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  考破折号有两个 其中有个根据主谓和平行很容易选出

  饮食男女那道 貌似在考逗号用法 关键点是 一个连续剧和饮食男女那个 respectively 说了墨西哥的 中国的家庭怎么的 然后又说 一个主题是饮食 一个主题是家庭生活还是爱什么的? respectively的位置很重要 因为LZ觉得前后两个内容都是respectively去说 所以选了E:

  某连续剧和饮食男女 说了墨西哥的 中国的家庭怎么的,respectively, 主题是饮食 一个主题是家庭生活还是爱什么的 LZ觉得respectively应该同时指这两方面 所以放中间 用逗号弄出来 (但是觉得有有修饰不明之嫌 类似分词短语做状语不知修饰前后谁) 但是其他选项总觉得respectively偏向修饰一方面内容了 这个我不确定 希望NN拍砖

  JJ78 警察保护陈某那道 本着GMAT认为主动比被动简洁的原则选了JJ里sure to那个选项 没选surely, will be kept... 那个 但是挺纠结 不误导大家了 希望NN拍砖



  有考到一个句子是分号,我选了那个选项是一个短语加逗号(In ….,完整句子),不确定。

  有一题考了平行,句子结构是…that….动词 and 动词,and that 考到第二个动词的与前面那个动词的一致。

  还有考到An old man is …..as an young man to ….. 这道题的结构应该是单数 (a man)和单数比,就比较好做了,错误的选项有单数和复数比的。





  语法真的很考语意,有一道我选的结果是 cooking is one of the simplest and adj.(以g开头的一个形容词,忘了) arts,but to cook ...

  有个看上去比较靠谱选项是 adj.est(以g开头的一个形容词)of arts 但带进原句发现of明显多余



  语法就不说了,有个知识点是关于amount, number修饰可数不可数名词的,还有这两个是用great还是large修饰,大家自己好好复习一下吧。


  语法考到了JJ里面说的lay out,破折号的用法,(破折号是和both and from to一起考的)还有那个In comparison to 和 compared to,JJ里面都有提到,做题的时候仔细,因为虽然看似是in comparison to但是后面还跟着that 和 those之类的。

  lay out那个好像是选的B, 挺直观的, compared to我选了那个带those的,因为后半句有villages。 破折号那个忘了选的什么了,我觉得那个还是很确定的,注意和from to连接好就行。

  对了 还有一个were both ...and worded poorly. JJ上很多人选E 我觉得应该选A 因为第一个词的意思是褒义。 副词一般连接最近的形容词。


  我的语法题还好,看到之前说选项诡异后,就又看了一下manhattan. 只遇到一道涉及破折号的题,考的不是标点,而是固定搭配。结构是这样的:..., so adj and so adj- 一个名词性插入成分-that... 划线从破折号前道that之后某处,但考的其实就是so that...(A 选项不是so that),直接找有that的选项(就一个,其他的后面都是and什么的)。还有一题原句是whether开头的,句子大概是whether kid may not like play in the open air(还是ground),插入语,is undeciding(un开头的形容词,反正没划线)... whether句划线,选项有That kid...(我选的这个),还有前面换成各种引导词的。

  我遇上的not only but also就是考平行后半句有are什么,而且这次遇上了很多平行题。20多题是遇上了只划了3个单词的,心理颤了一下。但还是尽量做好每一题,顺着走。




  1、whereas 弗洛伊德创立了比较完整的心理学体系,逗号后划线


  2、while property near XXX rocketries, 划线


  第一个 economy suffers with high price & wages; it is difficult to open new business

  第二个 economy is suffering because high price & wages made it difficult to open new business.


  1.9.1 Punctuation

  Punctuation is the practice in writing of using a set of marks to regulate texts and clarify their meanings, mainly by separating or linking words, phrases and clauses. Currently, punctuation is not used as heavily as in the past. Punctuation styles vary from individual, newspaper to newspaper and press to press, in terms of what they consider necessary.

