


2017/08/10 17:42:43 编辑: 浏览次数:58 移动端


  45、公司compensate based

  [版本1] by smilingyuer

  公司的compensate based的structure跟information sharing的关系,三段。

  第一段提出中心提出中心是person compensate 会促使员工的information sharing比以team 和company 为group的information sharing要少。第二段详细的对这个观点进行描述,第三段举了个例子,说某公司换了新的ceo后才用了team和company based提高了公司的效益还是什么的


  45 求确认公司compensate based


  考古:  V1

  我的第一篇文章。三段,文章很简单,但题目不简单(我觉得)。讲sharing information的。

  第一段说管理层发现员工不sharing information。然后做了个research。

  第二段讲research发现1)只关心individual performance的sharing information最少2)group还是什么performance的sharing information多一些3)the whole company performance需要sharing information最多。总之意思就是说要为了整个公司的利益就应该sharing information。

  第三段举了个例子。说一个公司过去只以员工个人performance为标准,现在新manger来了,改了政策。要求所有人都sharing information,否则就fire什么的。还改革了管理层。然后提高了公司的profit之类的。

  有主旨题。还有一道问以下哪个方法符合文章的论述什么的 :选项一个是开办小组什么的(有单词不认识),员工自愿参加。还有一个是员工项上级回报他的progress什么的。最后选了第一个。(还有一个是员工分享bonuses什么的,我觉得不对)


  考了一个sharing information的,有道题问下列哪个方法符合文章,我选公司组成小组写文档供其他组参考。跟JJ上的不一样


  讲员工information sharing 与公司的政策相关。如果公司主要重视individual performance,那么就会information sharing的情况就会来的少。如果公司规定个人福利与团队利润挂钩,共享讯息的情况会好的多。如果是要求与公司的绩效挂钩, most information sharing的情况最好。


  V4information sharing。说公司要鼓励员工分享信息,那么公司应该怎么激励员工呢?研究发现,如果公司基于员工个人的业绩来给奖金的话,员工就不乐意分享信息。如果是基于team 或company的业绩来给奖金的话员工就乐于分享。

  V5有一篇是公司的bonus选择对于information sharing的关系。说经过研究,三类bonus对于information sharing的影响,personal bonus的话sharing最少,team-based bonus略好,最好是以公司业绩发bonus。文章不到一屏,三道infer题,不难,有一道是作者最赞成以下哪种措施,我选的是给员工讲讲过去年度公司挣了多少钱。





  作者以IBM公司的经历为例,说明了知识共享的重要性。在郭士纳(Lou Gerstner)到任之前,IBM公司3/4以上的奖金都是按个人绩效来确定的--结果整个公司因为各自为政而几乎瘫痪。但郭士纳上任之后明确指出,凡拒绝共享有价值信息的人都会受到斥责甚至被解雇。结果,信息的流动状况得到了明显改善,为IBM在20世纪90年代的巨大增长立下了汗马功劳。

  Create Colleagues, Not CompetitorsIf managers want their employees to share information, why do they encourage them to hoard it by rewarding competition among them? My colleagues Erik Brynjolfsson at MIT and Nat Bulkley at the University of Michigan and I have been studying knowledge sharing and productivity in the executive recruiting industry. We asked 71 employees, from partners to IT staff, at three recruiting firms about their compensation structures and their attitudes toward sharing information with colleagues, and we tracked their individual contract revenues and the e-mail activity among them.

  We found, as predicted by economic theory, that the people rewarded for individual performance shared information least; the people rewarded for team performance shared more; and the people rewarded for company performance shared most. In each case, the degree of sharing rlected the sharer’s self-interest. If compensation is linked to one’s performance relative to others, then employees are likely to hoard information to both maximize their own performance and undermine (or, at least, not benit) others. But if rewards are tied to firm performance, then individuals stand to gain most from activities—like free knowledge sharing—that benit the company.

  This fect is demonstrated in the exhibit at right, which shows the network of e-mail traffic in a recruiting firm composed of two offices. Though this firm, overall, shared information to a moderate degree (as measured by the volume of e-mail among employees), the employees in office 1, on the lt side of the network, were rewarded principally for organizational performance. The employees in office 2, on the right, were rewarded principally for individual performance. It’s clear which office shared more.

  Though most executives intuitively grasp the relationship between incentives and knowledge sharing, it’s surprising how many companies—even those where knowledge sharing is critical—still emphasize rewards for individual performance rather than encourage team or firm performance. They turn colleagues into competitors. Most white-collar, up-or-out incentive schemes in law, accounting, management-consulting, and other fields rank employees on a few indicators such as sales volume or hours billed, and then reward those at the top.

  Lines of Communication

  Consider IBM’s experience over the past 15 years. Bore Lou Gerstner arrived, more than three-quarters of IBM’s bonuses were based on individual performance—and the company was almost paralyzed by fidoms. But Gerstner made it clear he would reprimand or fire anyone who rused to share valuable information. Executive compensation became more team based, and management invoked Gerstner’s name and fearsome reputation to win compliance among recalcitrant employees. The result was improved information flow, which contributed significantly to IBM’s enormous growth during the 1990s.

