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53.** check use
[V1]By grenoble123
悲摧的人生有悲摧的结果作证:M49V35 Total700
补充一个新的阅读,是关于check use,
P2解释了一对,什么goods然后substitute的,和check use相关
P3说一个人出来分析为什么check use普遍因为check writer/check receiver怎么样,主要说check writer可以check float value给自己带来benifit
P4作者分析上面这个人的分析说错误的,一个人银行的出来check ficiency已经很高;另外check receiver也知道check float value,所以会和check writer谈判得到更好的条款
[V2]By Tobelogical (700)
Market failure is a commonly accepted view of what’s happened in the market for payment instruments. According to this view, the users of checks are the check writers. And for those individuals and businesses, the private cost, or price, of using checks has been distorted by the value of check float, or the time between the writing and clearing of a check. During that time, of course, the funds can earn interest for the check writer rather than for the check receiver. The size of this benefit is thought to have reduced the price of check use below the cost to society of producing and processing checks. Since individuals and businesses don’t face that higher social cost, they continue to use checks despite the existence of other means of payment that are less costly to society. In short, checks are overused.
That view is suspect even if the data still supported it, though (考试改为:This conventional view, however, is increasingly suspect.Q1). (考试加入:Because of reason 1 and more and more fecient processing ..., the value of float is too small to affect .... Even though, the value is large enough, ...Q2.) The view seems to assume that only the agent on one side of a transaction—the check writer—recognizes and takes advantage of the value of float. That assumption doesn’t correspond with expected rational behavior. Since float is a transfer payment from the check receiver to the check writer, with no allocative fects overall, rational agents are likely to negotiate a mutually benicial distribution of any significant value of float.(Q3) And, in fact, this type of negotiation is common for large payments between businesses, for which the value of float is potentially large. In practice, many business-to-business payments contractually stipulate payment transaction terms that internalize the fects of float.
Q1,考试改成括号中的样子,不一定一样,但是蓝色部分是一样的,问题是:the proponent would probably agree with which of the following statements.注意这里是proponent,不是opponent,所以要到上一段中找答案,但是GMAT在这段标重,有点阴险。楼主选的是the cost to society of producing and processing is not paid directly by check writer, 不一定对,供参考。
Q2,考试加了括号中的一句话,然后问more ficient processing意味着什么?lz选的是the value of float is distorted by it. 供参考
Q3,a rational check reciever would: maximize the fect of the value of float (lz答案,定位是蓝色部分).
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1.1.4 check支付方式★△
V1 【by: tracytx121】
还有一个貌似也是现象解释 一屏半好像 就是说check的使用率很高,虽然它的什么social cost大, 在其他的什么支付方式都被更普遍使用的时候,check的使用率还是居高不下。后面就是解释..有一个什么conventional explanation说balabalabala..另一段好像是另外一个解释.
V2 【by: 伍月 690】
V3 【by: tent1985】
第一段是说,现在电子化的支付方式很多,但是paper check 还是很受欢迎,占80%什么的
第二段,讲paper check多说明市场不健康,似乎稍微讲了点原因
第三段,重点说这个paper check的弊端吧,writer怎么样怎么样,可是拿利息,不用承担什么什么风险
V4 【by: gillian0404 670】
阅读:阅读第一篇我是讲pay check的。。JJ里面内容比较全。大家原谅我的记忆力把@~>< 第一段是给出一个现象说现在许多人都用电子的card之类的神马东西结账,但是check还是很有市场。
第二段ms是说,pay check。。。。。的writer 好像可以take advantage of 神马东东,但是check receiver跟他不同,,,呃。。具体啥不同。
V5 【by: julycloud 760】
第三篇也是狗狗,就是check 那篇,狗狗也很详细,不想说了,我觉得虽然三段都在说check 使用普遍(the failure )的原因,但重点应该是最后一段作者对这种传统的认为float可以带来 利润的批判。它给出了原因,1因为技术提高(高亮,有题--作用是减少从写到收的时间,确定是这个呵呵) 2 当量较大时,receiver可以采取行动以减少float产生的损失--和writter商量(有题) 所以大家要多注意下最后一段呵呵
V6 【by: heygika 740】11.8日
注意作者观点, 反驳传统观点, 承认paper check是好的.
