语法如前面考过的人所说,不好做!能有把握的题基本没有,一般情况是这样:你可以根据语法点排除二到三个选项,但是剩下的两三个(有时是全部),没有语法错误,完全是选表达最优(有两三道都找不出语法错误。。。硬着头皮看逻辑意思了只能。。。)。其中有一道GWD原题,both the decision to 提高利率啊还是什么啊 and 什么啊可以促进经济恢复 by making depoist more attractive。LZ考前貌似看过这道题。还有一题是blalalalalala....fort concentrating on sth.....and doing sth (另一选项是that concentrates on doing sth and doing sth)很明显,搞懂了句子意思这题不难,但LZ怎么看都觉得两者都可以。。。哎。。。还有遇到了几道JJ。有laid out的,还有jet的那道(这题挺难,里面还考察了since啊in that啊 because啊不过个人感觉关键不在这上面,而在逻辑意思上!五个选项除了D都没错,就看如何搞清因果关系了,题大概的意思就是专家说飞机晚上飞有助于缓解温室效应因为blaaa...后面关于被排放的heat啊earth surface啊等等可能LZ理解得不对大家遇见时自己好好理解)
Both the Federal Reserve’s decision that borrowing rates be raised, along with investor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making deposits more attractive.
A that borrowing rates be raised, along withinvestor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
B that borrowing rates be raised and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
C to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
D to raise borrowing rates, along with investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because it made
E to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
C the bestE中的possibly修饰不对,应该用形容词。Help后面是否加to都可以。
然后还有什么opinion that ,确定选这个选项opinion of 的都不对
That the reason child don&apost like to go to the kindergarden -- a conclusion...--
贡献一道印象很深的语法题 考察em dash符号的用法:
whether some。。。——a conclusion that 。。。
B选项: that some。。。——a conclusion that 。。。
首先说一下em dash用法:writers usually choose the em dash when the phrases are parenthetical-that is, it offers extra meaning, or acts as interruption or conclusion.还有很重要的一点就是 to set off appositives with commas. 这道题考的就是这个知识点。排出A whether表示是否,不可以作为结论,所以第一个词是that 引导的一个从句。
,among the others, the biological origins of and variations among the XX population, 要选那个origins of的
有一个大概意思是用电脑的学生比不用电脑的学生学得好之类的,要注意是两类学生的work比较,感觉最简洁的选项有歧义,变成了第一类学生的work和第二类学生比较,就选了有个that of 的,that来指代不用电脑的学生的work。
有一个是大概是环保者提出一个proposal that is opposed by XX,后面划线,划线部分的意思是说XX认为这个proposal怎么不好。细节可能不是很对,但是LZ觉得要注意如果最后用doing的话doing的主语是主句主语,意思不对,所以要选一个有XX做主语的。
有not only but also的,不难,看来GMAC还真是钟爱这个搭配 = =
有一道maple sugar还有boil什么的,纠结啊,最后选了有破折号的那个,不过考点和破折号无关,主要是之前的结构决定的,具体情况失忆了…
有一个选了划线部分一开始as was made clear by XX
另一个不确定的是 SVO, , 。 就是主句后面跟了两个分词结构做伴随,中间也没连接。
我是考前1小时看了点语法压缩版JJ 结果看的几题都中了 当时看JJ我也不知道改选什么 就让老公在LAB里问美国人 他们给了答案 考试时真的有用 但是美国人也不确定 下面提供的答案仅供参考
1. (In an America steeped in romanticixm, Cemetries were laid out) beyond cites as places .........括号是划线部分
B. In America steeped in romanticixm, Cemetries laid out
C.In an America steeped in romanticixm, Cemetries were laid out
D. Cemetries, in America steeped in romanticixm, laid
E. Cemetries, in America steeped in romanticixm, were laid out
可能稍有误,总之是 In an America 和In America, were laid out 和 laid, 还有介词短语的位置这几种组合
2.Although 科学家能够做出高拟人的artificial intelligence,playing against human opponent is much more interesting than (computerized opponent).
B. against computerized opponent is
C. playing against computerized opponent
(pride and prejudice) has been adapted to both screen and theater, which contributes its
一个选项是: both of which contributed
还有一个是: which are contributing
第一个 economy suffers with high price & wages; it is difficult to open new business
第二个 economy is suffering because high price & wages made it difficult to open new business.