  Our research confirms that aligning incentives with team or firm performance fectively enhances information flow. But as IBM’s experience shows, if you want to maximize sharing, sometimes inducements to share are best coupled with deterrents to hoarding


  [版本1] by豆豆ivory 710



  [版本2] by final V30 M50

  好像是三大段吧 讲研究XX和predator XX为了躲避predator宁愿选择密集的在一起减少出去觅食的距离(密集有题) 然后第二段科学家改变了XX研究方向 然后XX这个怎么avoid这出了个题 有个predator怎么样weaken研究的 第三段讲了fencing很多都是............失忆中........ 好像考了五六道题 这是我最后一篇阅读啊 搞得后面时间紧张一分钟一道题目啊!!

  [版本3] by truetreasure 740 Q50 V39






  最后,如果兔子在篱笆里和篱笆外会不会吃草不同呢? 不会啊,兔子还是需要营养的。


  [版本4] by ki87uj Q50V29



  1道问什么可以削弱那个篱笆实验,有这么两个选项:1篱笆有洞,兔子可以出入但是天敌进不来 2篱笆有gap,天敌可以进来 JJ的答案好像是1,我选了2,大概错了。。。



  [版本5] by Away90 700(V35,M49)

  动物觅食我 很头疼这篇,因为文章的描述对象有好几个,又是最后一篇,当时就想赶快写完。。。记得机经里的:“有assumption题,印象中定位在第一段最后几 句”(有个题目:我忘了答案了,当时又着急,哦。。。就是寂静提到的,两个答案要分清:1,是predator可以翻阅栅栏,,2,那个被捕食的跳过栅 栏。。。)

  [版本6] by beibei0205

  第三篇是兔子觅食的那个 有一个削弱提

  我选的是有小洞 兔子过的去 而prey神马的过不去 定位在文章的最后一句 实验的结论是为了food 而不是为了躲risk


  [版本1] by豆豆ivory710




  [版本2] by finalV30 M50

  好像是三大段吧讲研究XX和predator XX为了躲避predator宁愿选择密集的在一起减少出去觅食的距离(密集有题)然后第二段科学家改变了XX研究方向然后XX这个怎么avoid这出了个题有个predator怎么样weaken研究的第三段讲了fencing很多都是............失忆中........ 好像考了五六道题这是我最后一篇阅读啊搞得后面时间紧张一分钟一道题目啊!!



  第二段讲专家研究觅食行为和prediction of predators的关系。好像从两方面考虑,如果多会怎样,如果少会怎样,具体也忘了。。也有提到population density。不过好像都是他们的猜测。



  bymikiluang应该是说它们的一种迁徙,一开始的科学家认为他们的move的distance是depend on food

  by zzzlll012345(670)第三篇阅读貌似是说snowshoe hare的,真他NND长啊这篇。。。说科学家刚研究snowshoe fare 的forage行为的影响因素,researchers发现某处fare被捕食的几率在近几年大大减少,其原因是因为fare本身的density变少,而捕食者的数量则基本没变(我觉得我这里要不是记错了就是理解错了。。大家见谅,反正大概就是这个意思,到时候考场的时候注意看一下就OK)先假设其行为是因其对捕食者的预期而改变,而fare对于捕食者风险的判断标准不同分为两种情况,第一种是在fare被追逐的时候fare认为他们被捕食,另一种是在fare发现捕食者踪迹的时候就断定他们有被捕食的危险,于是这两种不同标准的判断导致了其forage行为被影响的程度。。然后捕食者又在一处地方设立了栅栏,在建立栅栏的区域内没有捕食动物,并且观察在栅栏内的fare和栅栏外的fare的forage的行为并没有差别,于是researcher假设fare的影响forage的因素并不是被捕食的预期而可能是prerence。 PS这篇的考点很细,感觉蛮恶心的,大家考试的时候仔细点。。

  by lyincat(720M51V36)题目有:问在大部分实验中,s,l,c的数量有什么变化。我选的他们的数量维持constant(因为研究者最后说s收到的威胁没变)。还有问以下那个说法正确,我选的s在很多情况下可以从l,c手中逃走。最后一题问的哪个最能削弱最后一段的结论,我选的s藏在篱笆下的地方有很多小洞,他们可以快速从那里逃走但l,c却过不了那个洞。

  bywalter1987 (730)snowshoe hare foraging behavior的那个题,的确巨长,一屏半,机经的结构还是差不多的,其中第二段没有题,可以看得快一点,第三段比较重要,说的是兔子被用篱笆关起来以后,这样可以避免天敌的存在,但是发现兔子的捕食行为没有改变,由此得出结论说兔子的捕食行为跟天敌没有关系,主要是跟食物的可得性有关。







  45、公司compensate based

  [版本1] by smilingyuer

  公司的compensate based的structure跟information sharing的关系,三段。

  第一段提出中心提出中心是person compensate 会促使员工的information sharing比以team 和company 为group的information sharing要少。第二段详细的对这个观点进行描述,第三段举了个例子,说某公司换了新的ceo后才用了team和company based提高了公司的效益还是什么的


