


2017/08/10 17:40:47 编辑: 浏览次数:55 移动端


  68. sunhuang801 740 v39


  2.一道nearly 打头的题,主要有the的考察,之前在别的经验贴里面看到过,LZ选的有the的那一个。

  3.大意是做医学实验需要很多病人,很难收集齐,LZ选的sufficient patients,选项还有enough patients。

  69. kurdess 760

  那个Half of the 8 million people 的题也遇见了,正确的句子是 Half of THE 8 million people WHO identify themselves AS XXXX, live within US.

  这题不能选“ , identifying themselves...,”因为这个结构里identify 这个动作的主体就是HALF OF THE... PEOPLE, 而这个句子在逻辑上identify 自己的XXX的动作主体那全部800万人。既然要用who那么the必须要有,不在话下。

  70. ouying0501

  probability是remains unlike 还是remains small

  71. 650

  not only did sb do sth, but sb also did sth 考到了

  aime at/for 瞄准,对准 与 aim to do 致力于,打算 的区别也考了

  72. myaska 720 v38

  前半句没划线,然后划线从一个冒号开始,后面给了4个结构,但是很奇怪,第一个是there be结构,后面3个是主谓结构。我选的这个,因为我认为there be也算完整主谓结构,所以跟后面的3个主谓结构并列平行。

  73. 749391000 740 v40

  1.全球变暖造成the increase of A,B and C; reduced D; and E。考分号的用法。

  2.印象深的有一道, 里面提到了泥石流, storm, cyclone等自然灾害, 总之是cyclone导致了泥石流, 泥石流毁坏了村庄, 在storm没来得及破坏之前. 选项的后面应该用storm而不是it,不然会导致指代混乱.

  74. hyt 730 v38

  1. Like vs. as

  2. As be the case/as the case be…

  3. …showed/indicated that…, and that…

  4. Floods and mudflows, generated (maybe?) by cyclones… buried many families/houses, bore the storm swept…

  5. The… octopus has 8 arms, which…

  75. 豆菲 v37

  有一道比较不确定 ...,enough participants to .. 原文和划线部分真不记得了 有个选项是划线部分,但是不是a好像是d,我选了e sufficient participants

  76. chasedream123 710

  in more industrialized A 错的》》》》in A that is more industrialized

  还有个是 黑人作家为白人读者服务,要保证作品什么什么,还有seperating herself。 DE两个选项confusing。 D..........work yet also without ...serperating herself E ...........work yet which also ....seperates her。 不懂- - LZ选D。

  77. alibabaalimama 700 v34

  1.主语问题,跟PREP中X&aposs career span那个差不多,是career跨度很久而不是人做主语,这次考得是颠倒过来选人做主语

  2.考到了be identified to/as的区别,我选的to

  3.有一个平行并列sb Ved that....and that... 第一个that后开始划线到第二个that后,用that..and..that可排除四个选项

  78. Antonia1213 700 v36

  Half of the nearly 8 million people that identified themselves to be P.S.(两个单词,首字母是这个,应该是一类人的意思) live within the U.S.

  A the nearly 8 million people that identified themselves to be P.S., live within

  B the nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live in

  C nearly 8 million people, identifying themselves as P.S., live within

  D nearly 8 million people who identified themselves to be P.S. live in

  E nearly 8 million people who identified themselves as P.S., live in

  答案是B 我专门问过一外国人 此人两次都是verbal50分 一定要加the


  2) 补充机井上24题:不一定完全一样,我考试的时候纠结的是修饰new drugs到底是用amount of 还是 number of 修饰。不确定

  A. while bringing the same, if not more, new drugs to market by…

  B while bringing the same amount of new drugs, if not more

  C. while bringing the same number of , if not more, new drugs

  这个选的是amount那个选项 number只能用greater修饰(v50分的神人选择)

  3. unlike a poster,who。。。,划线。。。

  比较对象一致原则,划线部分开头也应该是人,好像是a magazine manager。。。有一个选项是magazine managers,和managers of magazines但是除了unlike后面也是单数外,划线后面部分有个单数代词,所以可以把另外两个排除




  68. sunhuang801 740 v39


  2.一道nearly 打头的题,主要有the的考察,之前在别的经验贴里面看到过,LZ选的有the的那一个。

  3.大意是做医学实验需要很多病人,很难收集齐,LZ选的sufficient patients,选项还有enough patients。

  69. kurdess 760

  那个Half of the 8 million people 的题也遇见了,正确的句子是 Half of THE 8 million people WHO identify themselves AS XXXX, live within US.

  这题不能选“ , identifying themselves...,”因为这个结构里identify 这个动作的主体就是HALF OF THE... PEOPLE, 而这个句子在逻辑上identify 自己的XXX的动作主体那全部800万人。既然要用who那么the必须要有,不在话下。

  70. ouying0501

  probability是remains unlike 还是remains small

  71. 650

  not only did sb do sth, but sb also did sth 考到了

  aime at/for 瞄准,对准 与 aim to do 致力于,打算 的区别也考了

  72. myaska 720 v38

  前半句没划线,然后划线从一个冒号开始,后面给了4个结构,但是很奇怪,第一个是there be结构,后面3个是主谓结构。我选的这个,因为我认为there be也算完整主谓结构,所以跟后面的3个主谓结构并列平行。



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