poor employee expense account monitoring, infective advertising, sloppy buying policies and other wastul spending. Unless the author can rule out other factors relevant to diminishing profits, this argument commits the fallacy of assuming that just because one event (decreasing profits) follows another (decentralization), the second event has been caused by the first.

  In conclusion, this is a weak argument. To strengthen the conclusion that Apogee should close field offices and centralize, this author must provide a thorough cost-benit analysis of available alternatives and rule out factors other than decentralization that might be affecting current profits negatively.





  现在大部分都喜欢去网上阅读电子书或者读电子版的书。有些人喜欢读古典文学。一个survey 72%的人喜欢读电子书,81%的人喜欢读古典文学。所以这个投资公司应该投资一些新的公司,比如那些经营网络电子书的公司,特别是文学的。

  原题:The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.

  “Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore: 72 percent of those responding to a recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”

  *A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.

  报纸的图书版的文章: 现在越来越多的书有了电子版,或者放在网上免费获得,或者在光盘上以很低的价格出售。因此文学经典可以得到比以前更广泛的阅读。不能以书店价格购买这些书的人现在可以用很少的钱或者不花钱来阅读他们。类似的,觉得去图书馆或者等待其他人还书不方便的人现在可以通过家里或者工作用的电脑得到他想要的任何名著。这和文学名著接触的增长将从根本上影响公众的阅读品味,塑造比以前更成熟更博学的读者。


  1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.

  2. the survey is doubtful

  3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net.





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