2.高亮 technology,问作用。
一个选项是interest rate降低了, 一个是可以negotiate.
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V7 【by: Frennie 750】11.12日
我考到的是4段式的。。。第四段就是狗里待确认那段。。= =
第一句有变。是 the conventional view....这里有高亮。问了个题说。如果这个view是对的话。那么market failure的原因之一是什么。。第三段第一句应该有说这个view支持的是market failure 是因为check 的overuse但是答案里没有这个选项。。于是我选了因为Since individuals and businesses don’t face that higher social cost类似的意思。。。(反正就是最后一句里面有讲为什么overuse。我就选了那个)
V8 【by: aaronkib 760】11.12日
真的有点长,可是狗儿里三段准确,文章也不难,比较细的考点似乎在第四段。主要就是说因为利率下降还有高科技,float的价值变小了,另外check receiver 也不是阿呆,如果价值够大也是会协商
问题: 第四段说利率下降是要干嘛?
说float的影响(或价值)被夸大了 问题不准确,答案还蛮确定的
我找到那个Check 支付方式的原文了,原文是个论文,但是第四段与jj里的不太一样,这个链接是论文的PDF。那个jj里待确定的第四段在第三页的右上角
原文搜索: chinamerica
狗主人:(kking v37)是这个原文没错,前三段一样,如果我没记错的话,后面还有,应该是讲质疑第三段传统观点的. 相关链接:
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53.** check use
[V1]By grenoble123
悲摧的人生有悲摧的结果作证:M49V35 Total700
补充一个新的阅读,是关于check use,
P2解释了一对,什么goods然后substitute的,和check use相关
P3说一个人出来分析为什么check use普遍因为check writer/check receiver怎么样,主要说check writer可以check float value给自己带来benifit
P4作者分析上面这个人的分析说错误的,一个人银行的出来check ficiency已经很高;另外check receiver也知道check float value,所以会和check writer谈判得到更好的条款
[V2]By Tobelogical (700)
Market failure is a commonly accepted view of what’s happened in the market for payment instruments. According to this view, the users of checks are the check writers. And for those individuals and businesses, the private cost, or price, of using checks has been distorted by the value of check float, or the time between the writing and clearing of a check. During that time, of course, the funds can earn interest for the check writer rather than for the check receiver. The size of this benefit is thought to have reduced the price of check use below the cost to society of producing and processing checks. Since individuals and businesses don’t face that higher social cost, they continue to use checks despite the existence of other means of payment that are less costly to society. In short, checks are overused.
That view is suspect even if the data still supported it, though (考试改为:This conventional view, however, is increasingly suspect.Q1). (考试加入:Because of reason 1 and more and more fecient processing ..., the value of float is too small to affect .... Even though, the value is large enough, ...Q2.) The view seems to assume that only the agent on one side of a transaction—the check writer—recognizes and takes advantage of the value of float. That assumption doesn’t correspond with expected rational behavior. Since float is a transfer payment from the check receiver to the check writer, with no allocative fects overall, rational agents are likely to negotiate a mutually benicial distribution of any significant value of float.(Q3) And, in fact, this type of negotiation is common for large payments between businesses, for which the value of float is potentially large. In practice, many business-to-business payments contractually stipulate payment transaction terms that internalize the fects of float.
Q1,考试改成括号中的样子,不一定一样,但是蓝色部分是一样的,问题是:the proponent would probably agree with which of the following statements.注意这里是proponent,不是opponent,所以要到上一段中找答案,但是GMAT在这段标重,有点阴险。楼主选的是the cost to society of producing and processing is not paid directly by check writer, 不一定对,供参考。
Q2,考试加了括号中的一句话,然后问more ficient processing意味着什么?lz选的是the value of float is distorted by it. 供参考
Q3,a rational check reciever would: maximize the fect of the value of float (lz答案,定位是蓝色部分).
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阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