  Improper punctuation can create ambiguities or misunderstandings in writing, especially when the comma is misused. For example, consider the following examples:

  “They did not go, because they were lazy.” In this case, the people in question did not go for one reason: “because they were lazy.” But consider the sentence again:

  “They did not go because they were lazy.” In this case, without the comma, the people probably DID go, but not because they were lazy, for some other reason (they did not go because they were lazy, they went because they were tired).

  Periods and Commas

  (1) Periods and Commas: the most common form of punctuation. The period ends a sentence, whereas the comma marks out associated words within sentences. Commas are used for pauses, prepositional phrases, and appositive clauses offset from the rest of the sentence to rename a proper noun (Thomas, a baker,); they are the rest stop in English language.

  (2) Colons, Semicolons, and Dashes (or Hypens): Many people avoid the use of colon and semicolon, because of uncertainty as to their precise uses. In less formal writing, the dash is often used to take the place of both the colon and the semi-colon. The rule is that both colons and semicolons must follow a complete independent clause. A semicolon must be followed by another complete clause, either dependent or independent. A colon may be followed by a list or phrase, or by a complete clause.

  • The APOSTROPHE (’) used to show possession: Those books are Thomas’s books.

  • The COLON (:) is normally used in a sentence to lead from one idea to its consequences or logical continuation. The colon is used to lead from one thought to another.

  • The SEMICOLON (;) is normally used to link two parallel statements.

  • Consider the following examples:

  – COLON: “There was no truth in the accusation: they rejected it utterly.”

  ∗ Points to a cause/fect relationship, as a result of ...

  – SEMICOLON: “There was no truth in the accusation; it was totally false.” (Here two parallel statements are linked

  “no truth” and “totally false”. In the COLON example, the consequence is stated after the insertion of the colon).

  ∗ Re-states initial premise, creates relation between disparate parts

  ∗ Technically these sentences could be broken down into two separate sentences and they would remain grammatically sound. But two sentences here would suggest separateness (which in speech the voice would convey with a longer pause) that is not always appropriate.

  • HYPHENS or DASHES: The hyphen or dash is perhaps most important in order to avoid ambiguity, and is used to link

  words. Consider the following example:

  – “Fifty-odd people” and “Fifty odd people”. When the hyphen is used, the passage means “approximately fifty people.” But the second passage means “fifty strange people”.

  Otherwise, the use of the hyphen is declining. It was formerly used to separate vowels (co-ordinate, make-up), but this practice is disappearing.

  For example:

  House plant → house-plant → houseplant





  考破折号有两个 其中有个根据主谓和平行很容易选出

  饮食男女那道 貌似在考逗号用法 关键点是 一个连续剧和饮食男女那个 respectively 说了墨西哥的 中国的家庭怎么的 然后又说 一个主题是饮食 一个主题是家庭生活还是爱什么的? respectively的位置很重要 因为LZ觉得前后两个内容都是respectively去说 所以选了E:

  某连续剧和饮食男女 说了墨西哥的 中国的家庭怎么的,respectively, 主题是饮食 一个主题是家庭生活还是爱什么的 LZ觉得respectively应该同时指这两方面 所以放中间 用逗号弄出来 (但是觉得有有修饰不明之嫌 类似分词短语做状语不知修饰前后谁) 但是其他选项总觉得respectively偏向修饰一方面内容了 这个我不确定 希望NN拍砖

  JJ78 警察保护陈某那道 本着GMAT认为主动比被动简洁的原则选了JJ里sure to那个选项 没选surely, will be kept... 那个 但是挺纠结 不误导大家了 希望NN拍砖



  有考到一个句子是分号,我选了那个选项是一个短语加逗号(In ….,完整句子),不确定。

  有一题考了平行,句子结构是…that….动词 and 动词,and that 考到第二个动词的与前面那个动词的一致。

  还有考到An old man is …..as an young man to ….. 这道题的结构应该是单数 (a man)和单数比,就比较好做了,错误的选项有单数和复数比的。





  语法真的很考语意,有一道我选的结果是 cooking is one of the simplest and adj.(以g开头的一个形容词,忘了) arts,but to cook ...

  有个看上去比较靠谱选项是 adj.est(以g开头的一个形容词)of arts 但带进原句发现of明显多余




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