选A美国人说economy不能is suffering只能suffers 说实话这个我不理解 如果是问的随便一个美国人我肯定不相信他的答案 问的是princeton的学生 所以 不管你信不信 反正我信了
遇到那个什么all ingredients of a product....., and contains no residual of ......., 选的是and it contains, 这样就指代那个Product了
还有一些平行的,有一个说一个E人,从什么职业变成另外一个职业,我选的那个结构是Bore he was xxxxx, Exxxx, xxxxx, 反正就一个选择是这样的
有考到jetproduces green house那题,个人觉得选A,后面用creating表伴随;还有Whether children go to school,LZ第一题,要从意思上判断,选Thatchildren,貌似C,including among放一起那道,虽然很多NN觉得这两个不能一起,我觉得意思上只有这个说的过去。有分号的首先排除,分号后要接句子,A some were among...怪怪的感觉,B,which include感觉跟前面的修饰对象离太远了。。。。所以LZ还是固执的选了E。The thunderstormswarning....has been cancelled,about one hour bore it was remained,LZ选的这个,AB比较纠结,但是还是觉得A意思清楚些, 这是一点跟JJ有不同的地方,拙见欢迎拍砖。。。。还有一个JJ上貌似没有的,是关于fect平行的,全文有三个,第一个是fects,后面两个是一个fect和一个用that来进行指带,不要选成those就可以了,其他的判断点都很明显,好象也是类似not only but also的,语法暂时只能记这么多了。。。
考到了虚拟结构,had it ......, 我选了If it did, XXX would do,因为原文是现在时。
考到了JJ提到的plums,complement那题, 是讲红酒 has the smooth XXX,berry and plums and complment of be...我的理解是红酒拥有梅子般得香氛,配合牛肉品尝最佳。所以我选了has XXXXX plums and complements 平行结构,供参考。
考到了一道sales grew four times that of the average industry... 我选了有at 的grow at XXXXX rate,虽然非常拗口,但是我觉得是以XXX速度增长,应该要at吧。。。。
(1)主语,are caused by一个东西,and not, as previously thought, by 一个东西.
选项貌似还有instead of...什么之类的,不过这题选A。主要就是cause by... and by...的平行。
(2) Whether the children don&apost like to go to the school- blabla解释-is understandable……
(3) The government’s expenditures of legal advice was higher than what was budgeted.
选项有: were/was higher than the sum that bad been budgeted
(4) ingredients那道题
确认选produced originally, and it contains no
(5) 专家说飞机晚上飞不好, because the contrails lt behind at night by jets trap heat emitted by the sun’s surface, creating环境污染
选项有:because the contrails lt behind at night by jets trap heat emitted by the sun&aposs surface and create环境污染
(6) 还有题题干不记得了,但选项就是far fewer, far less, much less, much fewer这几个。
(7) 哦,想起来一道JJ上没有的:Mary&aposs pencil, who is (后面是形容Mary这个人的…ps:Mary和Pencil是我自己编的,就是所有格的这种形式)
应该选pecil of Mary, who
剩下的应该都是新题了,什么not only but also,laid out神马神马的都没考到。
语法如前面考过的人所说,不好做!能有把握的题基本没有,一般情况是这样:你可以根据语法点排除二到三个选项,但是剩下的两三个(有时是全部),没有语法错误,完全是选表达最优(有两三道都找不出语法错误。。。硬着头皮看逻辑意思了只能。。。)。其中有一道GWD原题,both the decision to 提高利率啊还是什么啊 and 什么啊可以促进经济恢复 by making depoist more attractive。LZ考前貌似看过这道题。还有一题是blalalalalala....fort concentrating on sth.....and doing sth (另一选项是that concentrates on doing sth and doing sth)很明显,搞懂了句子意思这题不难,但LZ怎么看都觉得两者都可以。。。哎。。。还有遇到了几道JJ。有laid out的,还有jet的那道(这题挺难,里面还考察了since啊in that啊 because啊不过个人感觉关键不在这上面,而在逻辑意思上!五个选项除了D都没错,就看如何搞清因果关系了,题大概的意思就是专家说飞机晚上飞有助于缓解温室效应因为blaaa...后面关于被排放的heat啊earth surface啊等等可能LZ理解得不对大家遇见时自己好好理解)
Both the Federal Reserve’s decision that borrowing rates be raised, along with investor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making deposits more attractive.
A that borrowing rates be raised, along withinvestor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
B that borrowing rates be raised and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
C to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
D to raise borrowing rates, along with investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because it made
E to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
C the bestE中的possibly修饰不对,应该用形容词。Help后面是否加to都可以。
然后还有什么opinion that ,确定选这个选项opinion of 的都不对
That the reason child don&apost like to go to the kindergarden -- a conclusion...--
贡献一道印象很深的语法题 考察em dash符号的用法:
whether some。。。——a conclusion that 。。。
B选项: that some。。。——a conclusion that 。。。
首先说一下em dash用法:writers usually choose the em dash when the phrases are parenthetical-that is, it offers extra meaning, or acts as interruption or conclusion.还有很重要的一点就是 to set off appositives with commas. 这道题考的就是这个知识点。排出A whether表示是否,不可以作为结论,所以第一个词是that 引导的一个从句。
,among the others, the biological origins of and variations among the XX population, 要选那个origins of的
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