


2017/08/10 17:40:51 编辑: 浏览次数:58 移动端


  57. yyj0810 700




  58. carbonzju

  有个点请大家讨论,楼主以 one sentence, and, in addition, verb 为错排除个一个选项,原因是and后面句子没有主语。 按照Manhattan说法,如果是逗号+and连接的是两个独立完整的句子。另外in addition和and放在一起有点wordy。

  Oil companies strongly critized the policies intended to help combat ***ing, attempts to ***, and investments of renewable energy___. 楼主选了A, to help 而不是 for doing, 更不是that ***。

  59. cmazhaoyu 590 v20

  语法有一题,讲A曾经开了个糖果店,but some may hardly (imagine that he 怎么怎么样,xxxxbecause he now 怎么怎么样),后面不记得了,好纠结。。。

  记得还有一题划线部分是that with......, and with

  有一个是讲so。。。that的 ,但是so that离得好远啊

  60. five626 760 v41

  1) 我的第一题,关键词是theU.S and Russia arbitration. 如果没有记错,我纠结的是以下2个 选项,他们的唯一差别是rather than 跟instead of 。大家考试的时候可以节约时间只研究这两个。

  B 。。disputes。。。rather than fighting them

  C。。。disputes。。。instead of fought

  2) 补充机井上24题:不一定完全一样,我考试的时候纠结的是修饰new drugs到底是用amount of 还是 number of 修饰。不确定

  A. while bringing the same, if not more, new drugs to market by…

  B while bringing the same amount of new drugs, if not more

  C. while bringing the same number of , if not more, new drugs

  3)我遇到这道题:不完全一样,我考试的时候纠结的是B,C 选项,因为他们的唯一差别是8 million前面有没有the。

  Half of the nearly 8million people that identified themselves to be P.S live within the U.S.

  A the nearly 8 million people that identified themselves to be P.S., live within

  B the nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live in

  C nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live in

  D nearly 8 million people who identified themselves to be P.S. live in

  E nearly 8 million people who identified themselves as P.S., live in


  4)【56.huyan1227 750 v41

  2.“貌似是GWD里面的,说unlike spinning light什么的,然后pulsar&aposs radiations emanates.... and originates.....as.....失忆了。。。求考古。“】

  正确选项应该是含有2个并列动词,只有一个这样的选项。Unlike spinning light,Pulsar ..does something and does something

  5)我还考了一题平行结构的题:government cut funding,说什么减少police,firighter的拨款,而且也不赞助一个program了。(我有觉得做过的,但是大全跟prep里面都找不到)

  61. fido11 700


  1. 第一道上来就是 … , having won election…,… 本来打算排除的,发现选项里面全是having won这样的用法有放句首,有放句尾,还有 having been won的,就根据句意表达选择了这个原句A。

  2. 有一道是 Not only的倒装句,所以后面的 but also 拆开了,事实上选项中也没有 but also连在一起的选项,我根据 句意,选的是 but in 19XX he also …

  62. rita0316 750 v42

  考到GWD原题,Whereas开头的,正确选项也是这个A, established corporations/companies..., modern corporations/companies,我记得不太清了,但肯定是established企业和modern的企业对比的。


  63. ymao1 750


  Arctic terns, being true long-distance migrants, they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe but fly south for thousands of miles to spend the European winters in Antarctica.

  A. Arctic terns , being true long distance migrants, they nest inc oastal wetlands of northern Europe

  B. Arctic terns are true long distance migrants, nesting in coastal wetlands of northern Europe

  C. Being that they are true long distance migrants, arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe

  D. Nesting in coastal wetlands of northern Europe, arctic terns are true long distant migrants

  E. True long distance migrants, arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe

  2.有题破折号后面的我选了to do的;

  3.有题考了大并列里面的小并列,我选的是小并列间为逗号然后最后一个前and,用together with来连接大并列,注意找准各个并列

  4.有题选了aim to do

  5.有题考了not only… but also… 前面半句倒装时,后面的but also可以分开,选的but they also那项,其他语法点比较明确

  64. zizi0902 760


  选项里有:A ..—as...—

  B ..—as in...-

  C..-as of ...--


  65. feiye558388 760


  1. league’s challenges。。。划线。。。


  2. to protect…require…

  这句好像是全划线,还有点长,要注意主谓一致,应该是requires不是require,都排除完剩两个比较迷惑,一个是protection开头requires,另一个是protecting 开头requires,我选的后一个,因为觉得从意思上来讲,N词去要求不太好,应该是要保护的这个动作要求人们怎样做比较合理

  3. unlike a poster,who。。。,划线。。。

  比较对象一致原则,划线部分开头也应该是人,好像是a magazine manager。。。有一个选项是magazine managers,和managers of magazines但是除了unlike后面也是单数外,划线后面部分有个单数代词,所以可以把另外两个排除

  4. 还有一道GWD原题,JJ里已经有了,我比较幸运,那会儿正好时间紧了,结果碰到一道原题,这家伙给我美的啊~~~

  5. 题目忘了,但是有几道平行的,not only。。。but also。。。;either。。。or。。。等等

  66. 740 v39



  这里面迷惑选项用到a result both V1 …and V2…。这题是考语义,关键是最后一个and 后接的那个动词V2的逻辑主语是谁——我认为是反对党。

  这个题我印象中正确选项是用which引导的,迷惑选项是同位语a result that开头的。

  2.全球变暖造成the increase of A,B and C; reduced D; and E。

  注意分号的用法。这题选这个是因为the increase of A,B,C, reduced D, and E语义illogical。


  选项1:…., and grew rapidly, offering xx services, and became a leading bank in Thailand, which was eventually widely used by companies in this nation.