  45 求确认公司compensate based


  考古:  V1

  我的第一篇文章。三段,文章很简单,但题目不简单(我觉得)。讲sharing information的。

  第一段说管理层发现员工不sharing information。然后做了个research。

  第二段讲research发现1)只关心individual performance的sharing information最少2)group还是什么performance的sharing information多一些3)the whole company performance需要sharing information最多。总之意思就是说要为了整个公司的利益就应该sharing information。

  第三段举了个例子。说一个公司过去只以员工个人performance为标准,现在新manger来了,改了政策。要求所有人都sharing information,否则就fire什么的。还改革了管理层。然后提高了公司的profit之类的。

  有主旨题。还有一道问以下哪个方法符合文章的论述什么的 :选项一个是开办小组什么的(有单词不认识),员工自愿参加。还有一个是员工项上级回报他的progress什么的。最后选了第一个。(还有一个是员工分享bonuses什么的,我觉得不对)


  考了一个sharing information的,有道题问下列哪个方法符合文章,我选公司组成小组写文档供其他组参考。跟JJ上的不一样


  讲员工information sharing 与公司的政策相关。如果公司主要重视individual performance,那么就会information sharing的情况就会来的少。如果公司规定个人福利与团队利润挂钩,共享讯息的情况会好的多。如果是要求与公司的绩效挂钩, most information sharing的情况最好。


  V4information sharing。说公司要鼓励员工分享信息,那么公司应该怎么激励员工呢?研究发现,如果公司基于员工个人的业绩来给奖金的话,员工就不乐意分享信息。如果是基于team 或company的业绩来给奖金的话员工就乐于分享。

  V5有一篇是公司的bonus选择对于information sharing的关系。说经过研究,三类bonus对于information sharing的影响,personal bonus的话sharing最少,team-based bonus略好,最好是以公司业绩发bonus。文章不到一屏,三道infer题,不难,有一道是作者最赞成以下哪种措施,我选的是给员工讲讲过去年度公司挣了多少钱。





  作者以IBM公司的经历为例,说明了知识共享的重要性。在郭士纳(Lou Gerstner)到任之前,IBM公司3/4以上的奖金都是按个人绩效来确定的--结果整个公司因为各自为政而几乎瘫痪。但郭士纳上任之后明确指出,凡拒绝共享有价值信息的人都会受到斥责甚至被解雇。结果,信息的流动状况得到了明显改善,为IBM在20世纪90年代的巨大增长立下了汗马功劳。

  Create Colleagues, Not CompetitorsIf managers want their employees to share information, why do they encourage them to hoard it by rewarding competition among them? My colleagues Erik Brynjolfsson at MIT and Nat Bulkley at the University of Michigan and I have been studying knowledge sharing and productivity in the executive recruiting industry. We asked 71 employees, from partners to IT staff, at three recruiting firms about their compensation structures and their attitudes toward sharing information with colleagues, and we tracked their individual contract revenues and the e-mail activity among them.

  We found, as predicted by economic theory, that the people rewarded for individual performance shared information least; the people rewarded for team performance shared more; and the people rewarded for company performance shared most. In each case, the degree of sharing rlected the sharer’s self-interest. If compensation is linked to one’s performance relative to others, then employees are likely to hoard information to both maximize their own performance and undermine (or, at least, not benit) others. But if rewards are tied to firm performance, then individuals stand to gain most from activities—like free knowledge sharing—that benit the company.

  This fect is demonstrated in the exhibit at right, which shows the network of e-mail traffic in a recruiting firm composed of two offices. Though this firm, overall, shared information to a moderate degree (as measured by the volume of e-mail among employees), the employees in office 1, on the lt side of the network, were rewarded principally for organizational performance. The employees in office 2, on the right, were rewarded principally for individual performance. It’s clear which office shared more.

  Though most executives intuitively grasp the relationship between incentives and knowledge sharing, it’s surprising how many companies—even those where knowledge sharing is critical—still emphasize rewards for individual performance rather than encourage team or firm performance. They turn colleagues into competitors. Most white-collar, up-or-out incentive schemes in law, accounting, management-consulting, and other fields rank employees on a few indicators such as sales volume or hours billed, and then reward those at the top.

  Lines of Communication

  Consider IBM’s experience over the past 15 years. Bore Lou Gerstner arrived, more than three-quarters of IBM’s bonuses were based on individual performance—and the company was almost paralyzed by fidoms. But Gerstner made it clear he would reprimand or fire anyone who rused to share valuable information. Executive compensation became more team based, and management invoked Gerstner’s name and fearsome reputation to win compliance among recalcitrant employees. The result was improved information flow, which contributed significantly to IBM’s enormous growth during the 1990s.

  Our research confirms that aligning incentives with team or firm performance fectively enhances information flow. But as IBM’s experience shows, if you want to maximize sharing, sometimes inducements to share are best coupled with deterrents to hoarding



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