


2017/08/10 17:40:05 编辑: 浏览次数:235 移动端



  [版本1] by cutie0829





  [版本2] by sallyc q51 v20 610

  p1大脑的神经系统 信号通过反射弧传递

  p2有一个大概是用化学物质为媒介的传递方式也存在大脑中。细胞把这个物质放出来,他旁边的细胞不一定接 受这个物质反而离的很远的可能接受。这就好像blabla在血液里传播一样(这里有题是个类比)这个化学物质对神经调节有反馈作用(这里有定位,此时lz 恢复记忆了!这货难道是生物书里说的神经调节和体液调节)



  In its 1903 decision in the case of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United States Supreme Court rejected the forts of three Native American tribes to prevent the opening of tribal lands to non-Indian settlement without tribal consent.In his study of the Lone Wolf case, Blue Clark properly emphasizes the Court&aposs assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs.But he fails to note the decision&aposs more far-reaching impact:shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy.Many commentators believe that this change had already occurred in 1871 when--following a dispute between the House and the Senate over which chamber should enjoy primacy in Indian affairs--Congress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes.But in reality the federal government continued to negotiate formal tribal agreements past the turn of the century, treating these documents not as treaties with sovereign nations requiring ratification by the Senate but simply as legislation to be passed by both houses of Congress.The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.

  Question #8.075-03(21581-!-item-!-188;#058&000075-03)

  According to the passage, the congressional action of 1871 had which of the following fects?

  (A) Native American tribal agreements were treated as legislation that had to be passed by both houses of Congress.

  (B) The number of formal agreements negotiated between the federal government and Native American tribes decreased.

  (C) The procedures for congressional approval and implementation of federal Indian policy were made more precise.

  (D) It became more difficult for Congress to exercise unilateral authority over Native American affairs.

  (E) The role of Congress in the ratification of treaties with sovereign nations was eventually undermined.



  [版本1] by chenqiuyi


  ice age, 有一个神马理论推出其成因,好像是跟地球绕太阳公转有关系。其中有一位仁兄站出来由另一种说法,结尾科学家说有待考究(原文说的是要第二个新理论成立必须排除一些别的因数比如潮汐和海水什么•影响来着)


  关于怎么鉴定ice age的,第一段某M提出一种观点,某I发现ocean sediment的某种特质证明了这种观点,第二段某人发现陆地上的一些东西反驳了M,第三段说M的观点是对的,第二段的家伙和I不同是陆地和海洋的数据有差异。


  ice age

  Milokovi...米洛克维奇音译,提出 ice age与earth orbiting around sun有关。直到1980s?有个**,给了evidence from sediment in marine sheld。

  new study ice age recent 时长是曾经的两倍,所以M说的不对。...

  Moreover, 有很多别的原因。(无力啊)



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