  选项2: …., and grew rapidly to a leading bank in Thailand, offering xx services, that was eventually widely used by …



  5.Ving …., somebody started his career …。这题跟OG还是prep上有一题比较像。不过原题是Spanning xx years, somebody’s career started …;这题反过来,选项A中somebody’s career是主语,illogical。

  6.说现在网上可以开药店,有人就跳出来说消费者啊可能会把线下药店(需要处方)跟online 药店搞混(只要点击鼠标就行)。

  … consumers may confuse 线下处方药店that require prescriptions with online drugstores that … (大意啊,结构相同,但跟原用词未必一致)


  …consumers may confuse over 线下处方药店, requiring prescriptions, with online drugstores that …


  7.有题考到intend和aim的用法。大义是某项举措想达到目的一和二。目的一有aimed at Ving修饰,目的二就是个名词词组。

  正确选项是intended to acquire(这个词不确定,就当它是) O1 aimed at Ving … and O2.

  迷惑选项是intended to acquire O1 aimed to do sth and O2。

  Aimed at 与 aimed to 应该都可以,但是这里正确选项的语义是O1与O2并列,迷惑选项有歧义。

  8.还有一题失忆了,正确选项是S (pl.) …., and they … 这里面they跟前一句的主语对应,应该没有指代不清的问题。



  有两个选项分别以Because… 和 Since开头。Since开头的那个主句头上还用了个thus。个人认为because和since不是判断关键,是其他什么忘记了。我选的Because开头的那个。

  67. 0825cissy 750 v40

  我记得有一个考了一题,比较正确的选项有enough candidates和candidates enough, sufficient candidates,我选的是sufficient candidates,不知道对不对。。。




  57. yyj0810 700




  58. carbonzju

  有个点请大家讨论,楼主以 one sentence, and, in addition, verb 为错排除个一个选项,原因是and后面句子没有主语。 按照Manhattan说法,如果是逗号+and连接的是两个独立完整的句子。另外in addition和and放在一起有点wordy。

  Oil companies strongly critized the policies intended to help combat ***ing, attempts to ***, and investments of renewable energy___. 楼主选了A, to help 而不是 for doing, 更不是that ***。

  59. cmazhaoyu 590 v20

  语法有一题,讲A曾经开了个糖果店,but some may hardly (imagine that he 怎么怎么样,xxxxbecause he now 怎么怎么样),后面不记得了,好纠结。。。

  记得还有一题划线部分是that with......, and with

  有一个是讲so。。。that的 ,但是so that离得好远啊

  60. five626 760 v41

  1) 我的第一题,关键词是theU.S and Russia arbitration. 如果没有记错,我纠结的是以下2个 选项,他们的唯一差别是rather than 跟instead of 。大家考试的时候可以节约时间只研究这两个。

  B 。。disputes。。。rather than fighting them

  C。。。disputes。。。instead of fought

  2) 补充机井上24题:不一定完全一样,我考试的时候纠结的是修饰new drugs到底是用amount of 还是 number of 修饰。不确定

  A. while bringing the same, if not more, new drugs to market by…

  B while bringing the same amount of new drugs, if not more

  C. while bringing the same number of , if not more, new drugs

  3)我遇到这道题:不完全一样,我考试的时候纠结的是B,C 选项,因为他们的唯一差别是8 million前面有没有the。

  Half of the nearly 8million people that identified themselves to be P.S live within the U.S.

  A the nearly 8 million people that identified themselves to be P.S., live within

  B the nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live in

  C nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live in

  D nearly 8 million people who identified themselves to be P.S. live in

  E nearly 8 million people who identified themselves as P.S., live in


  4)【56.huyan1227 750 v41

  2.“貌似是GWD里面的,说unlike spinning light什么的,然后pulsar&aposs radiations emanates.... and originates.....as.....失忆了。。。求考古。“】

  正确选项应该是含有2个并列动词,只有一个这样的选项。Unlike spinning light,Pulsar ..does something and does something

  5)我还考了一题平行结构的题:government cut funding,说什么减少police,firighter的拨款,而且也不赞助一个program了。(我有觉得做过的,但是大全跟prep里面都找不到)

  61. fido11 700


  1. 第一道上来就是 … , having won election…,… 本来打算排除的,发现选项里面全是having won这样的用法有放句首,有放句尾,还有 having been won的,就根据句意表达选择了这个原句A。

  2. 有一道是 Not only的倒装句,所以后面的 but also 拆开了,事实上选项中也没有 but also连在一起的选项,我根据 句意,选的是 but in 19XX he also …

  62. rita0316 750 v42

  考到GWD原题,Whereas开头的,正确选项也是这个A, established corporations/companies..., modern corporations/companies,我记得不太清了,但肯定是established企业和modern的企业对比的。




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